It Came from a Tick...

 - Piano Steps - Mark Russell (show intro)


- I Remember - Christopher Franke (Shelby, Nebraska)

- Delicate Beauty - Michael Jones, Thomas Chase (Ruth Godejohn has four daughters)

- My Simple Optimism - Matthew Corbett, Michael Wilkie (the family loves being outdoors)

- Dread - David O'Brien [Audio Network] (one morning, Ruth notices a lump on her 2-year-old daughter Emily's neck/lump is still there the next day)

- Dark Void - David Edwards (Ruth takes Emily to her pediatrician/explanation of lymph nodes)

- Heart of Darkness - David O'Brien [Audio Network] (lump has grown by the next morning)

- Life or Death - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (the next day, Ruth sees black rings under Emily's eyes)

- Dark Tides - Anthony Phillips (Ruth takes Emily to the E.R./explanation of penicillin)

- Investigate - Murray Munro (two weeks later, Emily seems to improve/Ruth gets Emily ready for a family day outdoors one weekend)

- Cracking the Surface - Scott Marcussen (Emily screams in pain/Ruth finds a tick in Emily's hair)

- Joker - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik (Ruth extracts the tick from Emily's head)

- Chased By Evil - Robert Bennett (Ruth takes Emily and the specimen back to their pediatrician/tick removed off of Emily was an American dog tick)

- Evolution - Bob Bradley, Paul Mottram [Audio Network] (pediatrician sends Ruth and Emily to Children's Hospital and Medical Center in Omaha/Dr. Archana Chatterjee takes on the case)

- Under Pressure - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (doctors perform multiple blood tests)

- Future Metropolis - Denis Levaillant (Emily and Ruth are in and out of the hospital for the next three weeks)

- Chased By Evil - Robert Bennett (during one visit, doctors tell Ruth Emily has a very contagious disease)

- Dark Tides - Anthony Phillips ("In Omaha, Ruth Godejohn is in the hospital with her 2-year-old daughter, Emily, when doctors wearing isolation gear whisk the girl away.")

- Troubled - Ian Clarke, Simon Painter (tularemia)

- Lost in the Dark - David O'Brien [Audio Network] ("Because Emily had large, open sore, those bacteria could be aerosolized from that ulcer site."/infection could kill Emily)

- Parting Ways - Marti Amado ("I didn't know what to think.")

- Lethal Run - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (roughly 120 cases of tularemia are reported in the United States every year, and left untreated, 60% of victims will die)

- Analysis - Philip Guyler [Audio Network] (Ruth believes Emily picked up the tick during a family fishing outing)

- Waiting Game - Helen Jane Long [Audio Network] (doctors place Emily on streptomycin)

- Diagrams - Helen Jane Long [Audio Network] (Emily's family remains by her side for six days)

- Iceland - Peter Osterberg [Cezame Music Agency] (finally, Emily starts to improve)

- Counting Down - Michael Levine, Scott Roewe (today, Emily is a happy and healthy 10-year-old)

- Patiently - Paul Mottram [Audio Network] (how to prevent a tularemia infection from occuring)


- Piano Steps - Mark Russell (case intro)

- Tracking Fraud - Anthony Phillips (Rocky Mount, North Carolina)

- Clearer - Thornton Jenkins (Chris and Kendall Kobb have two kids, 9-year-old Corbett and 5-year-old Mary Vivian)

- The Unexplained - Frederick Kron, Joanna Balloonknot (one spring morning, Chris and Kendall attend Field Day at their kids' school)

- Dark Pulse 9 - Bernhard Hering, Martin Wester, Matthias Kruger (Kendall develops a severe abdominal pain)

- Fearful - Matthew Harris (three days later, Kendall goes to see her doctor)

- Barcelona Nights - Mike Garson (Kendall has gallstones)

- Ballistics Analysis - Scott Marcussen (three days later, Kendall has her gallbladder removed)

- Mounting Evidence - Donn Wilkerson (surgery is a success)

- Dark Tides - Anthony Phillips (two months later, the family has dinner when Kendall gets up to go to the bathroom)

- Battle of Asculum - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (Chris sees Kendall lying on the bathroom floor in agony)

- Dynasty Madness - Boris Nonte, Ronni Shaw ("Chris Cobb has just found his wife, Kendall, doubled over in the bathroom.")

- Chased By Evil - Robert Bennett (Chris rushes Kendall to the E.R.)

- Tension in Tarzana - Daniel Heath, Joey Peters (doctors tell Kendall that she has a kidney stone)

- Dark Pulse 30 - Bernhard Hering, Martin Wester, Matthias Kruger (explanation of kidney stones)

- Dark 3 - Bernhard Hering, Martin Wester, Matthias Kruger (doctors tell Kendall she will pass the kidney stone within several weeks)

- Mind Movies - Daniel Backes, Peter Moslener (three weeks later, Kendall passes the kidney stone, but the pain persists)

- Dark Threat - Bastide Donny, Bastien Roques (over the course of the next three years, Kendall is plagued by debilitating abdominal pain, nausea, and depression)

- Hour of Need - Anthony Phillips (Kendall finds herself unable to do routine things)

- Lost in the Dark - David O'Brien [Audio Network] ("Kendall sees countless doctors, but to no avail.")

- A Presence Around - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik (one day in late August, Kendall takes her daughter (Mary Vivian) back-to-school shopping/Chris receives a call from Kendal's cellphone while at work)

- Cat Creeper - Christopher Franke (Mary Vivian, who made the call, tells her father she thinks Kendall is dying)

- Darkness in the Alley - Scott Marcussen (Kendall experiences an extreme bout of abdominal pain)

- Covert Tracker - Andrew Britton, David Goldsmith ("I just got really afraid.")

- Highways and Helicopters - Jeffrey Cardoni (Chris calls 911)

- Celestial Pulses - Matthew St Laurent (Chris rushes to meet his wife and daughter in the E.R./tests fail to reveal anything wrong)

- Dark 3 - Bernhard Hering, Martin Wester, Matthias Kruger (doctors send Kendall to yet another specialist -- this one, however, uncovers an important clue)

- Kept in Suspense - Baxter Poe, Josh Mobley, Stan Hope (explanation of jaundice)

- Sinister Angel - Christopher Ashmore, Benjamin Marks [Audio Network] (MRI reveals an abnormality on Kendall's liver)

- Carved Up - Jeffrey Cardoni (Kendall sent to Duke Medical Center in Durham, where Dr. Jeffrey Basile prepares her for surgery)

- Coming Up - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik (Dr. Basile inserts a scope down Kendall's mouth into her liver)

- Awareness - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (doctors stumble upon something)

- Blood Thirsty - Frederick Kron, Joanna Balloonknot (a flat leaf-like appearing object appears in the camera view)

- No Way Back - Michael Levine ("Kendall Cobb has been suffering from a mysterious illness for four painful years.")

- Dark Pulse 18 - Bernhard Hering, Martin Wester, Matthias Kruger (doctors suction out the mysterious object)

- Burned Earth - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (doctors reveal to Kendall and Chris the culprit)

- Full Impact - Dusty Grey, William Smith (fasciola hepatica)

- Time Torture - Anthony Phillips; Tension in Tarzana - Daniel Heath, Joey Peters ("I was so shocked.")

- Treacherous Waters - Jonas Baker ("The liver fluke parasite is a flatworm that can survive in the human body for up to 30 years.")

- Disturbing Veil - Anthony Phillips ("But Kendall's prognosis is even worse than this.")

- Too Many Secrets - Steve Rucker, Thomas Chase (Kendall put on a course of nitazoxanide/Kendall tries to figure out where she got the parasite)

- Stalked and Hunted - Jeffrey Cardoni (the liver fluke is present in over 50 countries, including the United States/life cycle of the liver fluke parasite)

- Aliens Crush Man - Bill Brown (contaminated raw watercress is the most common way for people to become infected with the liver fluke)

- Time to Confess - Scott Marcussen (after three months, Kendall recovers at last)

- Treacherous Waters - Jonas Baker (how to avoid the liver fluke parasite)


- Swat - Steve Everitt (case intro)

- An Inconvenient Reality - Christian Telford (Anchorage, Alaska)

- Precise Motion - Philip Guyler [Audio Network] (Dave Hart and Anne Gore have two young boys, 3-year-old Luca and 5-year-old Tate)

- Strange Meeting - Murray Munro (one day in October, Luca is staying home from school to recover from pink eye/Tate says he feels sick too)

- Patiently - Paul Mottram [Audio Network] (Anne believes Tate just wants to stay home from school too/Tate and Luca stay home)

- CSI - Anthony Phillips (the next morning, Anne takes the boys to their pediatrician)

- Fear Never Sleeps - Tom Howe (pediatrician tests the boys for the flu -- Luca tests negative, but Tate tests positive)

- Critical Tension - Philip Guyler [Audio Network] (results surprise Anne/Tate prescribed an antiviral medication)

- Out of the Darkness - Paul Mottram [Audio Network] (that evening, Dave finds Tate laying on the couch breathing quickly)

- Scary Orchestra Rise - Baxter Poe, Stan Hope ("I started to get really scared.")

- Minor Threat (a) - Baxter Poe, Stan Hope (Anne and Dave take Tate to the hospital)

- Terminate - Anthony Phillips (doctors place on oxygen mask over Tate's mouth, but Tate rips it off)

- Dark Pulse 31 - Bernhard Hering, Martin Wester, Matthias Kruger (doctors X-ray Tate's chest)

- Build to Bang - Steve Everitt (X-rays reveal Tate has both a viral and bacterial pneumonia)

- Time Passes - Barrie Gledden, Steve Dymond, Jason Pedder [Audio Network] (doctors treat the bacterial infection with antibiotics, but there's no treatment for the viral one)

- Safari - Christopher Ashmore [Audio Network] (family waits by Tate's side for three days)

- Unanswered Truth - Robert Bennett (on the fourth day, new X-rays reveal some encouraging news)

- Harpeggio - Lee Groves, Peter Marett (Tate's pneumonia is improving)

- Left Abandoned - Christian Telford, David Edwards (Tate complains of his legs hurting/doctors discharge Tate)

- Synapse Anatomy - Laurent Levesque (two nights later, Anne and Dave are awoken by something alarming)

- The Hive - Christian Telford, David Edwards (Anne and Dave wake up to Tate screaming and crying in pain)

- Ballistics Analysis - Scott Marcussen (Tate thrashes and screams in pain)

- Dark Visions - Boris Nonte, Ronni Shaw ("In Alaska, Anne Gore and Dave Hart wake to find their son writhing in pain.")

- Urban Ambush (a) - Baxter Poe, Matt Novack, Stan Hope (Anne and Dave rush Tate back to the hospital)

- Exercise Caution - Jeffrey Cardoni (Tate given pain medication, but it's not enough)

- Disturbing Veil - Anthony Phillips (doctors administer morphine)

- Hostile Place - Anthony Phillips (Tate's ability to move gets worse, to the point where he is unable to walk)

- Introspective - Terry Devine-King, Tom Peters, Gavin Harrison [Audio Network] (doctors tell Anne and Dave to prepare for the worst)

- Life Cycle 2 - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (doctors look into other possible causes of Tate's condition)

- Determination - Simon Lambros [Audio Network] (explanation of neurological disorders/neurologist orders a spinal tap)

- Blockbuster - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (the next day, the neurologist reveals the cause of Tate's condition)

- Hidden Truth - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (Guillain-Barré Syndrome)

- Tense Convoy - Mark Sayer-Wade (rogue white blood cells are attacking Tate's nerves)

- Hours Alone - Christian Krebs ("Tate's body was attacking itself.")

- Battle of Asculum - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (there's no way to treat the condition)

- Analysis - Philip Guyler [Audio Network] ("5-year-old Tate Hart is in the I.C.U. battling the crippling and incurable Guillain-Barré Syndrome.")

- Treacherous Waters - Jonas Baker (as many as 9,000 cases of Guillain-Barré Syndrome occur in the United States every year, and 30% of sufferers never regain the level of muscle strength they had prior to acquiring the condition)

- Celestial Pulses - Matthew St Laurent (doctors treat Tate's symptoms with painkillers and transition him to homecare)

- Diagrams - Helen Jane Long [Audio Network] (Tate undergoes physical therapy for two months, and finally shows some improvement)

- Freefall - Helen Jane Long [Audio Network] (Tate has managed to work against his Guillain-Barré Syndrome, and now likes to ride his bike with his friends)

- Knowledge and Process - Laurent Levesque (what caused Tate's immune system to attack his own body?)

- Lethal Run - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] ("It isn't known what exactly causes Guillain-Barré Syndrome, however, in about 60% of cases in the U.S., onset of the disorder is preceded by an infection, such as the flu."/Tate's flu infection likely triggered his Guillain-Barré Syndrome, and subsequent reinfections could still trigger a relapse)

- All in the Round - Mark Sayer-Wade (Tate is doing great now)

- Smoke & Mirrors - Steve Martin (ending screen)

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