Homegrown Enemies (UK)

- The Stabbing - Scott Marcussen (episode intro)

- Piano Steps - Mark Russell (show intro)

- Cyber Psycho - Steve Everitt ("Parasites are some of the most successful and abundant organisms on the planet.")


- Willows - Chris Lang, Eric Cunningham (2009, Manchester, New Jersey)

- Razor Sharp - Billy Conrad, Sam Keaton ("But a parasitic invader is about to transform John from caretaker to patient.")

- Behind You - Ralv Gielen (John begins to feel feverish)

- The Hideout - Brad Smith (John previously had Hodgkin's Lymphoma)

- Dark March - Daniel Backes, Peter Moslener [UBM Music] (John calls his primary-care physician)

- Why We Fight - Bruno Alexiu [Cezame Music Agency] (fever returns a week later)

- Fade to Black - Daniel Backes, Peter Moslener [UBM Music] (John's condition worsens overnight)

- Castle Keep - Brad Smith (John's girlfriend Kristen calls to check up on him)

- Giving You the Creeps - Daniel Backes, Peter Moslener (Kristen rushes to John's house)   

- The Human Animal - Florian Moser (ambulance rushes John to the hospital/John's temperature is 105)

- Unanswered Truth - Robert Bennett (briefly plays in between the previous and next track)

- The 8th Deadly Sin [Prolog] - Ralv Gielen (E.R. team contacts John's personal physician, Dr. Frank Alario)

- Ballistics Analysis - Scott Marcussen (doctors discover the culprit)

- Deceived - Anthony Phillips (babesiosis)

- The Stabbing - Scott Marcussen (what the babesia parasite does)

- Personal Data (a) - Baxter Poe, Stan Hope (John had his spleen removed)

- Dead Ringers - Anthony Phillips (what the spleen does)

- A Harsh Reality - Ronni Shaw (John explains he walks barefoot to his mailbox/life cycle of the babesia parasite)

- Deceived - Anthony Phillips (doctors flood John's body with antibiotics/the medicine isn't working)

- Dark Pulse 11 - Bernhard Hering, Martin Wester, Matthias Kruger (doctors decide to perform a blood transfusion)

- Cyber Psycho - Steve Everitt ("The killer parasite babesia is rampaging through John Taverner's body.")

- Snake Danger - Steve Everitt (the transfusion goes underway)

- Endless Dunes - Daniel Backes, Peter Moslener (transfusion works/John recovers)

- Added Addiction - Kurt Oldman (how to avoid the babesia parasite)


- Solving the Puzzle - Christophe La Pinta (March 2007, Rochester, New York)

- The Informer - Anthony Phillips ("As well as being a busy mom, Pam spends long hours working as a political fundraiser.")

- Piano Mystery Fall - Steve Everitt (Pam getting ready to leave for the airport)

- The Trial - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik [Cezame Music Agency] (Pam struck by painful stomach cramps and diarrhea)

- Giving You the Creeps - Daniel Backes, Peter Moslener (Pam misses her flight)

- Still Frame Beauty - Steve Everitt (stomach cramps are gone the next morning)

- Forensic Fear - Steve Everitt; ? (Pam starts to feel lightheaded)

- Distant Spaces - Daniel Backes, Peter Moslener [UBM Music] (Pam makes an appointment with her eye doctor)

- Unanswered Truth - Robert Bennett (Pam goes to her appointment)

- Tense Convoy - Mark Sayer-Wade (explanation of ocular migraines/doctor recommends Pam cut back on her busy lifestyle)

- Victims Memory - Lois Blanca [Cezame Music Agency]; Robotic Bugs - Kurt Oldman (Pam hit with extreme dizziness while shopping with her daughters)

- The Calling - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik [Cezame Music Agency] (Pam makes her way to a bench outside the store)

- Minesweeping - Jean Yves Rigo (Pam makes an appointment with the family doctor)

- Thunder Drums - Billy Lincoln (test results come back)

- Why We Fight - Bruno Alexiu [Cezame Music Agency] (explanation of white blood cells)

- From the Shadows - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik [Cezame Music Agency] (Pam's doctor refers her to Dr. William Bonnez)

- Terminate - Anthony Phillips (Pam fears it might be cancer)

- Smoke & Mirrors - Steve Martin (Inside the Monster)

- Full Impact - Dusty Grey, William Smith ("Doctors have just told 50-year-old political fundraiser Pam Baker that she might have cancer.")

- Distant Harp - Daniel Backes, Peter Moslener [UBM Music] (doctor takes samples of Pam's blood)

- Victims Memory - Lois Blanca [Cezame Music Agency] (two weeks later, Pam gets a call from Dr. Bonnez)

- Fade to Black - Daniel Backes, Peter Moslener [UBM Music] (blood tests reveal toxocara)

- Snake Danger - Steve Everitt (toxocara)

- Damp Alley - Baxter Poe, Stan Hope, Thomas Hirschmann (what the toxocara parasite does)

- Distant Spaces - Daniel Backes, Peter Moslener [UBM Music] (doctors are worried the parasite has invaded Pam's eye)

- Web of Intrigue - Andrew Britton, David Goldsmith (Dr. Bonnez summons Pam to his office)

- Lonely Riding - Daniel Backes, Peter Moslener [UBM Music] (life cycle of the toxocara parasite)

- Glitch Glimmer (b) - Baxter Poe, Josh Mobley, Stan Hope (Pam wonders if her dog could have the parasite)

- Identity Theft - Takeshi Furukawa (the Bakers sent their dog for testing)

- Grave Danger - Takeshi Furukawa (the family dog tests negative/Pam may never know how she became infected)

- Ambient Time - Baxter Poe, Josh Mobley, Stan Hope (Pam has completely recovered)

- Scary Nuptules - Baxter Poe, Josh Mobley, Stan Hope ("The CDC believes toxocara cases in the U.S. are fairly common."/how to avoid toxocara)


- Montage (Under) - Gregg Lehrman, Ryan Scott (2008, Staffordsville, Kentucky)

- Terminate - Anthony Phillips ("But Bonnie and Jonathan's good life is about to take a deadly plunge into the world of parasitic infection.")

- Strange Happening - Anthony Phillips (Bonnie getting ready for a family get-together/Bonnie hit by severe coughing)

- Castle Keep - Brad Smith: Spooky Danger - Daniel Backes, Peter Moslener (Bonnie turns to her asthma medications for relief, to no avail)

- Minor Threat (a) - Baxter Poe, Stan Hope (Bonnie sees a doctor/doctor orders a chest X-ray)

- Evidence (a) - Baxter Poe, Stan Hope (Bonnie diagnosed with pneumonia/Bonnie given steroids)

- Toxic Element - Arnaud Rozenblat, Daniel Finot [Cezame Music Agency] (Bonnie becomes extremely nauseous and loses her appetite)

- Malady - Kurt Oldman (a few days later, Bonnie still isn't eating)

- Glitch Glimmer - Baxter Poe, Josh Mobley, Stan Hope (Bonnie develops excruciating muscle spasms and severe vomiting)

- Doing the Deal - Mark Sayer-Wade (Bonnie begins to fear the worst)

- The Human Animal - Florian Moser ("56-year-old Bonnie Duncan is experiencing terrible stomach cramps.")

- Swat - Steve Everitt (Jonathan frantically rushes Bonnie to the hospital)

- Undercover Mission - Bob Bradley [Audio Network] (enter Dr. Bahram Forouzandeh)

- Urgency - Helen Jane Long [Audio Network] (Dr. Forouzandeh performs an endoscopy)

- Grim Countdown - Baxter Poe, Josh Mobley, Stan Hope; Behind You - Ralv Gielen (strongyloides)

- Glitch Glimmer - Baxter Poe, Josh Mobley, Stan Hope (what the strongyloides parasite does)

- Under Surveillance - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik [Cezame Music Agency] (Dr. Forouzandeh believes Bonnie's steroid treatment caused the parasite to run rampant/Bonnie given ivermectin)

- Piano Mystery Fall - Steve Everitt (doctors wonder how Bonnie got infected)

- Damp Alley - Baxter Poe, Stan Hope, Thomas (life cycle of the strongyloides parasite)

- Ambient Flow - Daniel Backes, Peter Moslener (doctors believe Bonnie got the parasite from being outside)

- Point Zero - Mark Sayer-Wade (without warning, Bonnie develops massive internal bleeding and starts to cough up blood)

- Nocturnal Percussion - Mark Sayer-Wade (doctors determine Bonnie must have emergency surgery immediately)

- Spooky Danger - Daniel Backes, Peter Moslener (doctors perform the surgery, while Bonnie's family wait)

- Uneven Axis - Daniel Darras [Cezame Music Agency] (hours later, the doctors manage to stop the bleeding by cutting out a large portion of Bonnie's small intestine, but it may be too late)

- Weight of Water - Anthony Phillips (Bonnie placed in intensive care, where she remains in critical condition for the next two weeks)

- Piano Mystery Fall - Steve Everitt (briefly plays in-between the previous and next tracks)

- Memory Montage - Kurt Oldman (Bonnie's condition starts to improve)

- The Stabbing - Scott Marcussen (how to the avoid the strongyloides parasite/some parasite do well in developed countries)

- Smoke & Mirrors - Steve Martin (ending screen)

Choosing Between Life and Limb (UK)


- Piano Steps - Mark Russell (show intro)


- Raise Your Game - Barrie Gledden, Richard Kimmings [Audio Network] (Oak Lawn, Illinois)

- Counting Down - Michael Levine, Scott Roewe (Kent Carson is a bank manager dating Cheryl Johnstone)

- Circle of Ghosts - Chris Norton, Frank Mizen [Audio Network] (Kent and Cheryl go out on a date)

- Disturbing Veil - Anthony Phillips (Kent starts to feel cold)

- Underworld Drum - Anthony Phillips (at home, Kent alternates between feeling hot and feeling cold)

- Hostile Place - Anthony Phillips (the next morning, Kent wakes up coughing)

- Cracking the Surface - Scott Marcussen (Kent's temperature is 102.5)

- Lethal Run - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (Cheryl urges Kent to see a doctor, but Kent wants to go to work)

- Dark Visions - Boris Nonte, Ronni Shaw (Kent heads to work but doesn't feel better)

- Chased By Evil - Robert Bennett (Kent falls down in the parking lot)

- Why We Fight - Bruno Alexiu [Cezame Music Agency] (Kent attempts to pick himself up, but falls again)

- Chased By Evil - Robert Bennett (Kent's co-worker rushes him to the E.R.)

- Life or Death - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (later that afternoon, Cheryl sits by her phone at home waiting for a response from Kent, and at 4:00 PM gets a call from Kent that he's in the hospital being admitted)

- Nevada Snakebite - Dan Skinner, Adam Skinner [Audio Network] (Cheryl rushes to the hospital/Kent's temperature is now 105)

- Joker - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik (Cheryl becomes scared)

- Blood Thirsty - Frederick Kron, Joanna Balloonknot (Kent's blood and urine tests come back)

- Envy 7 - Dan Skinner, Adam Skinner, Simon Skinner [Audio Network] (Kent diagnosed with legionnaires disease)

- Urban Ambush (a) - Baxter Poe, Matt Novack, Stan Hope (the legionella bacteria has invaded Kent's lungs and bloodstream)

- Unknown Future - Anthony Phillips, Chris White (doctors give Kent only a 10% chance of survival/Kent placed on multiple drugs)

- Chased By Evil - Robert Bennett (blood contamination results in Kent going into multi-organ failure/doctors give Kent vasopressors)

- Dark Void - David Edwards (Kent's limbs start to rot)

- Claustrophobia - Chris Egan, Trystan Francis [Audio Network] (explanation of gangrene)

- Desolate - David O'Brien [Audio Network]; Scary Orchestra Rise - Baxter Poe, Stan Hope (Kent forced to choose between life and limb)

- Blood Thirsty - Frederick Kron, Joanna Balloonknot ("Kent Carson is in the ICU suffering from an extreme case of legionnaires disease.")

- Desolate - David O'Brien [Audio Network] (Kent taken into surgery to amputate his feet and hand)

- Puzzled - Bob Bradley [Audio Network] (Kent sees his amputated limbs)

- New Horizons - Paul Mottram [Audio Network] (after eight months of physical therapy with prosthetics, Kent finally makes a stand for himself)

- Threat Level - Matt Hill [Audio Network] (legionella bacteria is found in water sources/where Kent got the bacteria is still unknown)

- Delicate Beauty - Michael Jones, Thomas Chase (Kent and Cheryl are now engaged)

- Question Everything - Baxter Poe, Stan Hope (how to keep the legionella bacteria at bay)


- Dynasty Madness - Boris Nonte, Ronni Shaw (case intro)

- Breton Lament 2 - Christian Marsac [Audio Network] (Willow Creek, California/Willie Reynolds has four kids)

- Clearer - Thornton Jenkins (the kids' grandparents, Shirlee and Jack, look after them when Willie is away as a tree logger)

- Light in the Attic - Scott Marcussen ("One Friday afternoon in April, Shirlee is at work."/Jack calls Shirlee and tells her he's taken Precious to the doctor)

- Surveillance - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock, Ellie Kidd [Audio Network] (explanation of appendicitis)

- Vampire Playground - Barrie Gledden, Chris Bussey [Audio Network] (Jack tells Shirlee he has to take Precious to the hospital)

- Tension Factor - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (Shirlee rushes to meet Jack and Precious at the hospital)

- Critical Tension - Philip Guyler [Audio Network] (surgeon determines it's not appendicitis)

- Anxious - Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (surgeon thinks it's just the flu, and sends Precious home)

- Dark Pulse 10 - Bernhard Hering, Martin Wester, Matthias Kruger (that night, Precious complains of back and neck pains to Shirlee)

- Cocoon - Evelyn Glennie [Audio Network] (the next day, Shirlee makes the kids soup/Precious gets up to go to the bathroom)

- Chased By Evil - Robert Bennett (Precious falls over)

- Investigations Have Started - Daniel Backes, Peter Moslener (that night, Shirlee prepares to take Precious up to bed)

- Wiretap - Murray Munro (Precious says she's unable to move)

- Evil State - Anthony Phillips (Precious is completely paralyzed)

- Stalked and Hunted - Jeffrey Cardoni ("In Willow Creek, California, Shirlee and Jack Roby discover that their granddaughter, Precious, is unable to move.")

- Build to Bang - Steve Everitt ("I said "I'm taking her to the hospital."")

- Ferro Ignique 2 - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock, Ellie Kidd [Audio Network] (Shirlee rushes Precious to the emergency room)

- Stalked and Hunted - Jeffrey Cardoni (doctors put Precious on a breathing tube)

- Killers Breath - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik [Cezame Music Agency] (Precious medevaced to U.C. Davis Children's Hospital in Sacramento)

- Heart of Darkness - David O'Brien [Audio Network] (Shirlee calls Precious' father, Willie)

- Waiting Game - Helen Jane Long [Audio Network] ("It was hard to see my daughter like that.")

- In the Deep End - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (Dr. Jean Wiedeman takes on Precious' case)

- Core of Corruption - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (explanation of neurologic disease)

- Threat Level - Matt Hill [Audio Network] (Dr. Wiedeman orders an MRI of Precious' brain/Dr. Wiedeman asks Shirley a series of questions, considering polio and West Nile virus)

- The Informer - Anthony Phillips (explanation of the West Nile virus (recycled from There's a Worm in My Eye))

- Threat Level - Matt Hill [Audio Network] (Dr. Wiedeman orders a spinal tap and blood work)

- Paranormalyzer - Jonas Baker (two days later, a doctor from the California Department of Health calls with the results)

- Wind Shift - Kurt Oldman (rabies)

- Time Passes - Barrie Gledden, Steve Dymond, Jason Pedder [Audio Network] ("Personally, for me, it was a tough discussion to have with the family, because we knew that this disease was...almost 100% lethal.")

- The Search Begins - Luke Richards [Audio Network] ("When she said that, my mouth dropped to the table, I-I...it-it blew me away.")

- Blockbuster - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] ("Each year, more than 55,000 people die worldwide from rabies infection, and nearly half are under the age of 15.")

- Wind Shift - Kurt Oldman (Dr. Wiedeman decides to put Precious in a coma)

- Stalked and Hunted - Jeffrey Cardoni (Precious also put on antiviral medication)

- Drone the Beginning - Baxter Poe, Stan Hope, Thomas Hirschmann (doctors tell the family to enjoy the time they have Precious they have left)

- The Return of Evil - Scott Glasgow ("But after three days, the outlook still seems bleak.")

- ? (Precious starts to decline)

- Endless Highway - Anthony Phillips, Samuel Bohn (Precious' grandmother Shirlee gives her words of encouragement)

- Joker - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik (test results reveal Precious actually fighting the disease)

- Dead Air - Scott Marcussen (doctors spot Precious moving her toes)

- Silent Heart - Anthony Phillips, Samuel Bohn (Precious, in spite of the overwhelming odds, defeats the rabies virus)

- Reality Investigation - Ronni Shaw (Precious is only the third unvaccinated person in U.S. medical history to survive symptomatic rabies)

- Ace Investigator - Ronni Shaw (how the rabies virus is spread to humans)

- Menace - Debbie Wiseman [Audio Network] (Precious recalls being scratched by a stray cat at school)

- Coming into Focus - Rik Carter (after two months of physical therapy, Precious makes a near-full recovery)

- Clearer - Thornton Jenkins (Precious even enters a rodeo two weeks after leaving the hospital)

- Sinister Angel - Christopher Ashmore, Benjamin Marks [Audio Network] (how to reduce the spread of rabies)


- Piano Steps - Mark Russell (case intro)

- Country Folk - Richard Beddow (Longmont, Colorado)

- Delicate Beauty - Michael Jones, Thomas Chase (Andrew Dauer, despite starting his first week of college, remains close with his mother, Karen)

- Counting Down - Michael Levine, Scott Roewe (Andrew also likes to play soccer)

- Thoughts - David Michael, Lee Pomeroy [Audio Network] ("But three weeks into his freshman year, his hopes for the future get a reality check.")

- Troubled - Ian Clarke, Simon Painter (Andrew finds something in his left eye on his way home from ice skating)

- Scary Orchestra Rise - Baxter Poe, Stan Hope (Andrew heads straight to the bathroom upon returning to his dorm)

- Question Everything - Baxter Poe, Stan Hope (the next morning, the problem is still there)

- Time Torture - Anthony Phillips (Andrew runs his eyes under water)

- Cracking the Surface - Scott Marcussen (a week later, Andrew's eye gets worse)

- Desolate - David O'Brien [Audio Network] (Andrew goes to the Student Health Center/explanation of pink eye)

- Robotic Bugs - Kurt Oldman (eye drops don't do anything to improve Andrew's eye/Andrew becomes photosensitive while playing soccer)

- Quiet Storm - Helen Jane Long [Audio Network] (Andrew phones his mother later that night that he can't play soccer anymore)

- Brought to Life - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (the next day, Andrew prepares to go visit a local optometrist, but needs to have a friend blindfold and guide him to protect his eyes from the sun)

- The Unexplained - Frederick Kron, Joanna Balloonknot ("College freshman Andrew Dauer has spent a month battling a severe pain that has spread to both his eyes.")

- Dark Void - David Edwards (optometrist gives Andrew stronger antibiotics and steroid drops)

- Wanderlust - Simon Lambros [Audio Network] (a week later, the medication has failed to work)

- Claustrophobia - Chris Egan, Trystan Francis [Audio Network] (the next day, the optometrist finds scarring in Andrew's eye)

- Spooks in the Wheel - Anthony Phillips (three days later, Andrew returns to the optometrist)

- Hard Smash Rise (a) - Baxter Poe, Stan Hope, Thomas Hirschmann (scars have expanded)

- Exercise Caution - Jeffrey Cardoni ("College student Andrew Dauer has just been told by his optometrist that he has severe scars on both of his eyeballs.")

- Build to Bang - Steve Everitt (acanthamoeba keratitis)

- Reflex - Bob Bradley, Matt Sanchez [Audio Network] (acanthmoeba parasite is devouring Andrew's eyeballs)

- Between the Lines - Michael Levine (losing his vision would stop Andrew from pursuing his dream to be an engineer)

- Chased By Evil - Robert Bennett ("And I was freaking out.")

- Final Farewell - Marti Amado (Andrew prays for his condition to improve)

- Cold Blooded Killer - Scott Marcussen (optometrist refers Andrew to another eye specialist/his mother Karen joins him for the appointment)

- Illusions 1 - Paul Osborne (Andrew prescribed a painful drug called chlorhexidine)

- Patiently - Paul Mottram [Audio Network] (after four months of the drug, Andrew's eyes finally improve)

- Time & Motion 2 - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (life cycle of the acanthamoeba parasite)

- Out of the Darkness 12 - Paul Mottram [Audio Network] (Andrew's mother assumes he got the parasite from not taking proper care of his contacts)

- Introspective - Terry Devine-King, Tom Peters, Gavin Harrison [Audio Network] (Andrew now wears glasses/Andrew has resumed his engineering studies)

- Strange - Steve Everitt (how to avoid contracting acanthamoeba keratitis)

- Smoke & Mirrors - Steve Martin (ending screen)

An Amoeba is Eating My Brain (UK)


- Piano Steps - Mark Russell (show intro)


- ? (Phoenix, Arizona/Jim Ehrenstorm works in I.T., and his wife Ashley is a school psychologist)

- Blissful Dream - Johnny Lithium [Audio Network] (the couple have a 2-year-old daugther, Evelyn)

- Enter the Catacombs - Ron Riddle [KPM Music] (one early evening in Spring, Evelyn is in her playroom with her mom when she starts to cry)

- Heightened Security - David Huizenga [KPM Music] (Evelyn won't stop crying, so Ashley calls in Jim to help calm her down/Ashley puts a band-aid on Evelyn's finger, but it does little to help)

- ? (a fews minute later, the family is watching Evelyn's favorite cartoon, when Evelyn starts to thrash)

- Winding Breeze - James Dorman (Jim and Ashley put Evelyn in the car to take her to urgent care, where Ashley notices Evelyn's breathing is labored)

- ? (Evelyn starts to throw up)

- ? (Ashley starts to become terrified)

- World Order - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (at the clinic, doctors believe Evelyn has a stomach issue)

- Prescience (a) - Michael Price, Laurence Greed [KPM Music] (doctor gives Evelyn an anti-nausea shot)

- Crunchtime (a) - James Davies [APM Music] (30 minutes later, the anti-nausea shot hasn't worked)

- Waiting Game - Helen Jane Long [Audio Network] (Jim and Ashley are helpless to stop Evelyn's pain)

- ? ("2-year-old Evelyn Ehrenstrom is in severe pain, and vomiting uncontrollably...which even an anti-nausea shot has not stopped.")

- National Concern - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (Jim and Ashley decide to take Evelyn to the hospital)

- Documentary Underscore [#3] - Frederic Sans [APM Music] (at the hospital, pediatric emergency physician Dr. David Ruby takes on Evelyn's case)

- Fanatical Gangs - Doug Bossi, Sarah Schachner [KPM Music] (Dr. Ruby gives Evelyn a physical examination)

- ? (Dr. Ruby makes a startling diagnosis)

- Rural Prison* - Doug Bossi, Doug Beiden [KPM Music] (Evelyn has a scorpion sting)

- ? (scorpion venom is coursing through Evelyn's bloodstream and spreading neurotoxins that are attacking the cells of her nervous system)

- Gods Must Die - Dragas Goran, Trammell Jack [SOURCE NOT KNOWN] ("Everything that Evelyn was going through was scary.")

- Safari - Christopher Ashmore [Audio Network] ("What makes scorpion venom so potent is that it disrupts the body's nerve cells.")

- Uncertain Answers - Drew Lerdal, Brian Reidinger, Darren Drew [KPM Music] ("She was pretty classic for...uh, the type of symptoms we'd expect to see with a scorpion sting.")

- Life Pulse - Rick Baker [Warner Chappell Music] ("Evelyn's situation was definitely an emergency, since if not immediately taken care of and controlled, she could end up in the intensive care unit.")

- Intentional Concealment - David Vanacore, Joseph Greenier [KPM Music] (Evelyn placed on antivenom)

- Lost Prophecies - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock, Ellie Kidd [Audio Network] (Evelyn wrangles the I.V. loose)

- Diagnostic (a) - Michael Price, Nicholas Hill [KPM Music] (Jim and Ashley wait by Evelyn's side)

- Hand on Heart 3 - David Kelly [Audio Network] (after an hour, Evelyn opens her eyes)

- Teeth Grind - Max Concors [APM Music] (the scorpion that stung Evelyn was a bark scorpion)

- ? (Ashley believes the scorpion was inside Evelyn's play bowl in her playroom)

- Little Lights - Terry Devine-King, Tom Jenkins [Audio Network] (a few hours later, Evelyn is sent home, and today, Jim and Ashley are more cautious about checking for scorpions)

- ? (today, Evelyn has made a full recovery)


- Electronic Warfare* - David Vanacore, Brandon Thompson [KPM Music]; Police and Protestors - David Vanacore, Joseph Greenier [KPM Music] (case intro)

- Weekend Break - Bob Bradley [Audio Network] (Newport Beach, California/Garrett Halweg is a neuropsychiatrist, and his girlfriend Aja Haydn-Myer is an office manager, and the two love to travel)

- Hearing Things (b) - Tomie Reeves [APM Music] (Garrett is a devout Christian, just like his parents, Jerry and Tootie)

- Thoughts - David Michael, Lee Pomeroy [Audio Network] (Aja, however, is not religious, and is the reason the two are currently not married)

- ? (one day in November, the couple has returned from a vacation in Hawaii, and Aja is out of town visiting her father/while at work, Garrett develops a headache)

- Forensics - Bob Bradley, Michael Bradley [Audio Network] (on Saturday, Garrett wakes up feeling feverish)

- Seek to Find - Bryce Jacobs [Audio Network] (the next day, Aja calls Garrett, who tells him he should go to the emergency room, but Garrett declines to)

- Tension - Bob Bradley [Audio Network] (that night, Garrett goes to bed early again)

- Drone Wars 2 - Igor Dvorkin, Ellie Kidd [Audio Network] (Garrett wakes up struggling to breathe)

- Hopeful 3 - Jody Jenkins [Audio Network] (Garrett rushes to the hospital, where infectious disease specialist Dr. William Thompson takes on his case/explanation of jaundice)

- Field Operatives* - David Vanacore, Brandon Thompson [KPM Music] (Dr. Thompson discovers Garrett's liver has failed)

- Barbarian 2 - Chris Blackwell [Audio Network]; Palpitation - Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] ("I...was very worried."/doctors place Garrett on a dialysis machine)

- ? (Garrett texts both his parents and Aja)

- Presumed Unbiased - Doug Bossi, Doug Beiden [KPM Music] (Aja books a flight back to California)

- Avoiding Environmental Danger - David Vanacore, Mikolai Stroinski [KPM Music] (Garrett's parents rush to the hospital/Garrett has now gone into multi-organ failure)

- Freefall - Helen Jane Long [Audio Network] ("I remember seeing my parents there, and thinking that my parents would have to see their son die.")

- No Threat Too Big (Synths Only) - David Vanacore, Brandon Thompson [KPM Music] ("Garrett Halweg is suffering from a mysterious illness that has caused his vital organs to start shutting down.")

- A Timely Matter - Brian Reidinger, Ryan Leach, Darren Drew [KPM Music] (Garrett placed into a medically-induced coma/several hours later, Aja arrives to a comatose Garrett)

- No Threat Too Big (Synths Only) - David Vanacore, Brandon Thompson [KPM Music] (after several days at his bedside, Asia notices something unusual)

- Close to Hysteria* - David Vanacore, Brandon Thompson [KPM Music] (Garrett has now bled into his eyeballs)

- ? (Dr. Thompson runs very specialized blood tests, which reveal the culprit)

- Hades Comet Drone - Poul Bjoerling, Michele Brustia, Maurizio Capaldi, Silvio Moretti [APM Music] ("Never heard of that word before, and we were all deadly scared of what the outcome could be.")

- Gone Missing - Didier Rachou [KPM Music]; Hostile Rants - David Vanacore, Joseph Greenier [KPM Music] (leptospirosis)

- ? ("It was...it was frightening.")

- Urgency - Helen Jane Long [Audio Network] ("Leptospira bacteria can turn deadly very quickly because they're able to evade the body's immune system."/"Garrett's case of leptospirosis was as bad as you get.")

- Last One - Alex Kovacs [Audio Network] (Dr. Thompson places Garrett on targeted antibiotics, and performs numerous blood transfusions)

- It's Ok 2 - Tom Rosenthal, Max Brodie [Audio Network] (Aja chooses to be baptized)

- ? ("I think...she was probably feeling as if..."If he doesn't make it, I want to be baptized before he passes."")

- Freefall - Helen Jane Long [Audio Network] (finally, after a week in the hospital, Aja witnesses Garrett turn around)

- Motion - Richard Lacy, Barrie Gledden, Richard Kimmings [Audio Network] (Aja proposes to Garrett)

- Drone Wars - Igor Dvorkin, Ellie Kidd [Audio Network] (humans can become infected with the leptospira bacteria when they come into contact with urine from infected animals)

- ? (Garrett believes he became infected from swimming in a waterfall in Hawaii)

- Stasis - Paul Mottram [Audio Network] (Garrett spends two more weeks recovering in the hospital)

- Grateful Heart - John DeFaria [Audio Network] (the following year, Aja and Garrett get married)

- Rising Mercury 2 - Nick Ingman, Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (how to avoid contracting leptospirosis)


- Nocturnal Attack* - David Vanacore, Brandon Thompson [KPM Music] (case intro)

- Loose Chicken - David Vanacore, Matt Koskenmaki [KPM Music] (Murrieta, California/Sybil Meister is an independent businesswoman who runs a Mexican food restaurant, and her best friend is Kimberley Miller)

- Endless Summer - Barrie Gledden, Kes Loy, Richard Kimmings [Audio Network] (but the most important person in Sybil's life is her 20-year-old daughter, Koral)

- Building Bridges* - Robert Elliott [SOURCE NOT KNOWN] (Koral is now living on her own, but still lives close by to her mother)

- Sun Breaking Through (a) - Adam Burns, Christopher Salt [KPM Music] (one day in November, Sybil and Koral are cleaning up after their Thanksgiving meal)

- No Threat Too Big (Synths Only) - David Vanacore, Brandon Thompson [KPM Music] (Koral rushes to the bathroom and vomits)

- ? (a few days later, Koral calls Sybil and tells her her neck hurts so bad she's unable to get off the floor)

- ? (Koral declines to go see a doctor)

- Danger Down Under - David Vanacore, Brandon Thompson [KPM Music] (a few weeks later, Koral texts Sybil that her headache that has lasted a week is still there, and Sybil tells her she's going to take her to the E.R.)

- New Journey - Nick Bardoni, Stephen Warr [KPM Music] (Sybil takes Koral to the E.R., where the doctor determines recently coming off of birth control is the reason for Koral's symptoms)

- Under the Influence - David Vanacore, Matt Koskenmaki [KPM Music] (a few days later, Sybil and Kimberley are having an afternoon coffee at Sybil's house when Koral stops by)

- ? (Koral complains of a headache and the light bothering her, so she closes the blinds and turns the AC down to make her head feel better, to the confusion of Sybil and Kimberley)

- Diagnostic (a) - Michael Price, Nicholas Hill [KPM Music] (a few days later, friends and family gather to celebrate Sybil's birthday/Koral shows up)

- Intruder (b) - Robert Foster, Richard Wells [West One Music] (Kimberley notices Koral's arm twitching)

- Electronic Warfare* - David Vanacore, Brandon Thompson [KPM Music] ("I was starting to really get worried."/twitching stops)

- Direct Witness [#43] - Laurent Juillet [APM Music] (two weeks later, Sybil receives another disturbing phone call from Koral)

- ?; Hell on Earth - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (Koral tells her mother she can hear "bugs" crawling in her head)

- Intentional Concealment - David Vanacore, Joseph Greenier [KPM Music] ("It could be anything!")

- Shocking Truth - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] ("Sybil Meister's daughter, Koral, has been experiencing uncontrollable shakes...and a sinister crawling sensation in her head.")

- ? (Sybil takes Koral to the E.R.)

- ? (neurologist Dr. Navaz Karanjia runs an MRI on Koral's brain)

- Stasis - Paul Mottram [Audio Network] (MRI reveals a large amount of dead brain tissue)

- Critical Tension - Philip Guyler [Audio Network] (dead tissue on the left side of Koral's brain is in the anterior frontal lobes, explaining most of her symptoms)

- ?; Hackers Penetrating - David Vanacore, Joseph Greenier [KPM Music] (Koral taken into surgery to extract a piece of the dead tissue for testing)

- Night Hunter - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (Koral kept in intensive care, and three days later, the results of her brian biopsy come back revealing she has a brain-eating amoeba)

- Darkening 2 - Luke Richards [Audio Network] (balamuthia mandrillaris)

- Lethal Weapon - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] ("Balamuthia mandrillaris is called a free-living amoeba because of its ability to survive in a variety of environments, inside or outside the body of a host.")

- Renewal - David Kelly [Audio Network] ("The mortality rate is anywhere from 87-95%, so this is a highly lethal infection.")

- ? (Sybil decides not to tell Koral the diagnosis so she doesn't give up)

- ? (Koral placed on highly specialized antiparasitic medication, along with a catheter inserted into a hole drilled into her head to relieve her brain pressure)

- Counting Blessings - Michael Plowman [Extreme Music] (Koral appears to be improving)

- Drone Wars - Igor Dvorkin, Ellie Kidd [Audio Network] ("But that night, Koral's condition nosedives."/Koral's brain pressure rises to critical levels)

- Rain Clouds - Jason Mason [APM Music] (Koral's brain ultimately stops functioning, leaving her brain dead)

- Last Light 2 - Jason Pedder, Andreas Georgallis, Ben Ziapour [Audio Network] (Koral taken off life support)

- Take the Target Out - Luke Richards [Audio Network] (balamuthia mandrillaris is found in soil and freshwater, and infects humans when contaminated water, soil, or dust is inhaled through the nose or mouth)

- Controlled Environment - Brian Reidinger, Daniel Burke, Brian Casey, Darren Drew [KPM Music] (Sybil believes Koral contracted the amoeba during a trip to a desert lake)

- Feel Love 8 (60) - Bob Bradley, Matt Sanchez, Steve Dymond, Rosie Doonan [Audio Network] (today, Sybil has started a nonprofit to raise awareness of balamuthia mandrillaris in memory of Koral)

- Hostility - Robert Foster, Richard Wells [West One Music] ("Infection with balamuthia mandrillaris is extremely rare."/how to reduce the chances of becoming infected with balamuthia mandrillaris)

A Menace in My Own Backyard (UK)


- Piano Steps - Mark Russell (show intro)


- Green Tuesday - Ronni Shaw (Rochester, Massachusetts/Wendy and Scott Ashworth work at the fire department, and have a 23-year-old son, Derek)

- Country Folk - Richard Beddow (Derek's family is the most important thing to him)

- The Informer - Anthony Phillips (one morning in late May, Wendy and her crew get an emergency call about a person having a seizure)

- Clock Stab - Martin Lawrence ("I was stunned.")

- Cybertex 3 - James Brett [Audio Network] (Wendy discovers the person who had the seizure was Derek)

- Panic Stricken - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik ("For Derek, the work day started like any other.")

- Trailerism - Igor Dvorkin, Ellie Kidd [Audio Network] (Derek recalls collapsing and having a seizure)

- Tense Strings Rise - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] ("It seems that Derek has suffered a grand mal seizure.")

- Pressure and Time 5 - Igor Dvorkin, Tim Garland [Audio Network] (Wendy and her crew load Derek into the ambulance and take him to the hospital)

- Mystery Train - David O'Brien [Audio Network] (doctors are unable to explain the cause of the seizure, and send Derek home)

- Toxic Element - Arnaud Rozenblat, Daniel Finot [Cezame Music Agency] (in the dead of night, Derek calls his mother and tells her he feels like he's going to have another seizure)

- Head to Head - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (Wendy rushes to Derek's apartment)

- ?; Perilous - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (Derek has another grand mal seizure)

- Harpeggio - Lee Groves, Peter Marett (an ambulance rushes Derek back to the hospital)

- ? (Derek slowly loses the ability to speak and drifts in and out of consciousness)

- Viral Evolution - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik [Cezame Music Agency] (Derek's father Scott rushes to the hospital)

- Mind Game - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik (Ashworth family left waiting for five hours for an on-call neurologist to arrive/Wendy and Scott demand Derek be transferred)

- Time Critical - Takeshi Furukawa (Derek transferred to Boston Medical Center, where critical care specialist Dr. Michael Ieong takes on his case)

- Crime Scene - Anthony Phillips (MRI reveals Derek's brain is extremely swollen)

- In Pursuit - Steve Rucker, Thomas Chase ("When we approached his family about his status, our biggest concern was to be as positive and hopeful as we can, but also being...be realistic.")

- Scared of Nothing - Christopher Franke ("Derek Ashworth is suffering from a mysterious ailment that has led to dangerous inflammation throughout his brain.")

- Crime Scene - Anthony Phillips (Derek placed on life support)

- Aimless - Christopher Franke ("He entered the coma about a day and a half after he got transferred to our hospital.")

- Head Rush - Neil Pollard, William Kingswood ("Somebody as fit and as young as Derek...it's very unusual for them to get that sick.")

- Aimless - Christopher Franke ("I think there was no question there was something seriously wrong, just...the exam...suggested a very...bad disease that could potentially, mean...the end of his life, it was that serious, and- and we all recognized that.") 

- Tension in Tarzana - Daniel Heath, Joey Peters (Derek's temperature rises to 107.6)

- ? (Derek wrapped in cooling blankets to reduce his fever)

- The Calling - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik [Cezame Music Agency] ("For three days, Derek clings to life."/the lab results come back)

- District 10 - David Edwards ("We could see by the expressions on the doctors' faces that they didn't have a lot of hope for us.")

- In Pursuit - Steve Rucker, Thomas Chase (eastern equine encephalitis)

- Floating Above - Michael Levine (doctors tell Wendy and Scott Derek will probably not survive)

- Dark Threat - Bastide Donny, Bastien Roques ("Eastern equine encephalitis is a condition that typically infects horses, hence its name, "equine encephalitis."")

- Mental Disorder - Arnaud Rozenblat, Daniel Finot [Cezame Music Agency] (there's no treatment for eastern equine encephalitis)

- Last One - Alex Kovacs [Audio Network] (for five days, Derek silently fights the triple E virus/after seven days, Wendy and Scott face taking Derek off life support)

- Memory Montage - Kurt Oldman (but the following morning, Derek miraculously wakes up)

- Thoughts - David Michael, Lee Pomeroy [Audio Network] (MRI reveals that all of Derek's brain inflammation vanished, and Derek astonishingly improves quickly)

- Clock Stab - Martin Lawrence ("But how did Derek contract the triple E virus in the first place?")

- Break In at Headquarters - Gerrit Wunder [Audio Network] (the triple E virus is spread by mosquitoes)

- Guesswork - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik (Derek recalls being bitten by mosquitoes at a football game a few days before he fell ill)

- Birds Arrive - Bryce Jacobs [Audio Network] (after three weeks of rehabilitation, Derek makes a remarkable recovery/Derek is now 29 and engaged)

- Frames of Motion (Part 1) - Andrew Britton, David Goldsmith (how to avoid the triple E virus)


- Swat - Steve Everitt (case intro)

- Wake Up World - David Rolfe (River Edge, New Jersey/Michael DeStefan and Frances Estevez have differing personalities -- Frances is quiet and reserved, while Michael is a hard-edged "tough guy.")

- Rain or Shine 2 - Adam Drake, Radhika Vekaria [Audio Network] (Michael is close to his niece, Natalie Rodriguez)

- ? (the family loves to barbecue)

- Long Walk - Nik Kershaw [Audio Network] (spring has arrived)

- Carved Up - Jeffrey Cardoni (Michael starts to feel discomfort in his stomach while watching TV one night)

- Light in the Attic - Scott Marcussen (later that night, Michael's discomfort grows)

- Clock Stab - Martin Lawrence (Michael stubbornly refuses to see a doctor)

- Something Near - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik (Michael heads into his office, where his employees tell him he should see a doctor)

- Armenia - Greco Casadesus [Cezame Music Agency] (Michael's niece, Natalie, notices something is wrong with her uncle)

- The Big Decision - Daniel Pemberton (at noon, Natalie brings Michael some food, but he finds himself unable to eat it)

- Suspected One - Andrew Skeet, Luke Gordon (by the afternoon, Michael is so uncomfortable that he is forced to lie down)

- Stalked and Hunted - Jeffrey Cardoni (Michael leaves work)

- ? (Michael tries to drive home, but realizes he needs help)

- Vertigo - Jacques Cassard ("Tough guy Michael DeStefan is experiencing unbearable abdominal pain.")

- Cardiac Arrest - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (Michael goes to the hospital and waits in the waiting room)

- Hopeful 3 - Jody Jenkins [Audio Network] (Frances rushes to meet Michael at the hospital)

- Fragile Situation - Igor Dvorkin, Ellie Kidd [Audio Network] (a doctor examines Michael)

- Creeping and Sneaking - Luke Richards [Audio Network] (doctors believe it could be appendicitis)

- Take the Target Out - Luke Richards [Audio Network] (medical team runs a cat scan on Michael's abdomen/emergency trauma surgeon Dr. Sanjeev Kaul reviews Michael's scans)

- Dark 5 - Bernhard Hering, Martin Wester, Matthias Kruger (a sharp metal object seems to appear in Michael's scans)

- Minesweeping - Jean Yves Rigo ("Every year, about 80,000 people in the U.S. visit the hospital having accidentally swallowed a foreign object.")

- District 10 - David Edwards ("Whatever the object in Michael's colon is, it seems to be causing serious damage.")

- Terminate - Anthony Phillips (explanation of septic shock)

- Crime Scene - Anthony Phillips ("I'm like, "Oh my God, oh my God, I hope that he didn't come too late.")

- First Question - Baxter Poe, Stan Hope, Thomas Hirschmann (Dr. Kaul tells Michael he needs surgery, and could end up with a colostomy bag)

- ? (shot of a colostomy bag)

- No More Negotiating 3 - Alex Kovacs [Audio Network] (Michael panics...)

- Doom Drone - Anthony Phillips (...but realizes he has to have the surgery)

- Harp Palpitations - David Tobin, Jeff Meegan, Malcolm Edmonstone [Audio Network] (Michael prepared for surgery)

- Dead of Night - Michael Levine ("That was without a doubt, the scariest and the worst moment of my life.")

- Pepper Spray - Igor Dvorkin, Ellie Kidd [Audio Network] (Dr. Kaul performs the surgery)

- ? (Dr. Kaul removes the object, but can't figure out what it is)

- The Enquiry - Bob Bradley, Michael Bradley [Audio Network] (Michael wakes up in the recovery room)

- Mysterious World - David Kelly [Audio Network] (Dr. Kaul shows Michael and Frances the mysterious object)

- Investigate - Murray Munro (two days later, after Michael is discharged, Frances searches for clues and discovers it was a grill brush bristle)

- Pulstar - Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (the tiny wire bristle worked its way through Michael's intestinal wall)

- Welcome Home - Barrie Gledden, Kes Loy, Tim Reilly [Audio Network] (Frances claims Michael needs to chew his food better)

- Back Again - Christopher Franke (Michael no longer uses bristled grill brushes)

- Abyssal Grove - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (how to avoid accidentally swallowing a wire bristle from a grill brush)


- Swat - Steve Everitt (case intro)

- Autumn Rush - Scott Salinas, Tobias Enhus (Peoria, Illinois/17-year-old high school cheerleader Marissa Adkins is close with her mother, Deb, and her grandmother, Marsha)

- Tracking Fraud - Anthony Phillips (during the summer of her junior year, Marissa visits her grandmother in Astoria)

- Minor Threat (a) - Baxter Poe, Stan Hope (Marissa wakes up one morning with a puffy and red right eye)

- Fearful - Matthew Harris (three days later, back at home, Marissa complains of extreme eye pain in the middle of the night)

- District 10 - David Edwards ("I said, "Well, let's go to the emergency room."")

- Anxious Riddle - Daniel Heath, Joey Peters (Marissa and Deb go the emergency room, where a doctor examines Marissa)

- Guesswork - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik (explanation of ocular herpes)

- In Too Deep 10 (30) - Jody Jenkins [Audio Network] (Marissa given a very painful shot to clear her herpes)

- Miles Away - Claude Samard, Vincent Leibovitz [Cezame Music Agency] (the next day, Marissa realizes she'll have to miss an important stunt clinic for her cheerleading team)

- DNA Sample - Scott Marcussen (Deb makes Marissa an appointment at a local eye doctor/Marissa, who recently got her driver's license, decides to drive herself)

- District 10 - David Edwards (Marissa hops into her car)

- Shocking Truth - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (Marissa notices the sun bothering her eye while driving)

- Gathering Data - Luke Richards [Audio Network] (at her appointment, Marissa's eye doctor insists she see a cornea specialist in Iowa City)

- Broken and Abandoned - Donn Wilkerson (Marissa realizes she can no longer drive for herself)

- A Waiting Game 4 - Jody Jenkins [Audio Network] (Marissa calls her mother)

- Doing the Deal - Mark Sayer-Wade ("17-year-old Marissa Adkins has a problem with her right eye.")

- Mistaken Identity - Brad Smith (Marissa, her mother, and grandmother head to Iowa City, where they are seen by ophthalmologist Dr. Mark Greiner)

- Keep Going - Christopher Franke (Dr. Greiner examines Marissa's eye, and arrives at a diagnosis)

- Crime Scene - Anthony Phillips (Marissa diagnosed with acanthamoeba keratitis)

- Exercise Caution - Jeffrey Cardoni (the acanthamoeba parasite is devouring Marissa's right eye)

- Missing Evidence - Takeshi Furukawa (Dr. Greiner tells the family Marissa could lose her eyesight)

- Bloodlines - Lee Groves, Peter Marett (Marissa breaks down)

- Out on a Limb - Tom Quick [Audio Network] ("The acanthamoeba parasite can infect a wide range of human organs, including the liver and the brain, but it most commonly infects the eyes.")

- Paranormalyzer - Jonas Baker (Dr. Greiner tells Marissa her prognosis)

- Cybertex 4 - James Brett [Audio Network] (Marissa placed on powerful and painful antiparasitic drugs)

- Underworld Drum - Anthony Phillips (at home, Marissa begins her regimen)

- Crime Scene - Anthony Phillips ("For the rest of the summer, Marissa endures the agonizing treatment.")

- Hours Alone - Christian Krebs (Marissa withdraws from her friends and family as her condition continues to agonize her)

- Intentional Concealment - David Vanacore, Joseph Greenier [KPM Music] (acanthamoeba is found in freshwater across the world)

- CSI - Anthony Phillips (Marissa realizes she got the infection by cleaning her contact lenses with tap water)

- Treacherous Waters - Jonas Baker (after four months of treatment, Marissa's condition has not improved, and will need a cornea transplant)

- The Informer - Anthony Phillips (Marissa wheeled into the operation room for a cornea transplant)

- Red Rock Canyon - Chris Egan, Trystan Francis [Audio Network] (the cornea transplant is a success)

- Relaxed - Jonathan Jowett, Nigel Mullaney (Marissa will likely need more transplants in the future, but is moving forward in her life)

- Mirror Image - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (how to avoid contracting the acanthamoeba parasite)

West Nile Attack! (UK)


- Piano Steps - Mark Russell (show intro)


- The Old Lighthouse - Eric Muller [APM Music] (Visalia, California)

- Brother & Sister - Mark Alberts [Cezame Music Agency] (Phillip and Kandis Watson have two boys and one girl)

- ? (one day in mid-January, Phillip and Kandis' middle child, Kaden, returns home from school not feeling well)

- Endless Future - Christof Déjean [Cezame Music Agency] (a few hours later, Phillip and Kandis notice Kaden coughing)

- Waiting Game - Helen Jane Long [Audio Network] (the next day, despite medication, the fever and cough are still there)

- ? (Kaden's condition eventually seems to improve/Kandis takes Kaden grocery shopping)

- Carved Up - Jeffrey Cardoni (Kaden vomits in the middle of the meat isle)

- Hypnosis - Helen Jane Long [Audio Network] (the next day, Kandis takes Kaden to the doctor)

- Viral Evolution - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik [Cezame Music Agency] (flu medication fails to help, and Kaden's cough gets worse/Kandis takes Kaden to a new doctor)

- Down Jones - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik [Cezame Music Agency] (explanation of pneumonia)

- ? (Kaden's symptoms continue to worsen)

- Tension in Tarzana - Daniel Heath, Joey Peters (Phillip and Kandis rush Kaden to the hospital/doctor notices a large lump on Kaden's neck)

- Mind Game - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik (doctors perform an ultrasound on the lump)

- Night Vision - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (Phillip and Kandis start to worry)

- Conundrum 2 - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (a team of specialists take on Kaden's case)

- Life or Death - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (Kaden's blood results come back)

- Determination - Simon Lambros [Audio Network] (doctor reveals the diagnosis)

- ? (valley fever)

- The Hive - Christian Telford, David Edwards ("We were, like, stunned.")

- Shark Teeth - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] ("If the coccidioides immitis fungus goes untreated, and infects the brain, it is almost always fatal.")

- Rising Mercury 2 - Nick Ingman, Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] ("Six-year-old Kaden Watson has just been diagnosed with the fungal disease valley fever.")

- Urgency 3 - Helen Jane Long [Audio Network] (Kaden placed on a powerful antifungal medication)

- Seedlings - Doug Bossi, Evan Wise [KPM Music] (Kaden kept on the antifungal medication for a month, but soon things take a turn for the worse)

- Electronic Warfare* - David Vanacore, Brandon Thompson [KPM Music] (Kaden is unable to breathe)

- ? (doctors tell Phillip and Kandis that Kaden could die)

- ? (Kaden fights for his life for three more weeks)

- Surveillance - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock, Ellie Kidd [Audio Network] (two months after coming out of ICU, Kaden starts refusing to take his medication, but his parents manage to convince him he must)

- ? (finally, Kaden makes a turn for the better)

- Suspected One - Andrew Skeet, Luke Gordon (the coccidioides immitis fungus is found in dirt and soil)

- ? (Phillip and Kandis belive Kaden got the fungus from playing outside in the dirt)

- ? (after six months of rehabilitation and treatment, Kaden is finally free of the fungus)

- ? (how to avoid contracting valley fever)


- Blood Thirsty - Frederick Kron, Joanna Balloonknot (case intro)

- Sun Flower - Terry Devine-King, Adam Drake [Audio Network] (Decatur, Georgia/Devin and Jill Lenz have a two-year-old son, Elijah, and another child on the way)

- Gradalis Deo 3 - Dan Skinner, Adam Skinner [Audio Network] ("But this blossoming family is about to fall apart.")

- One for the Blues - Manuel Galvin, Jean-Jacques Milteau, Andre Charlier, Benoit Sourisse [Cezame Music Agency] (Devin talks about the shed he's building)

- Nowhere to Go - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (Devin meets a friend at a local cafe, but starts to feel a pain in his back/Devin goes home and heads to bed)

- Grisly Scene - Scott Marcussen (later that evening, Devin wakes up and discovers he slept through the entire day)

- Forensic Intuition* - Didier Rachou [KPM Music] (Devin goes downstairs to tell Jill he isn't feeling well)

- Abandonment - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (Devin starts to feel a shaky feeling in his legs)

- The Unexplained - Frederick Kron, Joanna Balloonknot (a few hours later, Devin notices he can't move his legs)

- In Pursuit - Steve Rucker, Thomas Chase ("Devin Lenz has just woken up to discover that he can't move his legs.")

- Vampire - Barrie Gladden, Tim Reilly, Jason Pedder [Audio Network] (Devin fears he may have multiple sclerosis)

- Stalked and Hunted - Jeffrey Cardoni (Jill dismisses the idea that it could be multiple sclerosis)

- Textures - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (Jill discovers Devin's legs are completely limp)

- Stalked and Hunted - Jeffrey Cardoni ("It was really, really frightening.")

- Under Covered - Christopher Franke (Jill calls 911, and an ambulance rushes Devin to the local hospital)

- Cardiac Arrest - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (test results come back inconclusive the next morning)

- Hacking - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik [Cezame Music Agency] (Devin transferred to a larger facility, where Dr. Jane Gilmore takes on his case)

- Battle March (a) - Baxter Poe, Stan Hope (doctors try to give Devin an MRI of his brain, but his shaking makes it difficult to do so)

- Darkening - Luke Richards [Audio Network] (Devin is sedated, and Dr. Gilmore runs the MRI scan)

- Find Him - Takeshi Furukawa (MRI reveals Devin has encephalomyelitis)

- A Presence Around - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik (doctors order a spinal tap)

- Palpitation - Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (spinal tap is very painful for Devin)

- Ominous Clouds - Jonas Baker (Dr. Gilmore sends the spinal fluid off to the lab)

- Out on a Limb 6 (30) - Tom Quick [Audio Network] (Dr. Gilmore must give Devin good supportive care while they wait for the lab results to come back)

- DNA Sample - Scott Marcussen (Dr. Gilmore tries to put and oxygen mask on Devin, but Devin keeps taking it off)

- Web of Fear - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (Devin lets out a massive wail)

- All to Play For 4 - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (Devin placed in a medically-induced coma)

- The Informer - Anthony Phillips (diagnostic tests finally come back)

- Darkening - Luke Richards [Audio Network] (West Nile virus)

- Calm - Paul Sumpter ("This was the worst case of West Nile virus that I had seen.")

- Monster Flashback - Kurt Oldman ("I knew about West Nile virus from the news, but the cases that I had heard about were nothing as severe as this.")

- Runaway - Steve Rucker, Thomas Chase ("West Nile virus can be difficult to diagnose because its symptoms resemble those of so many other illnesses.")

- Minor Threat (a) - Baxter Poe, Stan Hope (there's no cure for West Nile virus)

- Dread - David O'Brien [Audio Network] ("I needed to keep it together because...I had a little boy that would need me more than ever, and we have another little boy on the way.")

- The Unknown - Michael Vickerage, Andrew Phillips [KPM Music] (for the next four days, Devin remains in critical condition)

- Moonwish - Christian Marsac [Audio Network] (but then, finally, Devin opens his eyes)

- Acoustic Twilight - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] ("Against unthinkable odds, Devin Lenz survives his horrific ordeal with the West Nile virus.")

- Dark Impressions - Boris Nonte, Gregg Lehrman ("But how did Devin contract the West Nile virus?")

- Concentric Strings - Andrew Blaney (the West Nile virus is spread to humans by infected mosquitos)

- Minor Threat (a) - Baxter Poe, Stan Hope (Devin recalls being bitten on his feet while working outside on his shed)

- Back Again - Christopher Franke (Devin finally goes home after numerous weeks of rehabilitation/today, Devin is mostly paralyzed from the waist down and is now in a wheelchair)

- Desert Moon - James Jacobsen, Parthenon Huxley (despite this, Devin still leads a life as a father to two sons)

- Blood Thirsty - Frederick Kron, Joanna Balloonknot (how to avoid the West Nile virus)


- Swat - Steve Everitt (case intro)

- Loose Chicken - David Vanacore, Matt Koskenmaki [KPM Music] (Scarborough, Maine/Rich and Kelly Valdmanis have two twin boys, Dylan and Laird)

- Nesima (Part 2) - Rico Brinx, Rodolphe Yonga [Cezame Music Agency] (Rich works as an international journalist reporting in countries troubled by conflict)

- Heart of Mystery - Greco Casadesus [Cezame Music Agency] (the family returns home from a year-long assignment in Africa for a vacation in Maine/Rich develops an abdominal pain)

- Endless Future - Christof Déjean [Cezame Music Agency] (that night, Kelly discovers Rich is having night sweats and has a slight fever)

- Textures - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (three days later, Rich's symptoms haven't gone away, so he visits a walk-in clinic/doctor tests Rich for malaria, which comes back negative)

- Dread - David O'Brien [Audio Network] (explanation of gastritis)

- Subsonix - Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (two days later, Rich starts to feel cold shakes while doing yard work)

- The Enquiry - Bob Bradley, Michael Bradley [Audio Network] (Rich goes inside to rest)

- Shadowplay 4 - Chris Blackwell [Audio Network] (the next morning, Kelly takes Rich to the E.R.)

- Slow Burn - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] ("Rich Valdmanis is experiencing night sweats and abdominal pain."/tests fail to reveal the cause)

- Something in the Shadows 2 - Luke Richards [Audio Network] (two days later, Rich and Kelly go to a local bed-and-breakfast on an island off the coast of Maine for their sixth anniversary)

- Rising Mercury 2 - Nick Ingman, Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (that night, Rich has a nightmare of a monster trying to destroy him)

- Quizzer - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (the next morning, Rich and Kelly head back to the mainland and head to an urgent-care clinic/blood results are catastrophic)

- Palpitation - Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (Rich prepares to head to the hospital)

- Hypnosis - Helen Jane Long [Audio Network] (Dr. Joel Bradley takes on Rich's case/cat scan reveals an abscess in Rich's liver)

- Asteroid 2 - Nick Ingman, Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (doctors tell Rich he has a parasite)

- Lost Prophecies - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock, Ellie Kidd [Audio Network] (entamoeba histolytica)

- Into Battle - Debbie Wiseman [Audio Network] (Rich calls Kelly with the horrific news)

- Crisis Matter - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] ("After malaria, entamoeba histolytica is the deadliest parasite on the planet.")

- Fearful - Matthew Harris (Rich rushed into surgery)

- Shocking Truth - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (life cycle of the entamoeba histolytica parasite)

- Safari - Christopher Ashmore [Audio Network] (Rich believes he contracted the parasite from eating a contaminated salad while working in Guinea-Bissau)

- Back Again - Christopher Franke (within days, after being put on a powerful antiparasitic drug, Rich finally starts to improve)

- Moonwish - Christian Marsac [Audio Network] (today, Rich is a bureau chief of a news-media company in Boston)

- Too Tense - Christopher Franke (how to avoid becoming infected with the entamoeba histolytica parasite)

My Daughter's Going Crazy (UK)


- Piano Steps - Mark Russell (show intro)


- Duetto - Chris Gibbons [Audio Network] (Hixson, Tennessee/Dottie Davis and her husband Bob run a horse farm)

- Bright Young Thing - Adam Drake [Audio Network] (Dottie and Bob's daughter, Chance, likes to ride horses)

- Hour of Need - Anthony Phillips (one day during spring break, Chance stays with her friend, Neily Davis', house while her parents are out of state/Neily notices Chance becoming nervous and trying to call her parents)

- Imminent Doom - Matthew St Laurent (Dottie and Bob pick Chance up)

- Coyote - Mark Johns [Audio Network] (the next morning, Chance becomes unusually emotional over her new horse)

- Strange Cave - Thomas Chase, Veigar Margeirsson (Dottie finds Chance asleep by the stables)

- All's Fair - Christopher Franke (on Monday morning, Chance finds herself too tired to get up and prepare for school)

- Aimless - Christopher Franke (Dottie and Bob take Chance to the doctor)

- Imminent Doom - Matthew St Laurent (doctor tells Dottie and Bob to take Chance to the hospital)

- Find Him - Takeshi Furukawa (doctors believe Chance has encephalitis)

- ? (Neily visits)

- Cracking the Surface - Scott Marcussen (Dottie sees Chance crawling backwards into the bathroom like a spider)

- Palpitation - Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (plays during various hospital shots)

- Cracking the Surface - Scott Marcussen (Dottie unable to wake Chance up)

- Missing Evidence - Takeshi Furukawa ("In a matter of days, Chance Davis has gone from being a healthy teenager to a comatose hospital patient.")

- Close to Hysteria* - David Vanacore, Brandon Thompson [KPM Music] (Dottie reaches out to neurologist Dr. David Rankine for a second opinion)

- Rebel Advances* - David Vanacore, Brandon Thompson [KPM Music] (Dr. Rankine notices Chance's eyes moving unusually/explanation of seizures)

- In Pursuit - Steve Rucker, Thomas Chase ("The presentation of a seziure can...be quite...large.")

- Exercise Caution - Jeffrey Cardoni ("Usually when you're having seizure activity, it's more persistent and inconsistent, hers was breaking up, so that was the one thing sorta...making one think seizure activity, and she was on seizure medication that wasn't controlling it.")

- Troubled Mind - Lee Groves, Peter Marett (various shots of the hospital)

- Stasis - Paul Mottram [Audio Network] ("She'd been in hospital about 10 to 12 days at that point, and she...was not responding.")

- Dark Threat - Bastide Donny, Bastien Roques ("I was concerned that she was one very sick young lady.")

- ? (Dr. Rankine orders a cat scan on Chance, which reveals a growth on her ovaries)

- ? (Dr. Rankine takes Chance into surgery and discovers the culprit)

- Hostile Rants - David Vanacore, Joseph Greenier [KPM Music] (a dermoid teratoma was growing on Chance's ovaries, and was composed partially of brain tissue)

- Strange Cave - Thomas Chase, Veigar Margeirsson ("Teratoma comes from the Greek word for "monster.")

- ? ("The deepest fear was that she would remain the way she was or die.")

- Missing Evidence - Takeshi Furukawa (despite the teratoma being removed, Chance's white blood cells are still attacking her brain)

- Burned Earth - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (Chance doesn't wake up the next day as her parents had hoped)

- ? ("You know, you're just grasping, because you don't care as long as she comes back to you in some way or form.")

- Thoughtful - Bob Bradley [Audio Network] (eventually, Chance shows signs of progress)

- Immersed - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock, Ellie Kidd [Audio Network] (after five weeks in the hospital, Chance finally emerges from her coma)

- Life or Death - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (what causes teratomas to form is not fully understood)

- A New Leaf - Michael Levine (Chance has no lasting brain damage, and is now in nursing school)


- Swat - Steve Everitt (case intro)

- ? (Chauvin, Louisiana)

- ? (Lois Domangue is close with one of her five children, her daughter Eileen)

- Back in the Day - David Vanacore, Matt Koskenmaki [KPM Music] (the family enjoys seafood and stews)

- The New Apocalypse - Charles Barnett [KPM Music] (one evening in August, Lois starts to feel chills)

- Stasis - Paul Mottram [Audio Network] (Lois tries to ignore her chills and go to sleep)

- ? (a couple hours later, Lois notices her right hand is numb and swollen)

- Under the Influence - David Vanacore, Matt Koskenmaki [KPM Music] (that morning, Lois is unable to get out of bed to answer the phone)

- Penetrate the Clouds - Will Musser [KPM Music] (Eileen comes to visit)

- Field Operatives* - David Vanacore, Brandon Thompson [KPM Music] (Eileen sees her mother's hand red and swollen)

- ? (Eileen starts to get scared)

- Landmines - David Vanacore, Shinyub Pyo [KPM Music] (Eileen rushes her mother to the hospital)

- Forensics - Bob Bradley, Michael Bradley [Audio Network] (explanation of cellulitis)

- ? (doctors try a new antibiotic to try and control the mysterious infection)

- Controlled Environment - Brian Reidinger, Daniel Burke, Brian Casey, Darren Drew [KPM Music] (Lois seems to improve)

- ? (the next morning, Eileen returns to the hospital)

- Landmines - David Vanacore, Shinyub Pyo [KPM Music] (Eileen sees bright, dark red blisters on Lois' arm)

- ? (infectious disease expert Dr. Mary Eschete takes on Lois' case)

- Aladdin - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock, Ellie Kidd [Audio Network] (Dr. Eschete conducts more blood tests)

- Screaming Whispers - Steve Rucker, Thomas Chase (doctors notice Lois' blood pressure is low)

- Doom Drone - Anthony Phillips ("The rapid spread of the blisters on her arm and the development of low blood pressure were all indicative of a very serious infection.")

- DNA Sample - Scott Marcussen (Lois placed on a drug to stabilize her blood pressure)

- When Cities Sleep - Barrie Gledden [Audio Network] (Lois' arm may have to be amputated)

- District 10 - David Edwards (Lois and her family pray with their pastor)

- Disturbing Veil - Anthony Phillips (results of Lois' blood work reveals a stunning cause)

- Electronic Warfare* - David Vanacore, Brandon Thompson [KPM Music] (vibrio vulnificus)

- Ballistics Analysis - Scott Marcussen ("What makes the vibrio vulnificus bacteria so deadly is that they're able to evade the body's immune system, hiding themselves from the white blood cells sent out to stop them.")

- ? ("Mom's arm was literally being eaten alive by this vibrio.")

- Rebel Advances* - David Vanacore, Brandon Thompson [KPM Music] ("Lois Domangue has been diagnosed with the flesh-eating bacteria, vibrio vulnificus."/Lois rushed into surgery)

- Intentional Concealment - David Vanacore, Joseph Greenier [KPM Music] ("Surgeons and doctors in this area are very familiar with what vibrio does to tissues.")

- ? ("They know they must act rapidly to remove all the dead tissue, and it was not surprising to them when they opened the arm and found dead tissue."/for two hours, doctors cut out dead tissue from Lois' arm)

- ? (Lois wheeled into the ICU, with her infection under control)

- ? (Lois wonders how she got the infection)

- Ballistics Analysis - Scott Marcussen (the vibrio vulnificus bacteria live in warm brackish or salty water)

- Agent in Charge - Scott Marcussen (Lois recalls cleaning crabs to make a stew the day she came down with the chills)

- Too Tense - Christopher Franke (one of the crabs pricked Lois' finger, and that's likely how she got the bacteria)

- ? (the hospital staff serve Lois a seafood gumbo with a crab claw)

- ? (Lois eventually goes home, but still has scars from her surgery)

- Time Critical - Takeshi Furukawa (how to avoid the vibrio vulnificus bacteria)


- Swat - Steve Everitt (case intro)

- Rain or Shine 2 - Adam Drake, Radhika Vekaria [Audio Network] (Moab, Utah)

- A Subtle Threat - Didier Rachou [KPM Music] (in 2012, Rita Maldonado went to Fiji to complete in a reality TV series)

- Burned Earth - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (Rita places as runner-up)

- ? (Rita flies back to Los Angeles to go camping with her partner, John Binger)

- Anxious - Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (Rita starts to feel hot)

- Stasis - Paul Mottram [Audio Network] (Rita unable to sleep during the camping trip)

- Frontier 2 - Helen Jane Long [Audio Network] (John tries rubbing cortisone on Rita's sore spots)

- Sun Flower - Terry Devine-King, Adam Drake [Audio Network] (the next morning, Rita starts to feel better)

- Rainbow Music - Terry Devine-King, Steve Williams [Audio Network] (Rita falls asleep on the picnic table)

- ? (the next morning, Rita's foot starts to hurt)

- The Unexplained - Frederick Kron, Joanna Balloonknot (Rita and John head to the nearest hospital)

- Damaged (Ambience Mix) - Didier Rachou [KPM Music] (Rita goes home with medication)

- Blood Thirsty - Frederick Kron, Joanna Balloonknot (the next day, Rita develops worsening symptoms)

- ? (John takes Rita back to the emergency room)

- The Informer - Anthony Phillips (M.R.I. scan of Rita's abdomen reveals fecal matter backed up into 70% of her torso)

- Close to Hysteria* - David Vanacore, Brandon Thompson [KPM Music] (back at home, Rita hallucinates Captain America in her toilet)

- Stalked and Hunted - Jeffrey Cardoni (John rushes Rita to the E.R. yet again/frustrated with the doctors, John takes Rita to another hospital/Dr. David Earl Perry takes on Rita's case)

- Horror Ramp 1 - Jonas Baker (Dr. Perry declares Rita is dying)

- One Down - Scott Marcussen ("Rita Moldonado is in the E.R., on the brink of death.")

- Pressure - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (Dr. Perry tries to figure out what's wrong with Rita)

- ? (explanation of meningitis/Dr. Perry orders a spinal tap)

- Hidden Investigation - Vasco Hexel (Rita diagnosed with rat lungworm)

- Electronic Warfare* - David Vanacore, Brandon Thompson [KPM Music] (rat lungworm is attacking Rita's central nervous system)

- Apocalyptic - Daniel Weniger ("She was at risk for permanent brain damage.")

- Spooks in the Wheel - Anthony Phillips ("Rat lungworm is incredibly rare.")

- ? (for 36 hours, Rita fights for her life)

- Black Widow - Debbie Wiseman [Audio Network] ("She was very drowsy, hard to arouse, was extremely weak in her lower extremities, she couldn't lift her legs off of the table.")

- Gloom and Doom - Terry Devine-King, Andrew Barnabas, Paul Arnold [Audio Network] (medication to kill off the worms may make Rita's symptoms worse)

- Woven Web - Anthony Phillips (medication can cause an inflammatory response in the brain as it kills off the worms)

- Hidden Investigation - Vasco Hexel ("But in her situation of having encephalitis, and with up to 79% fatality, we felt like she would benefit from an antihelminth medication.")

- ? (Rita finally awakens)

- The Informer - Anthony Phillips (life cycle of the rat lungworm parasite)

- Strangeworld - Gerald Harbour (Rita recalls eating a slug while in Fiji)

- Thoughts - David Michael, Lee Pomeroy [Audio Network] (after undergoing intensive physical therapy, Rita returns home)

- ? (Rita now teaches zumba)

- Delicate Beauty - Michael Jones, Thomas Chase (Rita attributes her survival to John)

- Time Critical - Takeshi Furukawa (how to avoid the rat lungworm parasite)

I Almost Killed My Baby (UK)


- Piano Steps - Mark Russell (show intro)


- Bright as the Sun - Chris Neeser, Christopher Innes, Glenn Holley (Libertyville, Illinois/Nicole and David Kosowski are preparing to have their first child)

- Tense Strings Rise - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] ("But Nicole's and David's storybook life is about to become a living nightmare.")

- Homicide - Bob Bradley [Audio Network] (five weeks before the baby is due, Nicole wakes up in the middle of the night)

- Under Covered - Christopher Franke (Nicole's water breaks)

- Brought to Life - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (David rushes Nicole to the hospital)

- Starshift - Paul Mottram [Audio Network] (Nicole gives birth to a baby boy, and names him Jack)

- The Haunted House - Piotr Moss [Cezame Music Agency] (Nicole notices Jack's eyes are closed very tightly)

- Paranormalyzer - Jonas Baker (doctor reassures Nicole that Jack will eventually open his eyes)

- Tracking Fraud - Anthony Phillips (Nicole and David bring Jack home/one month later, Jack's eyes open)

- The Hive - Christian Telford, David Edwards (Jack isn't looking at Nicole, however/Nicole calls David for help)

- Sinister Angel - Christopher Ashmore, Benjamin Marks [Audio Network] (Nicole takes Jack to the pediatrician)

- Fearful - Matthew Harris (over the next two months, Jack hits some important milestones, but appears to have a problem with his vision)

- Dark Pulse 9 - Bernhard Hering, Martin Wester, Matthias Kruger (Nicole and David realize something is wrong)

- Drone Awakening - Baxter Poe, Stan Hope, Thomas Hirschmann ("I was scared to death, and I knew my gut was right.")

- Mind Game - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik (Nicole and David rush Jack to a pediatric specialist)

- Runaway - Steve Rucker, Thomas Chase (doctor tells Nicole and David to take Jack to the hospital)

- In Pursuit - Steve Rucker, Thomas Chase (at the hospital, doctors perform an MRI on Jack's brain)

- Abstract Fear - Bastide Donny, Bastien Roques (doctors tell Nicole and David that Jack has excess water in his brain)

- Electroshock Me - Gregg Lehrman, Satnam Ramgotra (explanation of hydrocephalus)

- Aporia - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik [Cezame Music Agency] (doctors prepare Jack for brain surgery)

- Death Star - Nick Ingman, Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (doctors drill a hole through Jack's skull to relieve the pressure on his brain)

- Underworld Drum - Anthony Phillips (two hours later, Nicole and David visit Jack in the ICU)

- Life or Death - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (doctors run a cat scan of Jack's brain)

- Urgency - Helen Jane Long [Audio Network] (Dr. Marilyn Mets of Lurie Children's Hospital in Chicago looks over the results/Jack has brain calcifications)

- Subsonix - Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (Jack could've gotten the infection from his mother before his birth)

- Dark Threat - Bastide Donny, Bastien Roques ("4-month-old Jack Kosowski is suffering from a deadly neurological condition called hydrocephalus, that is making his brain swell.")

- Subsonix - Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (Dr. Mets orders blood tests on both Nicole and Jack)

- Tense Strings Rise - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (results come back two days later)

- Cold Blooded Killer - Scott Marcussen (toxoplasma gondii)

- Outlaw - Murray Munro (the toxoplasma parasite traveled through Nicole's umbilical cord and attacked Jack's developing brain)

- Drone Awakening - Baxter Poe, Stan Hope, Thomas Hirschmann ("I felt like I should have somehow prevented this from happening...to prevent the pain.")

- Barcelona Nights - Mike Garson ("According to the CDC, more than 60 million people in the U.S. may be infected with a toxoplasma gondii parasite.")

- Victims Memory - Lois Blanca [Cezame Music Agency] ("The parasite was continuing its attack on Jack...this parasite is a killer.")

- The Editorial Line - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik [Cezame Music Agency] (Jack placed on a course of powerful antiparasitic drugs)

- Penelope - Didier Francois Petit, Helene Breschand [Cezame Music Agency] (Jack finally improves)

- Magical - Paul Mottram [Audio Network] (doctors send Jack home to continue his recovery)

- Vistas Unknown - Simon Lambros [Audio Network] (on Valentine's Day, Nicole and David find Jack can now see)

- Tracking Fraud - Anthony Phillips (today, Jack is 14 years old, but does have less vision than most other people)

- Fear Never Sleeps - Tom Howe (life cycle of the toxoplasma gondii parasite)

- Abstract Fear - Bastide Donny, Bastien Roques (Nicole recalls eating lamb while out to dinner with David at the end of her first trimester of pregnancy)

- Distant Murmurs 3 - Paul Mottram [Audio Network] ("And I never imagined that eating something could cause such awful consequences.")

- Under Covered - Christopher Franke (the toxoplasma parasite is still inside Jack)

- Leaving Train - Chris Lang, Eric Cunningham (but that doesn't stop Jack from having a good life)

- In Pursuit - Steve Rucker, Thomas Chase (how to avoid the toxoplasma gondii parasite)


- Blood Thirsty - Frederick Kron, Joanna Balloonknot (case intro)

- Clearer - Thornton Jenkins (Tampa, Florida/35-year-old Katherine Kinsey has 4 kids/although they are no longer married, the children's father, James Hatfield (Sr.), still plays a big role in the family)

- Power Rise - Baxter Poe, Stan Hope ("But something happens that threatens to tear this family apart completely.")

- New Land - Terry Devine-King, Chris Warner [Audio Network] (Katherine heads out to run errands)

- Brought to Life - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (James texts his mom that he has a headache)

- Last Request - Terry Devine-King, Adam Drake [Audio Network] (Katherine pulls James out of school/James lays on the couch)

- Prediction - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock, Ellie Kidd [Audio Network] (Katherine discovers James threw up)

- The Informer - Anthony Phillips (Katherine gives James tylenol)

- Hypnosis - Helen Jane Long [Audio Network] ("The meds seem to help, and James falls asleep.")

- Dynasty Madness - Boris Nonte, Ronni Shaw (Katherine sees James holding his head and moaning)

- Waiting Game - Helen Jane Long [Audio Network] (Katherine takes James to the E.R.)

- Search Lights - David Edwards (at the E.R., a new symptom suddenly strikes)

- Slam Down - Boris Nonte, Ronni Shaw (James starts speaking gibberish)

- The Abduction - Mike Garson (Katherine calls for a doctor)

- Mind Game - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik (doctor orders a cat scan of James' brain)

- Threat Level - Matt Hill [Audio Network] ("All of a sudden his legs drew back, and his body arched...")

- Dynasty Madness - Boris Nonte, Ronni Shaw (James goes into a seizure)

- Brought to Life - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (ending sting)

- Dynasty Madness - Boris Nonte, Ronni Shaw ("At the E.R., Katherine watches on in horror as her son, James, suddenly starts convulsing.")

- Kingdom Crusher - Boris Nonte, Ronni Shaw (explanation of seizures/doctors pull a code blue)

- Urgency - Helen Jane Long [Audio Network] (James' father arrives)

- Runaway - Steve Rucker, Thomas Chase (cat scan reveals nothing significant, so doctors order a spinal tap on James)

- Dark Visions - Boris Nonte, Ronni Shaw (James convulses uncontrollably, forcing his father and three other nurses to hold him down)

- Chased By Evil - Robert Bennett (doctors complete the spinal tap/James falls into a coma)

- Fear Never Sleeps - Tom Howe (Katherine stays with James through the night)

- Journeying - Simon Lambros [Audio Network] (James somewhat wakes up)

- Dramaniac - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik (the next day, doctors perform an EEG on James)

- Brain Drain - Bob Bradley [Audio Network] (the results reveal the right side of James' brain is slower than the left)

- Laying in Wait - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (Katherine and James Sr. realize they have to put aside their differences and work together for James' sake)

- Orion - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (James seems to improve, and is discharged)

- Abstract Fear - Bastide Donny, Bastien Roques ("In spite of her concerns, Katherine takes James home.")

- Dynasty Madness - Boris Nonte, Ronni Shaw (James' symptoms return/the phone rings)

- The Search Continues 5 (Sting) - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (brief sting that plays)

- Doom Drone; Woven Web - Anthony Phillips (James diagnosed with eastern equine encephalitis)

- Electroshock Me - Gregg Lehrman, Satnam Ramgotra (the triple E virus is attacking James' brain cells)

- Life or Death - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (there's no treatment for eastern equine encephalitis)

- Night Hunter - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] ("Eastern equine encephalitis is one of the most serious human infections that occurs in the United States.")

- Dark Impressions - Boris Nonte, Gregg Lehrman (the triple E virus is spread by mosquitoes)

- Cardiac Arrest - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (Katherine believes James got infected while on a school field trip that involved wading through the Hillsborough River)

- Sacrifice - Chris Blackwell [Audio Network] (James remains in intensive home care for three months)

- Miles Away - Claude Samard, Vincent Leibovitz [Cezame Music Agency] (all James' parents can do is follow and treat his symptoms and wait)

- Reversed Reality - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock, Ellie Kidd [Audio Network] (the Florida Department of Health offers to follow James' case to use his data to help with future cases) 

- Iceland - Peter Osterberg [Cezame Music Agency] (finally, one morning in June, James starts to improve)

- Bright Young Thing - Adam Drake [Audio Network] (today, James is back in the swing of things)

- Journeying - Simon Lambros [Audio Network] ("Though the triple E virus still lurks in his body and can recur, the family holds out hope.")

- Colossus - Barrie Gledden, Richard Kimmings [Audio Network] (how to avoid the triple E virus)


- Blood Thirsty - Frederick Kron, Joanna Balloonknot (case intro)

- Skull - Adam Drake, Neil Williams [Audio Network] (Savannah, Missouri/Chris and Christine Latham, and their 18-year-old son Wade, own a 200-acre farm)

- Insistent Rhythm - Donn Wilkerson (a month after his high school graduation, Wade comes home from his summer job as a contractor not feeling well)

- Life or Death - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (Wade develops a constant cough)

- Cardiac Arrest - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (Wade's mother convinces him to stop smoking, but Wade blows her off)

- Conundrum 2 - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network]; Tension in Tarzana - Daniel Heath, Joey Peters (Wade heads to bed early)

- Lighthouse Drone; March Pulse - Anthony Phillips (the next morning, Christine notices Wade looks really tired, and discovers he has a fever)

- Slam Down - Boris Nonte, Ronni Shaw (brief sting that plays before commercial break/"18-year-old Wade Latham has been struck down by a fever and a hacking cough.")

- Lighthouse Drone; March Pulse - Anthony Phillips - Anthony Phillips ("I was just really concerned, not knowing what was going on.")

- Joker - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik (Wade tries to act okay, but his parents don't buy it)

- Out of the Darkness 4 - Paul Mottram [Audio Network] (Wade's parents tell him he needs to go to the doctor, but Wade tries to worm his way out)

- Surveillance - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock, Ellie Kidd [Audio Network] (despite his resistance, Wade agrees to go to the doctor's office)

- Build to Bang - Steve Everitt (explanation of pneumonia)

- Waiting Game - Helen Jane Long [Audio Network] (doctor encourages Wade to stop smoking, but Wade blows him off too/Wade prescribed antibiotics)

- The Men In Suits - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (after two weeks, Wade completes his course of antibiotics, and continues his contracting work)

- Blinding Hazes - Xavier Jamaux; Cardiac Arrest - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] ("We were filling a hole back in, and my chest started to get real tight on me.")

- Enduring - Olivier Renoir (Wade feels a tightness in his chest/Wade calls his parents)

- Nemesis - Christopher Ashmore, Benjamin Marks [Audio Network] (Wade's parents pick him up from work and take him to the hospital)

- Under Pressure - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (cat scan reveals Wade's lung has collapsed)

- Find Him - Takeshi Furukawa (explanation of how the lungs can collapse)

- Time Passes - Barrie Gledden, Steve Dymond, Jason Pedder [Audio Network] (Wade gets nervous)

- Too Tense - Christopher Franke (doctor sticks a needle into Wade's ribs to drain the fluid in his lungs)

- Apocalyptic - Daniel Weniger (doctors drain over two cups of fluid from Wade's left lung)

- Blood Thirsty - Frederick Kron, Joanna Balloonknot (Dr. Scott Folk takes up Wade's case)

- Dark Pulse 29 - Bernhard Hering, Martin Wester, Matthias Kruger (Dr. Folk thinks something more serious than a bacterial infection is going on/Dr. Folk asks Wade a series of question, but Wade answers no to all of them)

- Reversed Reality - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock, Ellie Kidd [Audio Network] (Dr. Folk's line of questioning eventually hits the mark)

- Nemesis - Christopher Ashmore, Benjamin Marks [Audio Network] (Dr. Folk asks Wade if he's eaten any raw seafood)

- The Men In Suits - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (Wade recalls eating a raw crawfish on his float trip)

- Blood Thirsty - Frederick Kron, Joanna Balloonknot (Dr. Folk is shocked)

- Urgency - Helen Jane Long [Audio Network] (Dr. Folk runs a specialized blood test)

- Look Behind You - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (Wade has an elevated number of eosinophils in his blood)

- Rising Mercury 2 - Nick Ingman, Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (paragonimus kellicotti)

- Electroshock Me - Gregg Lehrman, Satnam Ramgotra (the paragonimus kellicotti parasites are attacking Wade's lungs)

- Sixth Sense - Orlando Jopling [Audio Network] (parasite can invade the brain)

- In Pursuit - Steve Rucker, Thomas Chase ("The lung-fluke parasites can live in the body for as long as 20 years.")

- Awareness - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (infections can lead to permanent scarring of the lungs/Wade placed on praziquantel, which does rid his body of the parasites)

- Paranormalyzer - Jonas Baker (Wade develops a secondary infection in his left lung)

- Urgency - Helen Jane Long [Audio Network] (Wade taken into surgery)

- A Presence Around - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik (Wade's parents wait in the waiting room)

- Celestial Pulses - Matthew St Laurent (doctors complete the surgery, and send Wade to the ICU to recover)

- Desert Moon - James Jacobsen, Parthenon Huxley (after eight more days, Wade finally goes home parasite-free)

- Acoustic Twilight - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (Wade is forced to give up extreme physical work, but now drives a truck hauling grain)

- The Informer - Anthony Phillips (how to avoid the paragonimus kellicotti parasite)

A Deadly Swim (UK)


- Piano Steps - Mark Russell (show intro)


- Wake Up World - David Rolfe (Mountlake Terrace, Washington)

- I Remember - Christopher Franke (Steve and Beth Beck have two kids, 14-year-old Alyssa and 16-year-old Tristin)

- Bright Young Thing - Adam Drake [Audio Network] (the family love to barbecue)

- Safari - Christopher Ashmore [Audio Network] (one day, Tristin calls his father and tells him he isn't feeling well)

- Treacherous Waters - Jonas Baker (that evening, Tristin tells his parents he's been vomiting every half hour)

- Under Pressure - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (Tristin's parents woken up in the middle of the night by Tristin's loud vomiting)

- Cold Blooded Killer - Scott Marcussen (after a couple days, Tristin's nausea hasn't relented)

- Build to Bang - Steve Everitt (Beth takes Tristin to the clinic)

- Minor Threat (a) - Baxter Poe, Stan Hope (Tristin confesses he's been vomiting blood)

- Question Everything - Baxter Poe, Stan Hope (blood test results are inconclusive)

- Illusions 1 - Paul Osborne (Tristin begins taking his prescribed medication)

- Troubled - Ian Clarke, Simon Painter (Tristin's parents notice he's losing weight)

- Future Metropolis - Denis Levaillant (Steve and Beth rush Tristan to the hospital)

- Determination - Simon Lambros [Audio Network] (the next morning, Tristan begins vomiting an unusual black substance)

- Scary Brass Rise - Baxter Poe, Stan Hope, Thomas Hirschmann (Steve calls for a doctor to enter the room)

- Solemnity - Paul Mottram [Audio Network] (Tristin sent for an exam)

- ? (barium liquid Tristin drank mysteriously stops)

- Brought to Life - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (Dr. Kimberly Riehle takes on Tristin's case)

- Outside Control - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (Dr. Riehle explains the complications that can occur from bowel obstructions)

- Under Pressure - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (Tristan is at risk of losing his entire small intestine and being forced to be placed on IV nutrition)

- Envy 7 - Dan Skinner, Adam Skinner, Simon Skinner [Audio Network] (Tristan has an intestinal blockage that's causing him to vomit)

- Nevada Snakebite - Dan Skinner, Adam Skinner [Audio Network] (surgeons tell Steve and Beth that Tristin needs exploratory surgery)

- Anxious - Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (briefly plays before next track)

- Conundrum 2 - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (doctors explain to Tristan and his family what will happen)

- Anxious - Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (family shares one last exchange before Tristin's surgery)

- The Men In Suits - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (Dr. Riehle performs the procedure)

- ?; Scary Orchestra Rise - Baxter Poe, Stan Hope (Dr. Riehle sees something shiny on the intestine)

- Stalked and Hunted - Jeffrey Cardoni ("16-year-old Tristin Beck is in the middle of exploratory surgery, when doctors discover something mysterious in his intestines."/Dr. Riehle sees a piece of metal in Tristin's intestines)

- Light in the Attic - Scott Marcussen (Dr. Riehle shows Steve and Beth the culprit/the piece of metal is a small wire bristle from a grill brush)

- The Last Standoff (d) - Baxter Poe, Stan Hope, Thomas Hirschmann (the tiny wire bristle pinned several loops of Tristin's intestines together)

- Valley of Tranquillity - Chris Egan, Trystan Francis [Audio Network] ("Every year in the United States, approximately 80,000 people visit the emergency room having ingested a foreign object.")

- The Hive - Christian Telford, David Edwards (Dr. Riehle finishes the surgery)

- Between the Lines - Michael Levine (Tristin wheeled back into intestive care and wakes up, and eventually leaves the hospital with no enduring complications/Steve believes a stray bristle landed on the grill and he unknowingly placed a piece of meat over it, which Tristin ate)

- Dead Air - Scott Marcussen (Steve now uses a pumice stone to clean their grill)

- DNA Sample - Scott Marcussen (how to avoid accidentally ingesting a bristle from a grill brush)


- Swat - Steve Everitt (case intro)

- Summertime Cocktail - Christopher Innes, Glenn Holley, Tom Caffey (Titusville, Florida)

- All in the Round - Mark Sayer-Wade (P.J. Nash has two kids, 18-year-old Ethan and 16-year-old Courtney/the kids have strong ties to their uncle, Tom Uzel)

- Tracking Fraud - Anthony Phillips (one day, Courtney is going out to get her driving license)

- The Unexplained - Frederick Kron, Joanna Balloonknot (Courtney complains of a headache/Courtney takes pain medication, and passes her driving test with flying colors)

- Patiently - Paul Mottram [Audio Network] ("But the next day, things take an unexpected turn.")

- Fearful - Matthew Harris (Courtney calls her mother and tells her she's vomited 20 times/P.J. leaves work to check on her daughter)

- Chased By Evil - Robert Bennett (P.J. takes Courtney to the nearest hospital)

- Dark 5 - Bernhard Hering, Martin Wester, Matthias Kruger (45 minutes later, Courtney's test results come back)

- Harpeggio - Lee Groves, Peter Marett (doctors believe it's just the flu)

- Insistent Rhythm - Donn Wilkerson (doctors discharge Courtney)

- Dulcimer Rolls - Anthony Phillips (that night, Courtney asks to sleep with her mom)

- Spooks in the Wheel - Anthony Phillips (Courtney lays in bed with her mother/P.J. takes Courtney's temperature, which comes up 104)

- Behind You - Ralv Gielen ("104 temperature is very scary.")

- The Return of Evil - Scott Glasgow (Courtney sits up in bed)

- Horror Ramp 1 - Jonas Baker (Courtney's behavior worries her mom)

- Runaway - Steve Rucker, Thomas Chase ("In Florida, Courtney Nash's painful headaches and vomiting have culminated in a moment of sheer horror.")

- Quiet Desperation - Michael Levine (P.J. calls Tom for help)

- In Pursuit - Steve Rucker, Thomas Chase (Tom checks Courtney over, and determines she must go to the hospital)

- Darkness in the Alley - Scott Marcussen (P.J. notices a rash on the side of Courtney's face)

- Enduring - Olivier Renoir (rash reappears and disappears)

- Urgency 2 - Helen Jane Long [Audio Network] (Tom and P.J. take Courtney to Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children in Orlando)

- Full Impact - Dusty Grey, William Smith (family placed in quarantine)

- Bloodlines - Lee Groves, Peter Marett (doctors perform a spinal tap on Courtney)

- Aliens Crush Man - Bill Brown (Dr. Frederico Laham looks over Courtney's spinal fluid)

- Razor Blade Terror - Alex Kharlamov (Dr. Laham sees an organism moving under the microscope)

- Awareness - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (Dr. Laham asks P.J. what Courtney was doing over the last couple days/P.J. explains Courtney was swimming with her friends)

- Huge Monster is Coming - Bill Brown ("This information leads Dr. Laham to a serious conclusion.")

- Anxious - Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (explanation of encephalitis)

- Dark Pulse 10 - Bernhard Hering, Martin Wester, Matthias Kruger (naegleria fowleri (the brain-eating amoeba))

- Scary Nuptules - Baxter Poe, Josh Mobley, Stan Hope ("In the United States, less than 1% of individuals infected with the naegleria fowleri parasite have survived.")

- Forensics - Anthony Phillips (P.J. and Tom shocked by the diagnosis)

- Bloodlines - Lee Groves, Peter Marett ("That wasn't even in my thought processes that it was an amoeba...and it hurt.")

- In Pursuit - Steve Rucker, Thomas Chase (Dr. Laham and his team put Courtney in a medically induced coma, and place her on a cocktail of antifungal and antibacterial drugs)

- Viral Evolution - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik [Cezame Music Agency] ("And for the next two days, Courtney remains on life support.")

- Dark 1 - Bernhard Hering, Martin Wester, Matthias Kruger ("I just kept praying for a miracle.")

- Paranormalyzer - Jonas Baker (after 48 hours on life support, doctors confirm that Courtney is brain dead)

- Saving Angels - Anthony Phillips (P.J. says her goodbyes to her daughter, and Courtney is taken off life support)

- Washed Ashore - Lois Blanca [Cezame Music Agency] ("But even in death, Courtney's giving nature persists."/Courtney became an organ donor after obtaining her driver's license, and was able to save four lives)

- Screaming Whispers - Steve Rucker, Thomas Chase ("But how did Courtney contract the horrific naegleria fowleri parasite?")

- Evil Intent - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik [Cezame Music Agency] (life cycle of the naegleria fowleri parasite)

- Adama - Ariel Blumenthal (Courtney swam in the St. Johns River six days prior to her death)

- Tender - Mark Cook (today, the family has started a foundation in Courtney's honor)

- Sinister Angel - Christopher Ashmore, Benjamin Marks [Audio Network] (how to avoid the naegleria fowleri parasite)


- Dynasty Madness - Boris Nonte, Ronni Shaw (case intro)

- Hell on Wheels - Gareth Johnson [Audio Network] (Superior, Wisconsin/"Rob Nelson loves hitting the great wide open on his customized Harley Sportster."/Rob Nelson and his partner Angela Sabbatini have two kids, 14-year-old Dylan and 10-year-old Ashley)

- Joyful Spirit - Michael Levine, Scott Roewe (Rob works as an industrial painter)

- Country Folk - Richard Beddow (the family enjoys sitting outside on their deck and barbecuing)

- Cold Blooded Killer - Scott Marcussen (one day, Rob starts to feel nauseous while working)

- Insistent Rhythm - Donn Wilkerson (Rob continues to feel under the weather for a week)

- Brought to Life - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (one night, Rob goes into a coughing fit)

- Falsely Accused - Jean-François Morin, Nicolas Mizrachi [Cezame Music Agency] (Angela recommends Rob see a doctor)

- Fear Never Sleeps - Tom Howe (the next day, Rob visits the family doctor)

- Anxious - Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (doctor X-rays Rob's chest)

- Dark Pulse 30 - Bernhard Hering, Martin Wester, Matthias Kruger (explanation of pneumonia)

- Fearful - Matthew Harris (Rob given antibiotics, and he returns to work)

- Life or Death - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (three weeks later, Rob develops a pain in his knee)

- Heart of Darkness - David O'Brien [Audio Network] (Rob continues to push through)

- Tension Drone - Anthony Phillips (for the next two weeks, Rob's symptoms keep him in bed)

- Frightening Visions - Laurent Levesque (Angela comes home to find Rob barely breathing)

- Dynasty Madness - Boris Nonte, Ronni Shaw (Angela rushes Rob to the hospital)

- Build to Bang - Steve Everitt ("Industrial painter Rob Nelson struggles for every breath, as his partner, Angela, watches helplessly in the E.R.")

- Plot Theory - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik [Cezame Music Agency] (doctors place Rob on oxygen/X-ray reveals Rob's lungs are filled with fluid)

- The Unexplained - Frederick Kron, Joanna Balloonknot (Dr. Timothy Rich takes on Rob's case)

- In Pursuit - Steve Rucker, Thomas Chase (doctors must take biopsies of Rob's lung)

- Nevada Snakebite - Dan Skinner, Adam Skinner [Audio Network] (Dr. Rich tells Rob surgery could be the only way to save his life)

- Crime Scene - Anthony Phillips ("It was really emotional."/biopsy reveals something unusual)

- Stalked and Hunted - Jeffrey Cardoni (disseminated blastomycosis)

- Joker - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik ("Blastomycosis is a rare fungal infection that only occurs in about one out of every 50,000 people.")

- Mental Disorder - Arnaud Rozenblat, Daniel Finot [Cezame Music Agency] (Dr. Rich tells the family that Rob's mortality rate is 90%)

- Dark Pulse 9 - Bernhard Hering, Martin Wester, Matthias Kruger (Rob's lungs collapse 16 times over the next 40 days)

- Time to Confess - Scott Marcussen (after two weeks in a medically induced coma, Dr. Rich notices a slight improvement)

- Enchanted - Neil Pollard (Rob finally wakes up)

- Clearer - Thornton Jenkins (Angela is ecstatic Rob is awake)

- Subterfuge - Michael Levine ("But how did Rob contract blastomycosis?")

- The Informer - Anthony Phillips (life cycle of the blastomyces dermatitidis fungus)

- Build to Bang - Steve Everitt (Rob and Angela believe Rob got the fungus while sitting out on their deck)

- Tender - Mark Cook (a week later, Rob returns home, but still faces a long road to recovery)

- Wildflowers - Chris Neeser, Christopher Innes, Glenn Holley (the family has learned to enjoy the simpler things in life)

- Treacherous Waters - Jonas Baker (how to reduce the chances of contracting the blastomyces fungus)

Homegrown Enemies (UK)

- The Stabbing - Scott Marcussen (episode intro) - Piano Steps - Mark Russell (show intro) - Cyber Psycho - Steve Everitt ("Parasites a...