All I Got For Christmas Is Brain Surgery


- Piano Steps - Mark Russell (show intro)


- Rain or Shine 2 - Adam Drake, Radhika Vekaria [Audio Network] (Houston, Texas)

- ? (Neal Salerno is an executive for an oil company, and his wife Sandra is a financial analyst, and they have a 2-year-old daughter, Vivian)

- Happy Christmas - Paul Mottram [Audio Network] (it's the Christmas holidays, and Sandra is eight months pregnant with her and Neal's second child)

- Ice Child - Chris Egan, Trystan Francis [Audio Network] (that Christmas night, Sandra wakes up at around 3:00 a.m. and notices her water has broke)

- Documentary Underscore [#3] - Frederic Sans [APM Music] (Sandra wakes Neal up)

- Vistas Unknown - Simon Lambros [Audio Network] (Neal rushes Sandra to the hospital, where doctors perform a C-section)

- A Chance for Thanks - Will Musser [KPM Music] (Neal and Sandra name their new daughter Lillian Grace)

- Unbalance - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (two months after bringing her home, Sandra takes Lillian in for a check-up)

- National Concern - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network]; Out of the Smoke (No Orchestra) - David Vanacore, Brandon Thompson [KPM Music] (doctor notices Lillian's head size is smaller than it should be)

- ? (Sandra takes Lillian home)

- Abducted - Helen Jane Long [Audio Network] (over the next four months, Sandra and Neal keep a close eye on Lillian's development/when Lillian is six months old, Sandra notices Lillian grabbing toys with her right hand but not her left)

- Under Pressure - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (one night, Sandra notices Lillian having what she believes is a seizure)

- ? (explanation of seizures)

- ? (Sandra and Neal take Lillian to a neurologist, who performs a brain scan and notices the right side of Lillian's brain is very small and malformed)

- ? ("We were both in shock.")

- The Search - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (doctors place Lillian on anti-seizure medication, and refer her to neurologist Dr. Gail Harrison/Dr. Harrison tracks down routine blood samples taken at Lillian's birth and tests them)

- Tension - Bob Bradley [Audio Network]; Tense Strings Rise - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (a week later, the results of the blood tests come in)

- Confrontation - Gareth Johnson [Audio Network] (cytomegalovirus)

- Rural Prison* - Doug Bossi, Doug Beiden [KPM Music] ("When you receive news like that, you're devastated.")

- Infection Quickly Spreads* - David Vanacore, Joseph Greenier [KPM Music] ("Usually, cytomegalovirus causes no symptoms, but in cases with young babies, whose immune systems are still developing, cytomegalovirus can spread unchecked.")

- Forsaken (a) - Michael Price [KPM Music] (Lillian kept on anti-seizure medication and given anti-virals)

- ?; Manali - Tom Quick, John Hogg [Audio Network] (for several months, Sandra and Neal wait for a sign that the medication is working)

- Winter Fantasia - Stuary Roslyn, Matthew Foundling [APM Music] (that Christmas, which was right around Lillian's first birthday, Sandra and Neal clean up from unwrapping gifts)

- Conviction (Loop) - Max Concors [APM Music] (Sandra and Neal notice that despite the anti-seizure medication, Lillian is having another seizure)

- ? ("Cytomegalovirus is infecting Lillian Salerno's brain...and leading to life-threatening seizures.")

- Undercover Unit - Bob Bradley, Thomas Balmforth [APM Music] (Dr. Harrison discovers Lillian is having literally hundreds of seizures a day)

- ? ("For me, there was no option of losing my daughter.")

- ? (Dr. Harrison recommends taking out the right side of Lillian's brain)

- Clock Stab - Martin Lawrence ("We could literally scoop it out.")

- ? (it's possible the surgery could cost Lillian her life)

- Surgery (b) - Anselm Kreuzer, Michi Koerner [APM Music] (doctors perform the operation on Lillian)

- Prescience (a) - Michael Price, Laurence Greed [KPM Music] (for six hours, doctors remove the entire right half of Lillian's brain)

- Trying - John Layton [Audio Network] (surgeon tells Sandra and Neal the surgery went well)

- Prescience (b) - Michael Price, Laurence Greed [KPM Music] (doctors keep Lillian in the I.C.U. for ten days)

- Puppy Love - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [KPM Music] (one day, Sandra and Neal's oldest daughter Vivian teaches Lillian how to crawl, which Lillian succeeds in doing)

- Interacted - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (cytomegalovirus is typically contracted through direct contact with bodily fluids, but when a pregnant woman becomes infected, it transfers to their unborn child in utero through the placenta)

- Crime Scene 3 - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (Sandra recalls having an upper respiratory type of infection early in her second trimester of pregnancy)

- ? (three weeks later, doctors discharge Lillian, but she is left with a left-side weakness and blackness in the left half of each eye)

- A Chance for Thanks - Will Musser [KPM Music] (but today, Lillian is a thriving 3-year-old)

- Seeking X - Gerrit Wunder, Dorothee Badent [Audio Network] (how to reduce the chances of contracting cytomegalovirus)


- ? (case intro)

- Camomile Smile - Terry Devine-King, Adam Drake [Audio Network] (Columbia, South Carolina/Single woman Jenny Taylor is passionate about her work as a spokesperson for an energy company)

- Mountain Hicking - Pierre Vergara [APM Music] (Jenny also enjoys outdoor adventuring with her best friend Jen Ittenbach)

- Renovision - David Vanacore, Andrew Kaiser [APM Music] (Jenny's Judaism also keeps her centered)

- World Order 2 - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (one day in early spring, while at work, Jenny notices her heart fluttering, which she believes is anxiety)

- Wheels in Motion - Dan Skinner, Adam Skinner [Audio Network] (for the next couple of months, Jenny tries exercising to relieve her anxiety, but one day develops discomfort below her ribcage)

- Deliberation (a) - Lee Groves, Peter Marett [KPM Music] (for two more months, Jenny manages her heart flutters and abdominal pain with over-the-counter medication)

- Crunchtime (a) - James Davies [APM Music] (one day in early fall, while at work, Jenny feels like she's going to pass out, and nearly blacks out)

- ? (while laying on the floor, Jenny becomes nauseous and vomits into a trash can)

- I Have a Knife - Robert Daspit [KPM Music] (Jenny's co-workers call 911)

- Making Sharp Turns (30) - David Vanacore, Brandon Thompson [KPM Music] ("After collapsing at work, public relations executive Jenny Taylor is rushed to the E.R.")

- Fragile Situation - Igor Dvorkin, Ellie Kidd [Audio Network] (doctors perform a series of tests on Jenny)

- Voices from Beyond Drone - Erik Ekholm [APM Music] (doctors run a full-body MRI on Jenny)

- Desert Snipe* - David Vanacore, Joseph Greenier [KPM Music] (MRI reveals a mass in Jenny's spleen)

- Look for Target - Julien Baril [APM Music] (the mass could be cancer)

- Sweet Sorrow - David O'Brien [Audio Network] (Jenny calls Jen)

- Wonderland - Paul Mottram [Audio Network] (for the next few months, Jenny is in and out of numerous hospitals)

- Outside Control - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (as the holidays approach, Jen takes Jenny to Dr. Stephen Minter)

- Subsonix - Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (Dr. Minter notices the mass in Jenny's spleen is perfectly round, and rules out cancer)

- Dark Thoughts - Clint Gomez, Michael Scherchen [KPM Music] ("It's scary, 'cause no one knows what it is, meaning no one can solve it.")

- Clock Stab - Martin Lawrence (Dr. Minter takes additional blood samples)

- Hidden Shahba - Debbie Wiseman [Audio Network] (Jenny returns home to prepare for Hanukkah, but due to her worsening symptoms, chooses to cancel her Hanukkah party)

- ?; Trailerism 2 (60) - Igor Dvorkin, Ellie Kidd [Audio Network] (on the second day of Hanukkah, Jenny returns to the clinic, where Dr. Minter reveals the cause of her condition is a tapeworm)

- Ludi Romani - Thierry Caroubi [Cezame Music Agency] (echinococcus granulosus)

- ? ("I was like, "This is gross.")

- ? ("Echinococcus can stay undetected in the body for up to 30 years.")

- Observational Conclusions - Drew Lardel [KPM Music] ("If this cyst ruptured, she could die.")

- Barbarian 4 - Chris Blackwell [Audio Network] ("The deadly echinococcus parasites have infected Jenny Taylor's spleen.")

- Digital Rift - Brian Reidinger, Daniel Burke, Brian Casey, Darren Drew [KPM Music] (on the last day of Hanukkah, Jenny braces herself for surgery)

- Zero Point - Max Concors [APM Music] (doctors perform an operation to remove Jenny's spleen)

- Time is Ticking (a) - Nick Harvey [West One Music] (doctors manage to extract Jenny's spleen without rupturing the cyst)

- Point to Point (a) - Mac Prindy, Alan Fillip [APM Music] (in the recovery room, Jen gives Jenny eight little gifts in a late celebration of Hanukkah to keep her through each day in the hospital)

- Break In at Headquarters - Gerrit Wunder [Audio Network] (life cycle of the echinococcus parasite/echinococcus parasites are endemic to Africa, Southern and Eastern Europe, and the Middle East)

- Negev - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (Jenny believes she contracted the parasite on a trip to Israel three years prior)

- Inner Dream - Barrie Gledden, Kes Loy [Audio Network] (a week later, Jenny leaves the hospital, and today, although she is more suspectible to infections, she has her health back)

- Ipu Hunter - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock, Ellie Kidd [Audio Network] ("Echinococcus is very rare in the United States, but has been reported in the American Southwest."/how to avoid the echinococcus parasite)


- ? (case intro)

- Enjoy the Moment - Barrie Gledden, Chris Bussey, Evelyn Glennie, Steve Dymond [Audio Network] (Sun City, Arizona/Dawn Becerra is a schoolteacher, and her husband Manuel is a contractor)

- Under the Influence - David Vanacore, Matt Koskenmaki [KPM Music] (one day in fall, Dawn starts her new kindergarten class)

- ? (while teaching, Dawn starts feeling like there's a gritty scum on her teeth)

- Hang in There - Dan Skinner, Adam Skinner [Audio Network] (Dawn carries on with work for the next month, but one day, while outside watching her class during recess, the sun begins hurting her eyes)

- Lucid Dream - Joachim Horsley [Audio Network] (Dawn's symptoms linger/a month later, Dawn's family comes over for Thanksgiving dinner)

- Parallels - Kamal Kamruddin [APM Music] (Dawn suffers a severe headache, and decides to head to bed early)

- Tones and Pulses - Otto Sieben [APM Music] (Manuel heads to bed after the visitors leave)

- Core of Corruption - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (at midnight, Manuel wakes up to Dawn foaming from the mouth and shaking)

- Pressure and Time 5 - Igor Dvorkin, Tim Garland [Audio Network] (Manuel calls 911, where paramedics determine Dawn is having a seizure)

- Drone Wars - Igor Dvorkin, Ellie Kidd [Audio Network] ("On the night of Thanksgiving, schoolteacher Dawn Becerra suffers a massive seizure."/Dawn rushed to the hospital)

- Harp Palpitations - David Tobin, Jeff Meegan, Malcolm Edmonstone [Audio Network] (at the hospital, Dawn comes to)

- ? (doctors run numerous tests, but none of them explain the cause of Dawn's seizure/Dawn placed on anti-seizure medication and released from the hospital)

- Freefall - Helen Jane Long [Audio Network] (Dawn remains on anti-seizure medication for a month/Christmas rolls around, but Dawn and Manuel are unable to celebrate and isolate at home because of the former's risk of another seizure)

- Tense Strings Rise - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (Dawn and Manuel watch a movie with flashing lights)

- ? (Dawn starts to shake)

- ?; Perilous - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (Dawn has another seizure)

- Straight Talking (a) - Thomas Howe, Stephen Tait [KPM Music] (Manuel calls 911, and paramedics rush Dawn back to the hospital, where she is seen by neurosurgeon Dr. Richard Zimmerman)

- Take the Target Out - Luke Richards [Audio Network] (doctors run an MRI on Dawn's brain, which reveals a mass)

- ? (doctors probe Dawn, and Dawn tells them she's lived in Mexico)

- Heart of Darkness - David O'Brien [Audio Network] (Dr. Zimmerman reaches a stunning diagnosis)

- Hades Comet Drone - Poul Bjoerling, Michele Brustia, Maurizio Capaldi, Silvio Moretti [APM Music] ("She had a parasite.")

- Slashing Fields - Fernando Navarro [SOURCE NOT KNOWN] (taenia solium)

- Burned Earth - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] ("I was completely freaked out."/"I was...speechless.")

- Cybertex 4 - James Brett [Audio Network] ("Taenia solium have a brilliant defense mechanism.")

- No More Negotiating 3 - Alex Kovacs [Audio Network] (MRI reveals the taenia solium cyst is located in Dawn's frontal lobe)

- Why We Fight - Bruno Alexiu [Cezame Music Agency] ("Schoolteacher Dawn Becerra has a tapeworm cyst in her brain.")

- Life or Death - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] ("To prevent massive damage to Dawn's cognitive functions, she must have brain surgery...and she must have it while she's awake.")

- No Keys to Get In - Olivier Topart, Timothee Zephir [APM Music] (doctors perform the surgery while Dawn is awake)

- Feel the Tension (a) - Thomas Howe, Stephen Tait [KPM Music] (Dr. Zimmerman removes the parasitic cyst)

- Intensive Care - Jez Pike, Jimmy Kaleth, Bob Mitchell [Warner Chappell Music] (Dawn wakes up in recovery)

- Intentional Concealment - David Vanacore, Joseph Greenier [KPM Music] (taenia solium cycles between humans and pigs, and because of this, is more popularly known as the pork tapeworm/the pork tapeworm infects humans when they eat undercooked pork, or food containing the parasite's eggs, and is endemic to much of Africa, Asia, and Latin America)

- Southern Lights - Terry Devine-King, Paul Clarvis [Audio Network] (Dawn believes she contracted the parasite from eating contaminated tacos in Mexico)

- Red Rock Canyon - Chris Egan, Trystan Francis [Audio Network] (three days later, doctors discharge Dawn/today, Dawn still has a few memory problems and has stopped teaching, but her seizures have completely stopped and she is otherwise back to normal)

- Tension Factor - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] ("Pork tapeworm infections are relatively rare in the U.S."/how to avoid the pork tapeworm)

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Homegrown Enemies (UK)

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