My Evil Twin is Driving Me Crazy

 - Inner Space - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (episode intro)


- Sunrise Gtr Drums - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams [Ah2 Music] (Erie, Pennsylvania)

- Consolation Prize - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Jonathon Beers [Ah2 Music] (Dale Brown is a former emergency medical technician currently working as a machinist, and his wife Stephanie is a stay-at-home mom to the couple's two children, 11-year-old Madison, and 4-year-old Alex)

- Night Turns Day - Brian Reidinger, Ryan Leach, Darren Drew [KPM Music] (one day, Alex is playing with a laser pointer his parents bought for him with the family's cat)

- Dark Side - Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (a few days later, Stephanie is waiting for Alex to return home from school, and notices he looks tired)

- ? (later that afternoon, Stephanie notices Alex, who is laying on the couch, has a runny nose)

- ? (Dale arrives home and takes a look at Alex)

- ? (Alex screams in pain upon being touched)

- Bottom Dweller - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams [Ah2 Music] (Dale and Stephanie rush Alex to the local hospital)

- A Waiting Game 3 - Jody Jenkins [Audio Network] (doctor believes it's just a common cold, but Stephanie isn't acceptant of it)

- Lost Oracle Synth - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (Stephanie requests an X-ray, but despite her pleas, the doctors refuse to, and instead prescribe anti-nausea medication and a nasal spray)

- Into Darkness - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (that night, Alex complains of his nose hurting, so Dale grabs the spray the doctor prescribed)

- ?; Awareness - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (both briefly play in between the previous and next tracks)

- ? (the nasal spray causes Alex to scream in pain)

- ? (by the next morning, Alex is feeling a little better, and he and his family attend a pancake breakfast fundraiser for their hockey team/Alex, still feeling tired however, goes to lay down)

- ? (but a couple of hours later, Stephanie is unable to wake Alex up)

- Stress Factor - Eliot Pister, John Mazzei [APM Music] ("That sent every bell and whistle off in my head that something was not right.")

- ? (Stephanie and Dale take Alex to the E.R., where the doctors order an X-ray)

- Sacrifice - Chris Blackwell [Audio Network] (X-ray reveals a round disk-shaped object in Alex's nasal cavity)

- ? (doctors can't tell what the object is on the X-ray, so they decide to try and extract it)

- ? (Alex screams in pain as the doctors attempt to remove the object)

- Dare to Hope - Barrie Gledden, Evelyn Glennie [Audio Network]; ? (but the object is so lodged that the doctor bends his tool, and concludes he is unable to remove it)

- ? ("Doctors have just discovered a foreign object lodged deep inside 4-year-old Alex Brown's nose."/doctors bring in ear, nose, and throat specialist Dr. Sidney Lipman)

- Total Panic - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Miles Hankins [Ah2 Music] (Dr. Lipman realizes what the object is)

- ? (a button battery is lodged inside Alex's nasal cavity)

- Cardiac Arrest - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] ("Shock doesn't even cover it, I was mortified.")

- ? ("Any exposure to a button battery inside the body is extremely dangerous, so the amount of time that the battery remains undetected is critical.")

- ? (Dr. Lipman rushes Alex into the operating room to remove the battery)

- ? (Stephanie and Dale wait anxiously for news)

- ? ("Every time I used the nasal spray, he would get electrocuted by this little battery."/Dr. Lipman finishes the operation)

- Back to Life - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (Alex wakes up)

- Circling Menace - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (we know that babies put objects into their mouths to learn about their environment, but as children get older, it becomes harder to explain why they put things up their noses or ears)

- ? (Stephanie believes the battery came from the laser pointer, and Alex recalls sticking the battery up his nose, claiming to have been hiding it from his sister)

- Forgiven - Gareth Johnson, Justin Johnson [Audio Network] (the damage done by the battery to Alex's nose is extensive and will require years of treatment and surgeries to fully repair, but today, although Dale and Stephanie are now divorced, they're both still there for Alex)

- ? (how to prevent children from ingesting button batteries)

- Creepy Feeling Str - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Jonathon Beers [Ah2 Music] ("We can learn to avoid hazardous objects lying around our homes...but monsters in the wilderness are much harder to steer clear of.")


- ? (case intro)

- Rhyme and Reason - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Miles Hankins [Ah2 Music] (Idaho Falls, Idaho)

- ? (Rita Beard is a nursing student, and her boyfriend Jake Vollmer has the dangerous job of drilling wells)

- First Rays of Sun - Kristian Pilling [APM Music] (in their spare time, the couple enjoy exploring the countryside)

- Tension - Bob Bradley [Audio Network] (plays in between the previous and next tracks)

- Behind the Night - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (one summer, Jake and Rita take a camping trip to the Mackay reservoir in a remote part of Idaho)

- Seedlings - Doug Bossi, Evan Wise [KPM Music] (while walking to a fishing spot with Jake, Rita trips and cuts her knee on a rock)

- Thriller Underscore - Laurent Juillet [APM Music] (Jake drives Rita 45 minutes to the nearest clinic, where the doctor stitches her knee and gives her an antibiotic)

- Blue Water Encounters - Kenneth Vandevrie [APM Music] (Rita and Jake return to the campground)

- ?; A Strange Stirring - Nicholas Page [APM Music] (the next morning however, Rita wakes up in agonizing pain)

- Indecision No Pno Mba - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] ("Rita Beard injured her leg on a camping trip with her boyfriend, Jake.")

- Knee Deep - Cody Johnson [APM Music] (Rita and Jake leave for home, and Rita spends the night on the couch with her knee elevated)

- ? (but the next morning, the swelling of Rita's leg increases)

- Desolation - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Miles Hankins [Ah2 Music] (later that day, Rita's best friend, Kristina Lamont, comes to check on her, and sees her looking pale)

- Danger Down Under - David Vanacore, Brandon Thompson [KPM Music] (Kristina calls Jake and tells him to come home immediately)

- ? (Jake is startled by how fast Rita's condition has worsened)

- Stasis - Paul Mottram [Audio Network] ("I didn't understand why I felt 1,000 times worse.")

- Cardiac Arrest - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (Jake and Kristina take Rita to the nearest hospital, where a nurse discovers Rita's blood pressure is dangerously low)

- ? (Rita starts to lose consciousness)

- Compulsion - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams [Ah2 Music] (doctors rush Rita into intensive care, where she is seen by infectious disease specialist Dr. Richard Nathan)

- Hoffmans Risers Tutti 3 - Robin Hoffmann [Upright Music] ("Dr. Nathan knows something is triggering a reaction inside Rita.")

- Dredge the Water - Cody Johnson [APM Music] (Dr. Nathan discovers Rita is retaining a lot of fluid, and decides to intubate her and place her in a medically-induced coma)

- Unseen Menace - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (Jake and Kristina see Rita hooked up to various machines)

- Werewolf - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (Dr. Nathan order an MRI of Rita's leg, which reveals the muscle underneath is inflammed)

- Gone Missing - Didier Rachou [KPM Music] (Rita wheeled into the operating room, where surgeons cut into her leg and find something disturbing)

- ? ("After injuring her leg on a camping trip, Rita Beard was soon clinging to life in intensive care.")

- Toward Danger - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams [Ah2 Music] (doctors send off a sample of Rita's leg for testing, but unfortunately, Rita's dead tissue is infecting her body quicker than Dr. Nathan can remove it)

- Surrounded in the Swamp (No Guitars) - David Vanacore, Brandon Thompson [KPM Music] (for three days, Rita clings to life on a ventilator)

- ? (Dr. Nathan grow cultures from Rita's tissue sample)

- ? (tests reveal the bacteria causing Rita's condition)

- ? (aeromonas hydrophila)

- Last Minute Diplomacy (a) - Adam Saunders, Mark Cousins [APM Music] ("One of the things that makes aeromonas hydrophila so dangerous is that when diagnosing a patient, it can be easily overlooked.")

- ? (Dr. Nathan gives Rita precisely tailored antibiotics, and continues to remove dead tissue from her leg)

- ? (Jake and Kristina stay by Rita's side while Rita remains in a coma for three weeks)

- ? (then, finally, Rita is able to breathe on her own and regains consciousness)

- ? (Rita sees her leg looking black)

- ? (aeromonas hydrophila is found in fresh and brackish water, and can infect humans via entering an open wound)

- Hidden Moon - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (Rita realizes the bacteria got into her through the cut she got from banging her knee on a rock)

- Equinox - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (today, Rita still carries the scars of her infection, but she doesn't let it hold her back)

- Cyber Intelligence - Nick Bardoni, Stephen Warr [APM Music] (how to avoid getting an infection from aeromonas hydrophila)

- Creepy Feeling Str - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Jonathon Beers [Ah2 Music] ("While some monsters attack our bodies...others infiltrate our minds.")


- ? (case intro)

- Sunshine State No Orch - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Jonathon Beers [Ah2 Music] (Patton, Pennsylvania/Rory Caretti is a carpenter, and his girlfriend Lauren Cantalope is an X-ray technician at a local hospital)

- ? (when they're not working, the couple often spend time with Lauren's dad, Greg)

- Indecision No Pno Mba - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (one afternoon, Rory returns home from his shift, where Lauren, laying on the love seat, tells him she's suffering from a migraine, which Rory knows Lauren commonly suffers from)

- Enter the Catacombs - Ron Riddle [KPM Music] (by the next morning, Lauren's migraine has passed, and for the next few days, is back to her normal self/one evening, Rory and Lauren are relaxing with some friends)

- Threat Level - Matt Hill [Audio Network] (out of nowhere, Lauren slaps Rory across the face)

- ? ("For several days, Lauren Cantalope has been suffering from painful migraines."/Rory, although angry and confused, decides to blow Lauren's slap off)

- Behind the Night - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (a few days later, Lauren complains to Rory that the side of her face feels numb)

- ? (Lauren declines to see a doctor)

- ? (a few days later, Lauren complains she has the flu)

- ? (for the rest of the day, Rory checks on Lauren, but on one occasion, is unable to find her)

- ? (Rory finds Lauren laying on the bathroom floor weak)

- ? (Rory takes Lauren to the emergency room, where they are meet by Lauren's father, Greg)

- Nowhere Land - Cyrille Aufort [Cezame Music Agency] (Lauren suddenly hates the white coat the doctor that comes in is wearing)

- ? (Lauren completely snaps and thrashes around violently)

- ? (the medical team sedates Lauren)

- ? (doctors believe Lauren's behavior may be because of a neurological condition, and order a spinal tap)

- ? (spinal tap reveals Lauren has encephalitis)

- ? (the medical team have no idea what's triggering Lauren's encephalitis/Rory and Greg are unable to wake Lauren up)

- ? (Lauren has slipped into a coma, so doctors transfer her to the intensive care unit and place her on life support)

- ? ("I thought my daughter was dying right then and there.")

- Lost Oracle - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] ("Lauren Cantalope is fighting for her life in the intensive care unit.")

- Hanging On - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (doctors perform a full-body CT scan on Lauren, and discover something on her ovary)

- Nowhere Land - Cyrille Aufort [Cezame Music Agency] (doctors believe they know what is growing inside Lauren's ovary)

- Listed Seveso - Jean-Philippe Dutheil [Cezame Music Agency] (briefly plays upon the shot of the "TERATOMA" text)

- ? (a teratoma is growing in Lauren's ovary)

- Circling Menace - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] ("The name teratoma comes from the Greek word "τέρατος," which means monster.")

- Hidden Moon - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (doctor calls Lauren's teratoma a "parasitic twin.")

- Mountain Flying - Doug Bossi, Doug Beiden [KPM Music] (plays during the footage shown between the previous and next tracks)

- Uncertain Answers - Drew Lerdal, Brian Reidinger, Darren Drew [KPM Music] (doctors extract the teratoma from Lauren's ovary, and place her on medication to prevent her immune system from further damaging her brain/Lauren remains in a coma for the next three weeks)

- ? (then, finally, Rory and Greg see the glimmer of hope they've been waiting for)

- Sunlit Waters - Oliver Ledbury [Audio Network] (Lauren awakens)

- ? (what causes teratomas to form in the overy isn't completely understood, but ovarian teratomas are most common in women of childbearing age, and scientists believe they may begin to form because of changes in the reproductive cells during puberty)

- Back to Life - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (it's likely the teratoma had been inside Lauren for years, perhaps even causing her frequent migraines/after months of rehabilitation and physical therapy, Lauren is finally back to her old self)

- ? (most teratomas are harmless and only discovered during routine examinations, but once identified, the tumors should be monitored closely)

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