There's Something Living in My Hand!

 - Inner Space - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (episode intro)


- Sunrise Gtr Drums - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams [Ah2 Music] (Kuna, Idaho/Roger Minnick is a tractor salesman, and his wife Karen is a nurse's assistant)

- Follow the Rainbow - Tom Quick [Audio Network] (the couple have three boys, 23-year-old Roger Jr., and 17-year-old twins Jonah and Elijah)

- Marindie - Kevin Browne [Audio Network] (despite their differences, Jonah and Elijah both enjoy playing football)

- Christmas Sleigh - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (it's Christmas morning, and the family has gathered in the living room to exchange gifts)

- Avoiding Detection - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (Karen notices Elijah isn't himself/Elijah complains about a sore throat, and Karen assumes it's just a cold, but keeps a close eye on Elijah for he had his appendix taken out a month ago)

- Surveillance - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock, Ellie Kidd [Audio Network] (the next day, Karen notices that Elijah has gotten worse)

- Dredge the Water - Cody Johnson [APM Music] (the next morning, Karen takes Elijah to the family doctor/doctor believes it's just a head cold)

- Undisclosed Location - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music]; Close to Hysteria* - David Vanacore, Brandon Thompson [KPM Music]; Nowhere Land - Cyrille Aufort [Cezame Music Agency] (later that night, Karen and Roger give Elijah some soda and crackers, but Elijah uses a cracker to "unlock" Karen's computer)

- Hanging On - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (Karen rushes Elijah to the hospital/at the hospital, Elijah starts charging into Karen)

- ? ("This is so unlike Elijah."/the hospital staff arrive to help, but have trouble restraining Elijah)

- ? (doctors sedate Elijah, and discover his heart rate and blood pressure are at dangerous levels/Elijah placed on life support)

- ? (Roger and Jonah rush to Elijah's bedside)

- ? (Elijah's case is taken over by pediatric critical care specialist Dr. Derrick Dauplaise/Dr. Dauplaise notices Elijah's limbs are turning purple, signaling decreased blood flow)

- Answers and Questions - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (that night, Dr. Dauplaise orders a round of tests, and places Elijah on a drug designed to increase his blood pressure)

- Hoffmans Risers Tutti 1 - Robin Hoffmann [Upright Music] (Dr. Dauplaise notices a worrying new development)

- Lost Oracle - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (Elijah goes into kidney failure, forcing Dr. Dauplaise to place him on dialysis)

- Stress Factor - Eliot Pister, John Mazzei [APM Music] ("High school football star Elijah Minnick has been struck down by a mysterious illness."/miraculously, Eljiah survives the night)

- ? (but Dr. Dauplaise knows that time is running out to find the source of Elijah's illness)

- ? (24 hours after being admitted, Elijah's test results come in)

- Circling Menace - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (Group A streptococcus)

- Threat Level - Matt Hill [Audio Network] ("Streptococcus normally is not that dangerous, but given the right conditions, can kill you.")

- Alchemy 2 - Tom Quick [Audio Network] ("I didn't know that strep could be deadly.")

- Imperial Army - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] ("What makes group A streptococcus bacteria so so terrifying is the speed with which it acts.")

- ? (Dr. Dauplaise gives Elijah specially designed antibiotics)

- Stasis - Paul Mottram [Audio Network] (for two weeks, Elijah clings to life on a ventilator)

- Back to Life - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (then, one day, Elijah finally wakes up)

- ? (Group A streptococcus usually only causes mild infections like strep throat or impetigo, but can sometimes get into the blood and other organs and turn deadly)

- ? (Elijah, a month prior, had his appendix removed, weakening his immune system)

- Arrival of Redemption - Brian Reidinger, Daniel Burke, Darren Drew [KPM Music] (two weeks later, Elijah leaves the hospital, and after six months of rehabilitation, he returns to the football field)

- Always and Forever - Barrie Gledden, Kes Loy, Richard Kimmings [Audio Network] (today, Elijah and his family have a newfound appreciation for life)

- ? (how to reduce the spread of the strep bacteria)

- Creepy Feeling Str - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Jonathon Beers [Ah2 Music] ("While some monsters attack with terrifying speed, others take time while they inflict suffering.")


- ? (case intro)

- Marindie - Kevin Browne [Audio Network] (Wheaton, Illinois)

- Follow the Rainbow - Tom Quick [Audio Network] (Mark Fleming is a successful manufacturing executive, and his wife Whitney is a stay-at-home mom to the couple's three daughters: 11-year-old twins Payton and Olivia, and 10-year-old Cameron)

- Tension - Bob Bradley [Audio Network] ("But Whitney's family life hasn't always been so smooth.")

- New Horizons - Paul Mottram [Audio Network] (one morning in early spring, Whitney and her daughters are preparing for a week-long cruise to the Caribbean)

- Anxious - Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (while getting ready, Whitney feels a gritty sensation in her eye, and discovers it's red and irritated)

- Life or Death - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (the next day, Whitney visits her ophthalmologist, who diagnoses her with a scratched cornea)

- ? (the following morning, Whitney and her family embark on the 6-day cruise/Whitney uses the drops prescribed by her doctor, and her eye appears to improve)

- ? (soon after returning home, Mark leaves for a business trip)

- ? (Whitney feels pain in her eye while returning from dropping her daughters off at school)

- ? (Whitney calls Mark)

- Trouble at Sea (No Bullroarer) - Doug Bossi, Doug Beiden [KPM Music] (later that day, Whitney sees a second ophthalmologist)

- Lost Vessel [#28] - Michel Redolfi [Cezame Music Agency] (ophthalmologist gives Whitney powerful anti-bacterial drops)

- Scary Stare - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams [Ah2 Music] (the next morning however, Whitney wakes up unable to see)

- ? ("Whitney Fleming has been suffering with pain in her left eye.")

- Stasis - Paul Mottram [Audio Network] (Whitney's daughters get ready for school by themselves, and Whitney arranges for a neighbor to drive them to school)

- Threat Level - Matt Hill [Audio Network] (Whitney tries to make her way out of bed and out of the house to the doctor's office)

- Stasis - Paul Mottram [Audio Network] (Whitney trips and falls down the stairs)

- Threat Level - Matt Hill [Audio Network] (Whitney calls Mark for help)

- ? (Mark heads home, and sees Whitney laying in bed)

- Sinister Angel - Christopher Ashmore, Benjamin Marks [Audio Network] (Whitney then develops tingling and numbness in her face)

- Dark Side - Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] ("I was very fearful in the moment that something really bad was gonna happen to me.")

- Conundrum 2 - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (Whitney is referred to ophthalmologist specialist Dr. Elmer Tu/Dr. Tu sees a ring around Whitney's cornea)

- Shadow Stalker - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (based on this finding, Dr. Tu reaches a diagnosis)

- ? ("It was a very surreal experience because it was obviously a word I had never heard of.")

- ? (acanthamoeba keratitis)

- Cardiac Arrest - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] ("I was completely creeped out."/"One of the most terrifying things about acanthamoeba is its ability to completely change its body.")

- ? (Dr. Tu tells Whitney that her acanthamoeba infection is extremely advanced)

- Waiting Game - Helen Jane Long [Audio Network] ("Whitney Fleming has parasites destroying her eyeball."/Dr. Tu places Whitney on an aggressive course of eye drops, which she endures for eight months)

- Stasis - Paul Mottram [Audio Network] (finally, one day, Whitney witnesses something incredible)

- Marindie - Kevin Browne [Audio Network] (Whitney can finally see again!)

- Blue Line - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (acanthamoeba is found in freshwater sources across the world and can infect people's eyes when contaminated water enters them, but 85% of infections in the United States occur in people who wear contact lenses/Whitney believes she contracted the parasite a few days before the cruise, believing she got them while taking a shower with her contacts on)

- Take on Life 2 - Philip Guyler [Audio Network] (today, Whitney has almost completely regained her vision back)

- ? (how to avoid contracting acanthamoeba keratitis)

- Creepy Feeling Str - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Jonathon Beers [Ah2 Music] ("There are many water-related diseases. Some we learn to avoid...but others lurk in places we'd never think to look.")


- ? (case intro)

- Running Some Tests - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Jonathon Beers [Ah2 Music] (Chris Johnson and his wife Gina have been happily married for 8 years)

- Playing the Game - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (Gina is a grade school teacher, and Chris manages a marina)

- Tension - Bob Bradley [Audio Network] ("But Chris' enthusiasm for boats almost cost him his life.")

- Running Some Tests - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Jonathon Beers [Ah2 Music] (Fort Lauderdale, Florida/Chris is at the dock checking on boat supplies)

- ? (Chris starts to feel a pain in his finger)

- ? (Chris takes over-the-counter pain medication that works at first, but a week later, his middle finger starts to hurt as well)

- ? (Chris' finger starts to seize up, and he's forced to call it a day)

- Anxious - Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (Gina sees Chris in the kitchen soaking his hand in epsom salt and hot water)

- ? (Chris tries to continue with his work, but his pain eventually becomes so severe he makes an appointment with a specialist)

- ? (doctor diagnoses Chris with trigger finger, and injects Chris' finger with cortisone)

- ? (throughout the week, Chris notices an improvement)

- ? (but then, late one night, Chris' pain spreads down to the palm of his hand, and he decides to go to the emergency room)

- Orion - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] ("For over a month, Chris Johnson has been suffering with debilitating pain in his left hand...but now it's become unbearable."/Chris also notices a small pimple growing in the palm of his hand)

- Hanging On - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (Gina drives Chris to the nearest emergency room, where Chris' pain becomes agonizing)

- ? (nurse gives Chris morphine to quell the pain/by looking at the pimple, the doctor suspects Chris has MRSA)

- ? (while waiting for the lab results, Chris takes his prescribed medication)

- Ancestral Fear - Marc-Olivier Dupin [Cezame Music Agency] (by the week's end, Chris notices another growth coming out of the palm of his hand)

- Answers and Questions - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] ("It sort of looked like somebody's fingernail growing in my hand.")

- Creepy Feeling Str - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Jonathon Beers [Ah2 Music] (Chris returns to the doctor/results of Chris' biopsy is inconclusive, so he is referred to renowned orthopedic hand surgeon Dr. Paul Zidel)

- ? (Dr. Zidel tests Chris' unusual growth, which reveal a rare type of bacterial infection)

- ? (mycobacterium marinum/due to Chris' unusual growth, Dr. Zidel believes something else could be at play)

- ?; Rises and Swells - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock, Ellie Kidd [Audio Network] ("There appeared to be some organism inside his hand.")

- ? ("Chris Johnson has a bizarre growth in his hand.")

- ? (lab results reveal that barnacles are growing in Chris' hand)

- ? ("I said "What? Are you kidding me?"")

- Cardiac Arrest - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] ("If a barnacle larva happens to land on a suitable home, it can take hold using a gland at the base of its antenna to release a strong, brown, cement-like paste.")

- ? (Dr. Zidel explains it will require multiple surgeries to remove the barnacles)

- Secret Landing - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (for hours, Dr. Zidel attempts to remove the barnacles from Chris' infected hand)

- ? (over the next nine months, Chris takes powerful antibiotics to kill the mycobacterium infection, endures multiple surgeries, and suffers agonizing physical therapy sessions)

- Holding Pattern - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, John Kaefer [Ah2 Music] (finally, a year after Chris' first symptom appeared, his condition takes a turn for the better)

- ? (explanation on what barnacles do, and how they can get into a human hand)

- Creepy Feeling - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Jonathon Beers [Ah2 Music] (Chris recalls cutting his finger on a barnacle while working a bay tank, and doctors believe the barnacle carried the mycobacterium bacteria)

- Always and Forever - Barrie Gledden, Kes Loy, Richard Kimmings [Audio Network] (today, Chris' brush with the barnacle has left him unable to straighten his finger out all the way, but he has quit his job at the marina to run an online business, and he and Gina now have a 5-year-old boy named Luke and a 2-year-old girl named Hannah)

- ? (how to properly treat wounds to prevent infections from occuring)

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