Help! My Son is a Leper


- Piano Steps - Mark Russell (show intro)


- ? (Atlanta, Georgia/introduction of Christian and Babette Griffith)

- Dark Quarter - Adam Drake, Neil Williams [Audio Network] (both Babette and Christian work in advertising, but the later's real passion is running)

- A Chance for Thanks - Will Musser [KPM Music] (one day in Spring, Christian and Babette are getting ready to run in the Georgia marathon)

- ? (Christian develops a headache, but runs in the marathon anyways)

- ? (after the marathon however, Christian finds himself in pain)

- ? (Christian's stomach starts to hurt)

- ? (Christian rests at home for three days, but his stomach pain persists)

- ? (Babette takes Christian's temperature)

- ? (temperature comes up 100-101)

- Poison Pen - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik [Cezame Music Agency] (Babette tells Christian to "man up.")

- Nightmares Before Bedtime - Tom Boddy [Audio Network] (the next day, Christian develops chest pains...)

- Heart of Darkness - David O'Brien [Audio Network]; Impending Doom - David Tobin, Jeff Meegan [Audio Network] (...and trouble breathing)

- ? (Babette takes Christian to the E.R.)

- ? (chest X-ray shows that Christian's heart is fine)

- ? (explanation of pleurisy)

- Black Gold Blood! - Greco Casadesus [Cezame Music Agency] (doctors recommend ibuprofin for the pain)

- Pristine 2 - Paul Mottram [Audio Network] (three days later, Christian heads to a meeting at work despite not feeling well)

- ? (Christian struggles through the meeting)

- ? (that night, Christian can no longer bear his suffering)

- Immediate Deployment* - David Vanacore, Joseph Greenier [KPM Music] (Christian shakes while sleeping/Christian's temperature is now 104)

- Song from the Deep 2 (30) - Tom Smail [Audio Network] ("I was scared, man, I was-- I was scared to death.")

- Night Hunter - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (Babette takes Christian back to the hospital)

- Colossus - Barrie Gledden, Richard Kimmings [Audio Network] (infectious disease specialist Dr. Mitchell Blass takes on Christian's case)

- Ancestral Fear - Marc-Olivier Dupin [Cezame Music Agency] (C.T. scan on Christian's abdomen reveals a mass-like lesion in his liver)

- Subway Pursuit - David Vanacore, Brandon Thompson [KPM Music] (Dr. Blass doesn't know what the growth is)

- ? ("Christian Griffith has a massive growth on his liver that's threatening his life.")

- Urgency 3 - Helen Jane Long [Audio Network] (doctors run a series of tests to identify the cause of the growth)

- ? (antibiotics fail to affect the mass)

- Orion 2 - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (the next day, the mass has grown in size, and Dr. Blass realizes what's causing it)

- Ouragan - Denis Levaillant [Cezame Music Agency] ("I had never heard of this.")

- Spirited Away - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (entamoeba histolytica)

- ? ("I just thought it was incredibly nasty."/"Second to malaria, entamoeba histolytica is the deadliest parasite on the planet.")

- Access Development - Brian Reidinger, Ryan Leach, Darren Drew [KPM Music] (the mass in Christian's liver could rupture at any moment)

- Flight - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] ("I thought "He's gonna die, he's gonna die."")

- ? (doctors perform emergency surgery on Christian)

- Immersed - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock, Ellie Kidd [Audio Network] (Christian gradually begins to recover)

- ? (life cycle of the entamoeba histolytica parasite)

- ? (Christian most likely got the infection while running an ultra-marathon in Nicaragua)

- In Name Only - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (two weeks later, Christian is parasite-free, and despite his diaphragm only working partially now, he's still running)

- Mountain Flying - Doug Bossi, Doug Beiden [KPM Music] (how to avoid contracting entamoeba histolytica)


The Hunt Continues* - David Vanacore, Brandon Thompson [KPM Music] (case intro)

- Duetto - Chris Gibbons [Audio Network] (Cuero, Texas)

- Moonshine* - David Vanacore, Dylan Heming, Matt Koskenmaki, Sean Baillie [KPM Music] (Christy Baker is a single mom with two kids, 10-year-old Chandler and 14-year-old Cody)

- Under the Influence - David Vanacore, Matt Koskenmaki [KPM Music] (one late afternoon in Spring, Cody tells Christy he has a welt on his leg)

- New Dawn - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (the next morning, the welt is gone)

- Deliberation (a) - Lee Groves, Peter Marett [KPM Music] (but for the next week, Chandler notices that Cody is unusually quiet)

- Field Operatives* - David Vanacore, Brandon Thompson [KPM Music] (Cody's fatigue persists through the summer/one day in fall, Christy notices Cody with spots on his body)

- Soul Reaper Pulse - Max Concors [APM Music] (explanation of measles)

- Desert Snipe* - David Vanacore, Joseph Greenier [KPM Music] (Christy takes Cody to the doctor's office/doctor doesn't believe it's measles)

- ? (over the course of two long years, Cody sees countless doctors and is given numerous medications, to no avail)

- ? (then, one day, Chandler sees the spots on Cody's skin have opened)

- ? ("Cody Baker's body is covered with sores that are leaking pus and blood.")

- Sweet Sorrow - David O'Brien [Audio Network] (Cody breaks down)

- Hopeful 3 - Jody Jenkins [Audio Network] (Christy rushes Cody to the hospital, where Dr. Michael McLeod takes on his case)

- Why We Fight - Bruno Alexiu [Cezame Music Agency] (doctors run a battery of tests, which reveal Cody's blood, liver, and kidney counts are down)

- Life or Death - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] ("The skin is our defense against infections."/"He was dying, and there wasn't anything you could do to stop it.")

- Driver Drives - Luke Richards [Audio Network] (Cody diagnosed with leprosy)

- ? ("I just thought it was a biblical disease.")

- ? ("Mycobacterium leprae grow very, very slowly.")

- Rainbow Music - Terry Devine-King, Steve Williams [Audio Network] ("Diagnosis of leprosy was very serious for Cody.")

- ? (Cody rushed into emergency surgery)

- ? (Christy and Chandler wait in the waiting room)

- ? ("Cody Baker is suffering from leprosy.")

- Controlled Environment - Brian Reidinger, Daniel Burke, Brian Casey, Darren Drew [KPM Music] (doctor tells Cody's family the surgery was successful)

- Accepting the Circumstances - Brian Reidinger, Daniel Burke, Darren Drew [KPM Music] (Cody wheeled into recovery)

- ? (against the odds, Cody survives)

- Break In at Headquarters - Gerrit Wunder [Audio Network] (mycobacterium leprae can be spread from human to human through coughing and sneezing, but in the U.S., it's most commonly transmitted by infected armadillos)

- Calm Before the Storm - Kes Loy [Audio Network] (Cody remembers coming into contact with a dead armadillo their dog caught)

- ? (today, Cody is back home and in school)

- Southern Bottleneck - Rick Finn [Warner Chappell Music] (however, Cody still maintains the scars from his infection/"People assume that leprosy is like it was back in biblical days, and that they can catch it from anybody who has it.")

- Mysterons - David O'Brien [Audio Network] ("Only about 150 cases of leprosy are reported in the United States every year.")


- ? (case intro)

- End of the World (Instrumental) - Joshua Kramon [APM Music] (Howell, Michigan)

- ? (Brenda and Robert Bansale have three dogs, and enjoy an active lifestyle)

- The Final Chapter (a) - Michael Price [West One Music] (however, lifelong back problems require Brenda to take epidural steroid shots every couple of months)

- Sun Breaking Through (a) - Adam Burns, Christopher Salt [KPM Music] (one day in September, Brenda is training for a big race)

- Time Drift (a) - Gregor Narholz [APM Music] (Brenda notices a rash on her chest)

- ? (a few days later, Brenda returns home from some errands)

- Night Hunter - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (Brenda develops an extreme headache)

- Critical Tension - Philip Guyler [Audio Network] (Brenda's headache lingers into the night)

- ? (an hour later, Brenda develops extreme nausea and vomits)

- Spider Shock - Ceiri Torjussen [Audio Network] ("I've never experienced anything like that before.")

- In the Deep End - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (the next morning, Brenda and Robert see a doctor, who gives her pain medication)

- Journey to the Deep (a) - Adam Saunders, Mark Cousins [APM Music] (but a few hours later, the medication hasn't worked)

- Burned Earth - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] ("I said we've got to go to the emergency room because I can't take this anymore.")

- Champion Within - Charles Desser [APM Music] (Brenda and Robert rush to the hospital)

- Stasis - Paul Mottram [Audio Network] (Brenda falls asleep after being given I.V. pain medication)

- Barbarian - Chris Blackwell [Audio Network] (Brenda goes into a seizure)

- Adrenaline Addiction - David Vanacore, Brandon Thompson [KPM Music] ("After suffering from a series of severe headaches, Brenda Bansale is in the hospital having a seizure.")

- Lost Prophecies - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock, Ellie Kidd [Audio Network] (explanation of seizures)

- ? (Brenda given medication to stop the seizures)

- Slow and Low (a) - Valeriy Antonyuk [APM Music] (Brenda starts to feel guilty for Robert having to take care of her in a home)

- Blockbuster - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (the next day, infectious disease specialist Dr. Anurag Malani investigates Brenda's case)

- ? (Dr. Malani orders a spinal tap, which shows a large number of white blood cells)

- Web of Fear - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (explanation of meningitis)

- Solar Storm - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (Dr. Malani continues analyzing Brenda's spinal fluids)

- Intrigue (d) - Gregor Narholz [APM Music] (Dr. Malani discovers the cause is a fungus)

- Dark Side - Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] ("I didn't really know what to think.")

- Beast of Prey (a) - Ian Livingstone [APM Music] (exserohilum rostratum)

- ? ("At this point, we didn't know if she was gonna make it out of the hospital.")

- Life or Death - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] ("What makes the exserohilum rostratum fungus so damaging, is that it can make the body attack itself.")

- Battle of Asculum - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] ("Once they told me that I risk being just -- it scared me.")

- Conflicting Stories - David Ashton [West One Music] ("Brenda Bansale has a rare fungal infection that attacks the spine...and can lead to paralysis.")

- Personal Reflections - Mark Lasker [West One Music] (Brenda becomes distraught)

- A Swimming Escape (a) - Ian Livingstone [APM Music] (exserohilum rostratum had previously never been known to infect the brain, but in 2012, there was an outbreak of fungal meningitis across the U.S. that lead to over 700 infections, as the result of 17,000 contaminated viles of steroids that had been produced in unsanitary conditions)

- ? (Brenda becomes angry upon realizing it was steroid shots that made her become infected)

- Techwars - Charles Desser [APM Music] (Brenda placed on aggressive antifungal medications)

- Miracle Mile - Bruce Maginnis [Audio Network] (10 days later, Brenda finally begins to improve)

- Arrival of Redemption - Brian Reidinger, Daniel Burke, Darren Drew [KPM Music] (two weeks after first entering the hospital, Brenda goes home/three years later, Brenda is free of the fungus, but is unable to run anymore)

- Intentional Concealment - David Vanacore, Joseph Greenier [KPM Music] (as a result of the outbreak, the United States Senate began processing a new bill that allows to grant the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) more authority in the regulation of drug manufacturing, and to strengthen safety requirements in pharmaceutical facilities)

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Homegrown Enemies (UK)

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