You Left What Inside Me?


- Piano Steps - Mark Russell (show intro)


- Rays - Nigel Glockler [Audio Network] (Splendora, Texas/Helen Barden lives with her father Dennis and two-year-old daughter Sakura)

- Little Flickers - Daniel Pemberton (one fall morning, Dennis runs an errand)

- Inner Sanctum - Michael Levine (Helen checks Sakura's breathing after being unable to wake her)

- Mounting Evidence (Underscore) - Donn Wilkerson (Helen calls 911)

- History Uncovered - James McConnel (Sakura's temperature is 107.5, and soon after, 108.7)

- Nearing Danger - Andrew Britton, David Goldsmith (Helen and Sakura arrive at the hospital)

- ? (Dennis arrives at the hospital)

- Anxious Riddle - Daniel Heath, Joey Peters (doctors run a battery of tests on Sakura/Sakura develops bruises on her body)

- Barcelona Nights - Mike Garson (doctors are still no closer to an explanation for Sakura's condition)

- In Pursuit - Steve Rucker, Thomas Chase (paramedics rush Sakura to a different hospital/Sakura's lungs, kidneys, and liver fail)

- Time Torture - Anthony Phillips (a team of doctors take Sakura up to the I.C.U.)

- Tender - Brian Lock (Dennis tries to comfort his daughter)

- Reality Investigation - Ronni Shaw (doctors perform a spinal tap and discover the cause of Sakura's condition)

- Dark Threat - Bastide Donny, Bastien Roques (meningococcal disease)

- Quiet Desperation - Michael Levine ("When the neisseria meningitidis bacterium infects the bloodstream, it can lead to meningococcal sepsis.")

- Tender - Mark Cook ("My worst fear had come to life.")

- Too Tense - Christopher Franke ("2-year-old Sakura Barden has just been diagnosed with the horrific neisseria meningitidis bacteria.")

- Web of Intrigue - Andrew Britton, David Goldsmith (how the neisseria meningitidis bacteria cause meningococcal disease)

- Unfolding Feelings - Andrew Britton, David Goldsmith (doctors perform a total body transfusion on Sakura)

- Pandemic 2 - Barrie Gladden, Chris Bussey [Audio Network] (Sakura's bruises get bigger)

- ? (Sakura wakes up)

- Hour of Need - Anthony Phillips (doctors must amputate Sakura's limbs/Dennis explains to his granddaughter what will happen)

- Pulse of Fear - Andrew Britton, David Goldsmith (surgeons take 13 hours to complete the amputation)

- Between the Lines - Michael Lavine (Sakura is finally rid of the bacteria)

- Freefall - Helen Jane Long [Audio Network] (Sakura has made a recovery)

- Spiritual Enlightenment - Anthony Sadler, Gaynor Sadler (how to reduce the chances of developing meningococcal disease)


- Swat - Steve Everitt (case intro)

- I Remember - Christopher Franke (Lynwood, Washington)

- Wanderlust - Simon Lambros [Audio Network] (Gayla notices Don is gaining weight)

- Valley of Tranquillity - Chris Egan, Trystan Francis [Audio Network] (Don sees a doctor)

- Fading Hope - Terry Devine-King, Oliver Jackson, Lucas Owenson, Mark James [Audio Network] (Don has a mass that might be cancer)

- Science of Life - Andrew Britton, David Goldsmith (a few days later, Don undergoes emergency surgery to remove the mass)

- Dark Threat - Bastide Donny, Bastien Roques (doctors tell Don he has a 13-pound tumor)

- Flashpoint 2 - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] ("Don Church has an unknown mass growing inside his abdomen.")

- ? (Don's prognosis is good)

- Warmth of Knowing - Billy Conrad, Sam Keaton (Don feels excruciating pain while getting into his car)

- Drone the Beginning - Baxter Poe, Stan Hope, Thomas Hirschmann (Don thinks it's the stitches)

- Unanswered Questions - Andrew Britton, David Goldsmith (Don's pain starts to spread)

- Revolving Circles - Andrew Britton, David Goldsmith (Gayla calls the hospital)

- Cold Blooded Killer - Scott Marcussen (Don discovers a lump on the side of his chest the next morning)

- Time Critical - Takeshi Furukawa (Don and Gayla return to the hospital)

- The Agreement - Donn Wilkerson (over the next two weeks, even the simplest tasks become difficult for Don)

- Revolving Circles - Andrew Britton, David Goldsmith (Don decides he's going to go back to work)

- Posturing (Underscore) - Donn Wilkerson (Don still feels pain trying to get ready to work)

- Imminent Doom - Matthew St Laurent (one day, Gayla hears Don scream from the bathroom)

- Spiritual Enlightenment - Anthony Sadler, Gaynor Sadler (Gayla sees Don laying on the bathroom floor)

- The Agreement - Donn Wilkerson ("Two months after having a cancerous tumor removed from his abdomen, Don's wife Gayla finds him collapsed in agony on the bathroom floor.")

- Inner Workings (Underscore) - Donn Wilkerson (Don and Gayla see Dr. Robert Morgan)

- Mind Movies - Daniel Backes, Peter Moslener (Dr. Morgan sends Don in for an X-ray)

- Too Tense - Christopher Franke (Dr. Morgan finally has the answer)

- Dark Threat - Bastide Donny, Bastien Roques (a 13-inch long surgical retractor was left inside Don)

- Life or Death - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (the retractor was accidentally left inside Don during the removal of his tumor)

- Cold Blooded Killer - Scott Marcussen (Don is shocked/Don goes to a different hospital to have the retractor removed)

- Approaching the Horizon - Andrew Britton, David Goldsmith (surgeons remove the retractor/Don makes an instant recovery)

- Flashpoint 2 - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (roughly 1 in 9,000 surgeries end with a medical instrument being left behind inside a patient)


- Swat - Steve Everitt (case intro)

- Clarity - Ariel Blumenthal (Arlington, Texas/The Lewis family enjoys playing baseball/the family like going to their vacation home near Lake Granbury, Texas)

- Get It Done - Christopher Franke (Kyle plays his first scrimmage game during the first week of school)

- All's Fair - Christopher Franke (Jeremy notices Kyle sweating more as the game goes on)

- Pulse of Fear - Andrew Britton, David Goldsmith (Kyle wakes up complaining of a headache)

- Strategic Thinking - Michael Levine (Jeremy and Julie decide to keep Kyle out of school)

- Ritual - Chris Lang, Eric Cunningham (family sits down for lunch a few hours later)

- Barren - Anthony Phillips (Kyle begins to vomit)

- ? ("Nothing was changing.")

- Barren - Anthony Phillips ("My kids have never been this sick.")

- Past Secrets - Armand Amar (Jeremy and Julie take Kyle to the hospital)

- Real Time - Dolph Taylor, Harry Douglas, Russell Emanuel (explanation of meningitis)

- Dark 1 - Bernhard Hering, Martin Wester, Matthias Kruger (doctors perform a spinal tap on Kyle)

- In Pursuit - Steve Rucker, Thomas Chase (spinal tap reveals an elevated white blood count)

- Apparition - Richard Beddow (the next morning, Kyle seems to stabilize, but develops severe anxiety)

- Woven Web - Anthony Phillips (doctors tell the family it's just what the body needs to do)

- Welcome the Day - Bob Bradley [Audio Network] (the next morning, Jeremy and Julie notice Kyle improving/Jeremy goes to get medications to prepare for Kyle's release)

- Countdown - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik (Jeremy gets a frantic phone call from Julie)

- Find Him - Takeshi Furukawa (Kyle's anxiety attacks get worse, and goes into seizures)

- Refrigeration (Alternate Version) - Hans Engstrom, John Banting (Kyle's seizures "stop."/"Jeremy Lewis has returned to the hospital, where his son Kyle is being treated for what doctors believe may be meningitis.")

- Real Time - Dolph Taylor, Harry Douglas, Russell Emanuel (Kyle suffers a series of uncontrollable seizures for the next 30 minutes)

- Time Critical - Takeshi Furukawa (enter Dr. Warren Marks/Dr. Marks orders a cat scan of Kyle's brain)

- Left Abandoned - Christian Telford, David Edwards (doctors place Kyle in a medically-induced coma/Dr. Marks re-examines Kyle's spinal fluid and finds the culprit)

- Doing the Deal - Mark Sayer-Wade (naegleria fowleri (the brain-eating amoeba))

- Forensics - Bob Bradley, Michael Bradley [Audio Network] (Kyle placed on a powerful intravenous antibiotic)

- Tension in Tarzana - Daniel Heath, Joey Peters ("In Texas, doctors have just discovered that the brain of 7-year-old Kyle Lewis is riddled with the insidious naegleria fowleri parasite.")

- Forensics - Bob Bradley, Michael Bradley [Audio Network] (life cycle of the naegleria fowleri parasite/Kyle likely got the parasite while swimming in the lake during the family's vacation)

- Fragile Waves - Sébastien Roux [Cezame Music Agency] (doctors keep Kyle on an E.E.G. machine)

- Broken and Abandoned - Donn Wilkerson (the next morning, the doctors tell the family that Kyle is brain dead/Kyle baptized and taken off life support)

- A Path Not Taken - Anthony Phillips (aftermath of Kyle's death/"Kyle did more in his seven years than I can imagine to do in a lifetime.")

- Spiritual Enlightenment - Anthony Sadler, Gaynor Sadler (how to avoid the naegleria fowleri parasite)

- Smoke & Mirrors - Steve Martin (ending screen)

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