Holiday from Hell

NOTE: Like "Backyard Killers", this episode looks back at three past cases, this time ones from past Christmas episodes. Like that one, there are different music tracks used, mostly replacing the ones from Universal Production Music.

- Inner Space - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (episode intro)

- Guardian Angel - Oliver Ledbury [Audio Network]; Tense Strings Rise - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] ("The holiday season is one of the common times of year to get sick.")


- Rain or Shine 2 - Adam Drake, Radhika Vekaria [Audio Network] (Houston, Texas)

- ? (Neal Salerno is an executive for an oil company, and his wife Sandra is a financial analyst, and they have a 2-year-old daughter, Vivian)

- Seasons Greetings 3 - Evelyn Glennie, Chris Bussey, Barrie Gledden [Audio Network] (it's the Christmas holidays, and Sandra is eight months pregnant with her and Neal's second child)

- ? (that Christmas night, Sandra wakes up at around 3:00 a.m. and notices her water has broke)

- Documentary Underscore [#3] - Frederic Sans [APM Music] (Sandra wakes Neal up)

- Vistas Unknown - Simon Lambros [Audio Network] (Neal rushes Sandra to the hospital, where doctors perform a C-section)

- A Chance for Thanks - Will Musser [KPM Music] (Neal and Sandra name their new daughter Lillian Grace)

- Unbalance - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (two months after bringing her home, Sandra takes Lillian in for a check-up)

- National Concern - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network]; Out of the Smoke (No Orchestra) - David Vanacore, Brandon Thompson [KPM Music] (doctor notices Lillian's head size is smaller than it should be)

- ? (Sandra takes Lillian home)

- Abducted - Helen Jane Long [Audio Network] (over the next four months, Sandra and Neal keep a close eye on Lillian's development/when Lillian is six months old, Sandra notices Lillian grabbing toys with her right hand but not her left)

- Under Pressure - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (one night, Sandra notices Lillian having what she believes is a seizure)

- ? (explanation of seizures)

- ? (Sandra and Neal take Lillian to a neurologist, who performs a brain scan and notices the right side of Lillian's brain is very small and malformed)

- ? ("We were both in shock.")

- The Search - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (doctors place Lillian on anti-seizure medication, and refer her to neurologist Dr. Gail Harrison/Dr. Harrison tracks down routine blood samples taken at Lillian's birth and tests them)

- Tension - Bob Bradley [Audio Network]; Tense Strings Rise - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (a week later, the results of the blood tests come in)

- Confrontation - Gareth Johnson [Audio Network] (cytomegalovirus)

- Rural Prison* - Doug Bossi, Doug Beiden [KPM Music] ("When you receive news like that, you're devastated.")

- Infection Quickly Spreads* - David Vanacore, Joseph Greenier [KPM Music] ("Usually, cytomegalovirus causes no symptoms, but in cases with young babies, whose immune systems are still developing, cytomegalovirus can spread unchecked.")

- Forsaken (a) - Michael Price [KPM Music] (Lillian kept on anti-seizure medication and given anti-virals)

- ?; Manali - Tom Quick, John Hogg [Audio Network] (for several months, Sandra and Neal wait for a sign that the medication is working)

- Jingle Bells 3 - Paul Mottram [Audio Network] (that Christmas, which was right around Lillian's first birthday, Sandra and Neal clean up from unwrapping gifts)

- Hostile Intent - David O'Brien [Audio Network] (Sandra and Neal notice that despite the anti-seizure medication, Lillian is having another seizure)

- Mission Aborted - David Vanacore, Joseph Greenier [KPM Music] ("Cytomegalovirus is infecting Lillian Salerno's brain...and leading to life-threatening seizures.")

- Undercover Unit - Bob Bradley, Thomas Balmforth [APM Music] (Dr. Harrison discovers Lillian is having literally hundreds of seizures a day)

- ? ("For me, there was no option of losing my daughter.")

- ? (Dr. Harrison recommends taking out the right side of Lillian's brain)

- Clock Stab - Martin Lawrence ("We could literally scoop it out.")

- ? (it's possible the surgery could cost Lillian her life)

- Surgery (b) - Anselm Kreuzer, Michi Koerner [APM Music] (doctors perform the operation on Lillian)

- Prescience (a) - Michael Price, Laurence Greed [KPM Music] (for six hours, doctors remove the entire right half of Lillian's brain)

- Trying - John Layton [Audio Network] (surgeon tells Sandra and Neal the surgery went well)

- Prescience (b) - Michael Price, Laurence Greed [KPM Music] (doctors keep Lillian in the I.C.U. for ten days)

- Puppy Love - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [KPM Music] (one day, Sandra and Neal's oldest daughter Vivian teaches Lillian how to crawl, which Lillian succeeds in doing)

- Interacted - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (cytomegalovirus is typically contracted through direct contact with bodily fluids, but when a pregnant woman becomes infected, it transfers to their unborn child in utero through the placenta)

- Crime Scene 3 - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (Sandra recalls having an upper respiratory type of infection early in her second trimester of pregnancy)

- ? (three weeks later, doctors discharge Lillian, but she is left with a left-side weakness and blackness in the left half of each eye)

- A Chance for Thanks - Will Musser [KPM Music] (but today, Lillian is a thriving 3-year-old)

- Seeking X - Gerrit Wunder, Dorothee Badent [Audio Network] (how to reduce the chances of contracting cytomegalovirus)

- Deck the Halls - Paul Mottram [Audio Network] ("The holiday season is a time for joy and laughter.")


- ? ("But for one poor family, it spells nothing but misery and despair."/case intro)

- Winners and Losers - Chris Blackwell [Audio Network] (West Palm Beach, Florida/Carmen and Alan love to travel)

- Happy Christmas - Paul Mottram [Audio Network] (one December, Carman and Alan prepare for their annual over-the-top Christmas party)

- Ice Child 2 - Chris Egan, Trystan Francis [Audio Network] (Carmen goes in the bathroom with a pain in her forehead)

- Winter Woods - Oliver Ledbury [Audio Network] (two days later, Carmen and Alan go out holiday shopping)

- Chimera 3 - Dan Skinner, Adam Skinner [Audio Network]; Life or Death - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (Carmen feels a burning in her right eye)

- Hurricane - Denis Levaillant [Cezame Music Agency] (Carmen and Alan make the drive home)

- ? (Carmen feels a stabbing in her right eye, which causes her to almost crash/"When West Palm Beach native Carmen feels a sudden striking pain in her eye while driving...her husband, Alan, takes the wheel.")

- Genesis - Arnaud De Buchy [Cezame Music Agency] ("It was very terrifying.")

- Ominous Sonar - Tom Smail [Audio Network] (that night, Carmen examines her eye again, and believes a worm is in there)

- Rises and Swells - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock, Ellie Kidd [Audio Network] ("I didn't sleep most the night, I didn't sleep.")

- ?; Ouragan - Denis Levaillant [Cezame Music Agency]  (the next morning, Alan takes Carmen to ophthalmologist Dr. Barry Schechter)

- ? (Dr. Schechter doesn't see anything in Carmen's eye)

- ? (explanation of delusional parasitosis)

- ? (Dr. Schechter tells Carmen to come back the following day)

- ? (Dr. Schechter feels bad about sending her home)

- ? (Alan and Carmen go home)

- ? (in the middle of the night, something wakes Alan up)

- Battle of Asculum - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (Alan witnesses Carmen trying to pull the worm out with tweezers)

- War of the Planets - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] ("I was really a complete mess myself at that point.")

? (the next morning, Alan rushes Carmen back to Dr. Schechter's office/Dr. Schechter sees the worm)

- Rises and Swells - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock, Ellie Kidd [Audio Network] (overlaps with the previous track)

- Rebel Advances* - David Vanacore, Brandon Thompson [KPM Music]; Avoiding Environmental Danger - David Vanacore, Mikolai Stroinski [KPM Music] ("Dr. Barry Schechter has found a parasitic worm in Carmen's eye.")

- ? (Dr. Schechter takes Carmen into surgery)

- Tension - Bob Bradley [Audio Network]; Close to Hysteria* - David Vanacore, Brandon Thompson [KPM Music] (Dr. Schechter performs the surgery)

- Hell on Earth - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] ("Sometimes, when you cut a worm in half, it continues to live and squirms away.")

- Rebel Advances* - David Vanacore, Brandon Thompson [KPM Music] ("It was very difficult for me to watch that's disgusting.")

- Close to Hysteria* - David Vanacore, Brandon Thompson [KPM Music] (worm seems to go on forever)

- Hell on Earth - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] ("This thing is actually coming out of an eye.")

- ? (Dr. Schechter removes the worm)

- Tense Strings Rise - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (results from the CDC come back)

- Access Development - Brian Reidinger, Ryan Leach, Darren Drew [KPM Music] (dirofilaria)

- The New Apocalypse - Charles Barnett [KPM Music] ("Dirofilaria worms can live for up to 10 years inside a human host.")

- ? (Carmen placed on ivermectin)

- ? (life cycle of the dirofilaria parasite)

- ? (Carmen likely got the parasite from mosquitos in her backyard)

- Las Mananitas - Guy Lukowski [Cezame Music Agency] (Carmen now wears glasses, and her parasitic infection forced her and Alan to cancel their Christmas party)

- Happy Christmas - Paul Mottram [Audio Network] (they instead have Christmas with their oldest daughter and her kids)

- ? (how to avoid the dirofilaria parasite)

- ? ("Some holiday horror stories can be avoided by following careful advice...others are almost impossible to anticipate.")


- Death Chase 2 - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (case intro)

- ? (Claremont, New Hampshire/Lenny LeClair and Tim White work as a store manager and nursing assistant, respectively)

- Touch and Go - Ernie Halter [Teletunez] (the couple is close with Lenny's sister, Lynn Jungferman)

- Deck the Halls - Paul Mottram [Audio Network] (the weekend after Thanksgiving, Lenny is hard at work)

- Seasons Greetings 3 - Evelyn Glennie, Chris Bussey, Barrie Gledden [Audio Network]; ? (Lenny feels a sharp pain in his abdomen)

- ? (Lenny goes home early)

- ? (Tim and Lenny go to the E.R., where doctors run a C.T. scan on Lenny)

- ? (C.T. scan shows Lenny has a large abscess)

- ? ("Lenny LeClair has been diagnosed with an abscess in his intestine.")

- ? (explanation of diverticulitis)

- Flight - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (surgeon tells Tim and Lynn the surgery was a success)

- Christmas Eve 2 - Pierre-Andre Athane [Cezame Music Agency] (on Christmas, Lenny congregates with his family/Lynn sees Lenny sitting by himself in the recliner)

- Ghostly Child - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network]; Palpitation - Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (Lenny finds himself too drained)

- Nightshade - David O'Brien [Audio Network] (Lenny becomes nauseous during dinner/Lenny and Tim leave early)

- Cardiac Arrest - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network]; Hell on Earth - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (on New Year's Day, Lenny rushes to the bathroom and vomits)

- Techno Spider - Ceiri Torjussen [Audio Network] (Tim calls Lenny's surgeon, who suggests antacids, but they fail to work)

- Trust No One - John DeFaria [Audio Network] (Lenny's condition prevents him from doing his duties as store manager)

- Rise of the Mechs 2 - Dan Skinner, Adam Skinner [Audio Network] (Lenny sees his stomach moving)

- ? ("I pleaded with him to go to the doctors.")

- Bereft - Paul Mottram [Audio Network] ("When someone you love is in that much pain, you feel pretty helpless."/Tim alerts Lynn)

- Journeying - Simon Lambros [Audio Network] (Lynn arrives, and she and Tim try to talk Lenny into going to the doctor)

- Gathering Data - Luke Richards [Audio Network] (Lynn takes Lenny to her personal physician)

- Muted Piano Slapper - Geoffrey Keezer [Audio Network]; Tense Strings Rise - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (back at home, the family receives a call from the hospital)

- Palpitation - Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (Lenny and Tim head back to the hospital)

- Gloom and Doom - Terry Devine-King, Andrew Barnabas, Paul Arnold [Audio Network] (Lenny rushed into emergency surgery)

- Hell on Earth - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (Lenny rushed into the O.R.)

- Electronic Warfare* - David Vanacore, Brandon Thompson [KPM Music] (doctors discover Lenny is full of liquid feces)

- Rises and Swells - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock, Ellie Kidd [Audio Network] (doctors discover the source of Lenny's problems)

- ?; Rises and Swells - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock, Ellie Kidd [Audio Network] ("After 2½ hours of clearing out intestinal leakage across Lenny LeClair's body, doctors identify the true cause of his symptoms.")

- ? (a surgical sponge was left behind in Lenny's colon from his previous surgery)

- Thirty Years Ago - Alexis Smith, Joe Henson [Audio Network] ("I wanted to get ahold of the surgeon that messed him up.")

- ? ("Each year, as many as 6,000 patients have medical equipment left inside them after surgery.")

- American Tragedy - David O'Brien, Johnny Lithium [Audio Network] (Lenny's intestinal leakage has poisoned his body, and for two weeks he fights for his life)

- Exotic Objects - Brian Reidinger, Ryan Leach, Darren Drew [KPM Music] (but then, finally, one morning, Lenny wakes up)

- ? (today, Lenny still has an ileostomy bag)

- ? ("But for Lenny's family, having him back is the best Christmas present of all.")

- ? ("Hospitals in the U.S. employ a range of strategies to prevent surgical teams from leaving medical objects behind in a patient's body.")

- Smoke & Mirrors - Steve Martin (ending screen)

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