There's a Worm Crawling In My What?


- Piano Steps - Mark Russell (show intro)


- Investigate - Murray Munro (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada)

- Clearer - Thornton Jenkins (28-year-old Kyrsten Jensen loves science and travelling)

- Concrete and Chalk - Jeffrey Cardoni (one day in early March, Kyrsten returns home from a trip to Belize to find a mosquito bite near her bikini line)

- Abandonment - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (the next morning, Kyrsten notices a hole on the top of her bite)

- Viral Evolution - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik [Cezame Music Agency] (at work, the bite starts to itch)

- Insistent Rhythm - Donn Wilkerson (Kyrsten tries to hide her scratching for the rest of the day)

- Nowhere to Go - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (the next morning, Kyrsten notices the bit is inflamed while taking a shower)

- For Whom the Bell Tolls - Oliver Ledbury [Audio Network] (explanation of an ingrown hair)

- Plot Theory - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik [Cezame Music Agency] (a few days later, a new symptom stops Kyrsten cold)

- Dynasty Madness - Boris Nonte, Ronni Shaw (Kyrsten feels a stabbing pain while walking down the street)

- ? (a few days later, Kyrsten sees a doctor)

- Dark Pulse 9 - Bernhard Hering, Martin Wester, Matthias Kruger (doctor believes it's an infected ingrown hair)

- Time Is Now - Christopher Franke (doctor slices the top of the bite, but nothing comes out/doctor prescribes Kyrsten antibiotics)

- Fear Never Sleeps - Tom Howe (three days later, while getting ready for bed, Kyrsten checks her wound)

- Verdict - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik [Cezame Music Agency] (Kyrsten believes something is moving in her wound)

- Storm Evolution 5 - Paul Mottram [Audio Network] (Kyrsten heads to the E.R., where a doctor bandages the wound)

- Runaway - Steve Rucker, Thomas Chase (early that morning, Kyrsten checks her wound again)

- Chased By Evil - Robert Bennett (Kyrsten witnesses something retracting into her wound)

- Electronic Warfare* - David Vanacore, Brandon Thompson [KPM Music] (Kyrsten rushes back to the hospital, where she is seen by Dr. Sheldon Glazer)

- Apocalyptic - Daniel Weniger (Dr. Glazer takes down Kyrsten's medical history, and reaches a stunning diagnosis)

- Blood Thirsty - Frederick Kron, Joanna Balloonknot (Dr. Glazer believes it's a botfly larva)

- Runaway - Steve Rucker, Thomas Chase ("Botfly larvae have been known to grow to nearly an inch in length, and they can imbed anywhere on the skin.")

- Ominous Clouds - Jonas Baker (Dr. Glazer tells Kyrsten she can wait 6 to 12 weeks for the botfly to exit on its own, but Kyrsten refuses)

- In Pursuit - Steve Rucker, Thomas Chase ("Kyrsten Jensen has a botfly larva living under her skin, just by her bikini line.")

- Ominous Clouds - Jonas Baker (Dr. Glazer covers the wound with petroleum jelly, and tapes an airtight dressing over it)

- Light in the Attic - Scott Marcussen (Kyrsten waits for 24 hours for the parasite to die)

- Something Near - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik (Dr. Glazer pulls out the maggot)

- Under Covered - Christopher Franke (explanation of the botfly's unusual reproduction strategy)

- Tracking Fraud - Anthony Phillips (Kyrsten recalls her trip to Belize)

- Fragile Situation - Igor Dvorkin, Ellie Kidd [Audio Network] (Dr. Glazer gives Kyrsten the maggot as a souvenir, which she names Bob)

- Knowledge and Process - Laurent Levesque (today, Kyrsten is fully recovered, and continues to travel)

- Stalked and Hunted - Jeffrey Cardoni (how to avoid getting a botfly larva inside you)


- Swat - Steve Everitt (case intro)

- Raining at Poipu - John DeFaria [Audio Network] (Davenport, Iowa/Sharon Fry is a single mom with two kids, 19-year-old Cody and 13-year-old Ashley, who are very close/Cody is currently taking a community college course in video game design)

- The Big Decision - Daniel Pemberton (one evening in Spring, Cody and Ashley are at home playing video games, when Cody gets up to go to the bathroom and vomits)

- Drama Games - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik (Cody's fits of coughing and vomiting continue for several weeks, but keeps telling Ashley he'll be fine)

- ? (a couple days later, Ashley tells Sharon what's been happening, and Cody confesses to their mom about his vomiting)

- Crime Scene - Anthony Phillips (Sharon tells Cody they need to go to the doctor)

- Harpeggio - Lee Groves, Peter Marett (family doctor suggests it may be allergies)

- Choose - David Edwards (Cody takes medication, but a week later it hasn't worked, so Sharon and Cody go back to the doctor)

- Point Zero - Mark Sayer-Wade (doctor discovers Cody has lost 40 pounds over the last several weeks)

- Cybertex 3 - James Brett [Audio Network] (doctor suggests it could be hyperthyroidism, but Cody tests negative)

- Dead Ringers - Anthony Phillips (doctor orders a blood test and C.T. scan of Cody's chest)

- Life Strings - Bernard Grimaldi, Vincent Chaintrier (a few hours later, the doctor phones Sharon and tells her that Cody has a mass in his chest)

- Vertigo - Jacques Cassard ("Sharon Fry has just received the startling news that her ailing son, Cody, has an unidentified mass in his chest.")

- Floating Above - Michael Levine (Cody's younger sister, Ashley, breaks down and cries)

- Endless Corridor - Laurent Levesque (a few days later, Sharon takes Cody to the hospital to undergo a biopsy of the mass in his chest)

- Crime Scene - Anthony Phillips (doctor says the mass looks like something he's not seen before)

- Quiet Desperation - Michael Levine (Dr. Mark Iannettoni examines the mass tissue, as Cody's condition continues to deteriorate)

- ? (Dr. Iannettoni reaches a diagnosis, and has the family drive 60 miles to Iowa City to meet with him personally)

- Tense Strings Rise - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (Dr. Iannettoni reveals the diagnosis)

- Dark Threat - Bastide Donny, Bastien Roques (histoplasmosis)

- Crime Scene - Anthony Phillips ("We had to tell Cody that this was a life-threatening and probably fatal disease.")

- Cybertex 4 - James Brett [Audio Network] ("What makes the histoplasmosis fungus so terrifying is that the infection can cause significant scarring in the lungs.")

- Bummer - Christopher Franke ("Saving Cody's life will not be easy."/Cody's mass is impossible to remove/Cody prescribed anti-fungal medication to slow the growth of the mass, and for a few months he shows some improvement)

- Gathering Data - Luke Richards [Audio Network] (Sharon takes Cody back to the hospital for a follow-up bronchoscopy)

- Missing Evidence - Takeshi Furukawa (a half hour into the procedure, a doctor comes out and tells Sharon Cody went into a coughing fit and dislodged a blood clot)

- Bloodlines - Lee Groves, Peter Marett (Sharon and Ashley witness Cody in a chemically-induced coma)

- ? ("Cody Fry is in a chemically-induced coma.")

- Controlled Environment - Brian Reidinger, Daniel Burke, Brian Casey, Darren Drew [KPM Music] (for two weeks, Cody's life hangs in the balance)

- Memory Montage - Kurt Oldman (after showing some improvement, doctors awaken Cody from his coma)

- Intentional Concealment - David Vanacore, Joseph Greenier [KPM Music] (the histoplasma capsulatum fungus is often found in soil contaminated with bird and bat feces, and can be inhaled into the lungs)

- Game Therapy - Christopher Slaski [Audio Network] (Sharon believes Cody got the infection on a trip to a nearby cave full of bats)

- Revolving Circles - Andrew Britton, David Goldsmith (today, Cody is 22 years old, and is back to pursuing his dreams of being a video game designer, but he still carries the fungal mass inside him)

- In the Deep End - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] ("Histoplasmosis can be found throughout the world."/how to avoid contracting histoplasmosis)


- Swat - Steve Everitt (case intro)

- Chickens in the Yard - Chris Norton, Frank Mizen [Audio Network] (Fairburn, South Dakota/Deanna and Travis Bies run a 24,000-acre ranch, and have five children)

- Duetto - Chris Gibbons [Audio Network] (but while four of the kids work on the farm, their 15-year-old daughter Maddie prefers more social activities/"Maddie's reluctance to do chores on the farm annoys her oldest sister, Karli.")

- Enchanted - Neil Pollard ("But Maddie's independent spirit is about to get a reality check."/one day in summer, Maddie is visiting her grandparents, but develops a really bad sore throat while eating dinner)

- Viral Evolution - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik [Cezame Music Agency] (Maddie returns home the next day, and develops a headache while laying in bed)

- Dark Nebula - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock, Ellie Kidd [Audio Network] (Maddie's sister, Karli, believes Maddie is overreacting)

- Carved Up - Jeffrey Cardoni (later that evening, Maddie becomes nauseous, and throws up on the floor)

- Hypnosis - Helen Jane Long [Audio Network] (Deanna takes Maddie to the local clinic, where the doctor gives Maddie an anti-nausea shot)

- Ghostly Child - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (in the middle of the night, Maddie starts crying uncontrollably due to the pain)

- Adrenaline Addiction - David Vanacore, Brandon Thompson [KPM Music] (Deanna and Karli rush Maddie to the E.R.)

- Mind Game - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik (they arrive at the hospital/Maddie's blood pressure is alarmingly low/Maddie keep in the hospital overnight)

- District 10 - David Edwards (the following morning, pediatric specialist Dr. Lynn Simmons takes on Maddie's case)

- Dark Threat - Bastide Donny, Bastien Roques (the following day, Maddie's father, Travis, stays by Maddie's bedside as Maddie's condition deteriorates)

- Personal Data (c) - Baxter Poe, Stan Hope (a set of blood test results reveal an excessively high white blood cell count)

- Dark Pulse 24 - Bernhard Hering, Martin Wester, Matthias Kruger (Travis calls Deanna)

- Scared of Nothing - Christopher Franke ("Maddie Bies is in the hospital with a mysterious and potentially life-threatening illness.")

- ? (Deanna and Karli rush back to Maddie's bedside/the sight of Maddie is a shock to Karli)

- Quizzer - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (the next day, the blood test results come in)

- Crime Scene - Anthony Phillips (the blood test results reveal the culprit)

- Under Pressure - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] ("What is that doing in my daughter's body?")

- Dark Threat - Bastide Donny, Bastien Roques (Lemierre's syndrome)

- The Men In Suits - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] ("It's something that's so rare and never hardly heard of.")

- Electronic Warfare* - David Vanacore, Brandon Thompson [KPM Music] ("The frightening thing about fusobacterium necrophorum is that the infection can deprive organs of blood, causing tissues to rot, and potentially leading to septic shock.")

- Crime Scene - Anthony Phillips ("I was just shaky.")

- Nocturnal Percussion - Mark Sayer-Wade ("Doctors have diagnosed Maddie Bies with the deadly fusobacterium necrophorum.")

- Cornered - Igor Dvorkin, Ellie Kidd [Audio Network] (X-rays show the bacterial clots are everywhere)

- Betrayed - Igor Dvorkin, Ellie Kidd [Audio Network] ("Those thoughts always go through your mind that you might be able to lose one of your kids.")

- Tracking Fraud - Anthony Phillips (for 10 days, doctor continually drain fluid from Maddie's chest)

- Electronic Warfare* - David Vanacore, Brandon Thompson [KPM Music] ("But treating this system-wide infection isn't easy.")

- ? (the infection can be difficult to clear from the body/Dr. Simmons starts Maddie on blood thinners)

- Aorta - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (the fusobacterium moves through tissue in the throat when it's inflamed, but how Maddie got the infection isn't clear)

- Life or Death - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] ("It's not known exactly what factors are involved when the bacteria cross from the throat into the blood, triggering Lemierre's syndrome.")

- Desert Moon - James Jacobsen, Parthenon Huxley (after 2½ weeks in the hospital, Maddie's condition finally starts to improve)

- Thoughts - David Michael, Lee Pomeroy [Audio Network] (Maddie finally goes home)

- The River Flows - Michael Levine (today, Maddie is back in school, and has gotten her sassy personality back)

- Agent in Charge - Scott Marcussen ("The presence of fusobacterium in the throat of a healthy person is not a cause for concern.")

1 comment:

  1. I don't normally post comments here on their own but...

    When I was doing this breakdown, I remembered the episode saying Cody Fry would have the histoplasmosis still inside him and I looked up on Google Search to see if there was any info on how he's doing.

    This article:, reveals he died from the disease on October 23, 2015, less than a year after the episode aired.

    I was so shocked to find that out and I actually paused for 10-15 minutes because it made me very sad to find this out.

    Rest in peace, Cody Fry.


Homegrown Enemies (UK)

- The Stabbing - Scott Marcussen (episode intro) - Piano Steps - Mark Russell (show intro) - Cyber Psycho - Steve Everitt ("Parasites a...