My Hands Are Falling Off


- Inner Space - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (episode intro)


- By the Water - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Jonathon Beers [Ah2 Music] (Brantford, Ontario, Canada)

- ? (Aaron Mouldey is a welder, and his wife Melinda is a medical researcher, and they have 4 children, 18-year-old Austin, 16-year-old Nicole, 12-year-old Violet, and 10-year-old Sloan)

- Tension - Bob Bradley [Audio Network] ("But this tight-knit family's love for each other is about to be put to the test.")

- Aftereffect - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (one warm day in May, Melinda and Aaron are at a cookout with friends)

- ? (Melinda feels a tickling sensation in her throat after swallowing the last piece of her burger)

- ? (minutes later, Melinda, feeling nauseous, rushes to the bathroom and throws up)

- ? (Aaron and Melinda leave the cookout and head home)

- Forensic Analysis - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Miles Hankins [Ah2 Music] (by the next morning, Melinda's nausea has passed, and she only has a sore throat)

- ? (but while attending a religious service, Melinda feels a pinching sensation in her throat, and chooses to leave)

- ? (back at the house, Melinda lies down on her bed, and Aaron heads out to go biking with friends)

- ? (but soon after Aaron leaves, Melinda starts vomiting blood)

- ? (Melinda's son Austin rushes her to the hospital)

- ? (at the hospital, doctors do an X-ray of Melinda's throat, but it doesn't show anything)

- ? (Aaron rushes to Melinda's beside)

- ? (Melinda remains in the hospital for three days, but every test comes back normal)

- Answers and Questions - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] ("I tried very hard to stay positive, but things are going downhill quickly now, and still no answers."/doctors do a more detailed cat scan of Melinda's throat, which reveals a mysterious object lodged in there)

- ? ("For five days, Melinda Mouldey has been suffering with debilitating pain in her throat."/Melissa's cased passed on to Dr. Natasha Cohen)

- Circling Menace - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] ("Of all the foreign objects accidentally swallowed every year, about 80% will pass through the digestive system causing little or no harm.")

- ? (Dr. Cohen explains to Melinda the object was so thin, the X-ray never picked it up)

- Depressed Drone No Drum - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams [Ah2 Music] (Melinda prepared for surgery)

- Creepy Feeling - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Jonathon Beers [Ah2 Music] (Dr. Cohen locates the object in Melinda's throat)

- Lost Oracle - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (Dr. Cohen removes the object)

- Listed Seveso - Jean-Philippe Dutheil [Cezame Music Agency] (briefly heard in between the previous and next tracks)

- ? (a 1-inch piece of metal wire was stuck in the base of Melinda's tongue)

- Barren Desert No Pluck Syn - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (Melinda and Aaron realize the metal wire is a grill brush bristle that was in Melinda's burger at the barbecue/"One study estimated that on average, every year, there are over 100 grill brush injuries reported in emergency departments nationwide.")

- Light as Clouds - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams [Ah2 Music] (today, Melinda has made a full recovery, but no longer uses wire bristle brushes when barbecuing)

- Creepy Feeling Str - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Jonathon Beers [Ah2 Music] ("While some monsters strike in our backyards, others lurk in far more remote parts of the world.")


- Red Rock Canyon - Chris Egan, Trystan Francis [Audio Network] (Prescott, Arizona/Mark Ward is a retired firefighter, and his wife Janina is studying holistic medicine)

- Training Exercise - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Jonathon Beers [Ah2 Music] (both Mark and Janina love the outdoors, and even have bought a remote cabin in the jungles of Belize)

- Tension - Bob Bradley [Audio Network] ("But the couple's love of nature has come at a heavy price.")

- Pick and Choose - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (one March morning, at their cabin in Belize, Mark is getting dressed)

- ? (Mark notices little purple dots on his hands)

- ? (Mark decides to ignore the bumps)

- ? (at Janina's advice, Mark sterilizes the bites with hydrogen peroxide, but they only grow in size)

- Aftereffect - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (Mark asks around, and a local tells him about a natural remedy involving a mixture of sorosi berries, which do manage to halt the growth)

- ?; Nowhere Land - Cyrille Aufort [Cezame Music Agency] (but by the end of the week, Mark runs out of berries and can't find more, and the bumps get more painful)

- ? (then, one morning during breakfast, Janina notices Mark is acting very lethargic, and tells Mark that he should get the bumps examined, but Mark blows it off)

- ? (but while trying to fix a run-down car, Mark finds himself unable to close his hands)

- ?; Nowhere Land - Cyrille Aufort [Cezame Music Agency] (the bumps eventually start to break open)

- ? ("Over the last two weeks, Mark Ward has been battling painful bumps that have broken out on his arms and legs.")

- Bottom Dweller - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams [Ah2 Music] (Mark and Janina head to the nearest hospital that handles emergencies, but are appalled by the conditions of the hospital)

- ? (doctor diagnoses Mark with bullous impetigo)

- A Waiting Game 2 - Jody Jenkins [Audio Network] ("When they told me what it was, I was relieved."/doctor places Mark on a broad spectrum of antibiotics)

- Evil Walks - David O'Brien [Audio Network] (doctors also painfully scrub Mark's wounds)

- ? (however, the bumps continue to get worse)

- ? (after three days, against the local doctor's advice, Janina checks Mark out of the hospital, and they catch the first plane back to the United States/upon landing in Arizona, Janina immediately rushes Mark to the E.R.)

- ? (Mark is examined by a medical team, including Dr. Sean Reeder/the team consults a parasitic expert, who confirms their theory)

- Secret Landing - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (cutaneous leishmaniasis)

- Confer and Fire Syn - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams [Ah2 Music] ("It's spooky to know that you have something inside you.")

- ? (the leishmania parasites have a special coating of molecules that trick the immune system into thinking it's not a threat, allowing them to spread)

- Thriller Underscore - Laurent Juillet [APM Music] (doctors tell Mark his infection has progressed too far for any medication to help)

- ? ("For weeks, Mark Ward has been suffering from a painful skin condition known as cutaneous leishmaniasis.")

- ? (at home, Mark and Janina closely monitor the bumps)

- Second String No Pno - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (after a few weeks, Mark's sores finally start to heal)

- Circling Menace - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (the leishmania parasites is transmitted to humans by the sandfly)

- Into Darkness - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (Mark believes he got the infection while doing some yardwork in Belize)

- Sunlit Waters - Oliver Ledbury [Audio Network] (today, Mark still bears the scars of his infection, but has otherwise made a full recovery, and he and Janina continue to travel abroad)

- ? (how to avoid the leishmania parasite)

- Creepy Feeling Str - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Jonathon Beers [Ah2 Music] ("But while some monsters disfigure our skin...others wreak havoc deep inside our bodies.")


- ? (brief case intro)

- Unanswered Question - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (Lincoln, Nebraska)

- Forensic Analysis - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Miles Hankins [Ah2 Music] (Darin and Susan Stortzum, who love horses, have two children who share their passion in horses, 16-year-old Dustin, and 14-year-old Cady)

- Sunrise Gtr Drums - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams [Ah2 Music] (Darin looks after horses at a local racetrack, while Susan is focused on her work as a local nurse and taking care of her family)

- Creepy Feeling - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Jonathan Beers [Ah2 Music] (Susan believes she can handle anything, but something is about to push her family to its breaking point)

- Aftereffect - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (one Wednesday afternoon, Cady is working at her after-school job at a local café, when midway through her shift, she feels a bump on her neck)

- Ancient Shadow - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (Susan examines Cady's bump upon picking her up, and believes it's just an ingrown hair)

- Training Exercise - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Jonathon Beers [Ah2 Music] (over the next few days, Susan applies a warm washcloth to Cady's bump, which helps at first)

- ? (but then, one night, Cady complains of her neck starting to hurt)

- Approaching Cygnus - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (Susan takes Cady to the family physician)

- ? (the physician believes Cady has swollen lymph nodes)

- Bottom Dweller - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams [Ah2 Music] (Cady's doctor does blood tests, but they all come back negative, but still places her on antibiotics)

- ? (but a few days later, while in music class, Cady starts to feel dizzy)

- ? ("For several days, Cady Stortzum has had swollen lymph nodes and pain in her neck.")

- Undisclosed Location - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (Susan takes Cady back to the doctor, but her blood tests still come back negative/the doctor believes that Cady could simply be under stress)

- ? (Susan thinks the doctor could be right and sides with him)

- Close to Hysteria* - David Vanacore, Brandon Thompson [KPM Music] (Cady, who knows she's not under any pressure, is angered by this)

- ? (a few days later, Cady notices a new bump on the side of her neck, but still upset her mom and doctor won't believe her, she decides she won't tell anyone)

- ? (three weeks after her symptoms began, Cady is selected to compete in an important track meet)

- Tension - Bob Bradley [Audio Network] (Cady starts to feel dizzy)

- ? (Cady collapses and faints on the track)

- Anxious - Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (Cady's dad takes her off the track)

- Betrayed - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Boris Elkis [Ah2 Music] (later that night, Susan sees Cady weak and tired, and after Cady explains her situation, Susan feels guilty for not listening to her daughter)

- ? (Susan and Darin take Cady to the nearest hospital, where she is seen by Dr. Purva Gumaste)

- ? (while they wait for the results, Cady's condition deteriorates)

- ? ("For over three weeks, 14-year-old Cady Stortzum has been suffering from a mysterious illness that started with a pain her neck and soon became much worse.")

- Storm Evolution - Paul Mottram [Audio Network] (finally, a biopsy of Cady's swollen lymph glands reveals the cause)

- ? (rabbit fever)

- Cardiac Arrest - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] ("I had heard of rabbit fever...I knew how serious it was.")

- Mission Aborted - David Vanacore, Joseph Greenier [KPM Music] (rabbit fever is extremely rare, but without treatment, over half of those infected with rabbit fever will die)

- ? (Dr. Gumaste puts Cady on a morphine drip to help with her pain, and starts her on a course of antibiotics)

- ? (finally, over a month after her symptoms begin, Cady's family sees a glimmer of hope)

- Airy Victory No Pno - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams [Ah2 Music] (Cady finally starts to improve)

- ? (the bacteria that causes rabbit fever, francisella tularensis, is found in rabbits, and infects humans when they come into direct contact with them, or are bitten by a tick that has fed on one)

- ? (Susan recalls she and Darin seeing a tick on the back of Cady's neck two weeks before her symptoms began)

- A New Start No Drums - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Ryan Amom [Ah2 Music] (today, Cady is still suffering side effects from her brush with rabbit fever, but is still able to ride her horses)

- ? (how to avoid rabbit fever and other tick-borne illnesses)

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Homegrown Enemies (UK)

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