Something Is Eating My Baby


- Inner Space - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (episode intro)


- Bright Young Thing - Adam Drake [Audio Network] (Honolulu, Hawaii)

- According to Plan - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (Ronnie Cabales serves in the military, and his wife Laura works at a bank)

- Red Rock Canyon - Chris Egan, Trystan Francis [Audio Network] (together, the couple have three children, 13-year-old Jayden, 4-year-old Tyce, and 10-year-old Xander)

- Aftereffect - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (one Saturday morning in June, Laura is in the kitchen making breakfast when Xander comes downstairs not feeling well/Laura discovers Xander has a fever, and gives him a dose of medication)

- Hypnosis - Helen Jane Long [Audio Network] (by the evening, Xander's fever is still there)

- ?; Black Gold Blood! - Greco Casadesus [Cezame Music Agency] (that night, Laura puts Xander to bed in her room to monitor him)

- ? (Xander's temperature is now 105)

- ? (as Laura prepares to take Xander to the E.R., she notices discharge coming from his eyes)

- Close to Hysteria* - David Vanacore, Brandon Thompson [KPM Music] (at the E.R., a doctor diagnoses Xander with pink eye, but also notices a blister in his mouth)

- Dangerous Knowledge - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (that night however, Laura and Ronnie notice a rash on Xander's body)

- ? (over the next 12 hours, the rash spreads at an alarming rate, so Laura calls a nurse)

- ? (nurse believes Xander has hand, foot, and mouth disease)

- ? (the next morning, Laura takes Xander to his primary care physician, who doesn't believe Xander has hand, foot, and mouth disease and suggests he be transferred to the E.R.)

- ? (48 hours after first becoming sick, Xander is tranferred to an urgent care ward)

- ? (spinal tap results for meningitis come back negative/Xander's rash spreads across his entire body)

- ? (Xander transferred to the intensive care unit)

- ? (Ronnie and Laura keep a bedside vigil by Xander's side)

- ? (the skin around Xander's mouth peels off as doctors wipe it)

- Chilling Tale Pno - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, John Kaefer [Ah2 Music] (over the next 12 hours, Xander's breathing becomes more labored)

- ? (the following morning, Xander is transferred to the Kapi'olani Medical Center, where his case is taken over by Dr. Marian Melish/Dr. Melish orders a round of skin tests)

- ? ("All you're wanting for is answers.")

- Lost Oracle - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] ("7-year-old Xander Cabales has been struck down by has been struck down with a mysterious, life-threatening illness.")

- Listed Seveso - Jean-Philippe Dutheil [Cezame Music Agency] (plays upon the shot of the "STEVENS-JOHNSON SYNDROME" text)

- Hanging On - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] ("When she said Stevens-Johnson syndrome, I said "What is that?"")

- Listed Seveso - Jean-Philippe Dutheil [Cezame Music Agency] (briefly plays in between the previous and next track)

- ? (Stevens-Johnson syndrome)

- Circling Menace - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (the condition is triggering Xander's immune system to attack tissues in his skin and the membranes surrounding his mouth, throat, and lungs)

- ? (Dr. Melish believes Xander has a severe form of Stevens-Johnson syndrome called toxic epidermal necrolysis)

- Chilling Tale - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, John Kaefer [Ah2 Music] (Dr. Melish tells the family Xander's chances of dying are as high as 50%)

- ? ("Stevens-Johnson syndrome is a particularly terrifying condition because it can strike without warning, and it can be very hard to detect.")

- Better Plan - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (Dr. Melish now orders her team to carry out a process on Xander called debridement)

- ? ("But as doctors battle to save Xander's life, his parents are left to wonder how he contracted the disease.")

- ? (very little is known about Stevens-Johnson syndrome, but it's believed two of its more common triggers are a viral infection or reactions to medication)

- Night Vision - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (Laura believes the ibuprofen she gave Xander for his fever triggered his Stevens-Johnson syndrome)

- Into the Vortex - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] (for the next three weeks, doctors keep Xander on life support)

- Immersed - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock, Ellie Kidd [Audio Network] (then finally, one day in July, almost a month after he was admitted, Xander awakens, and after a further month of treatment, he finally goes home)

- Little Lights - Terry Devine-King, Tom Jenkins [Audio Network] (today, Xander is still battling the effects of his illness, including photophobia and losing 60% of his skin, but he's back with his family)

- ? ("Stevens-Johnson syndrome is extremely rare.")

- Creepy Feeling Str - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Jonathon Beers [Ah2 Music] ("Some illnesses spread with frightening speed...")


- ? ("...but others inflict suffering slowly over time."/case intro)

- Light as Air - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams [Ah2 Music] (Boynton Beach, Florida/Caroline and Todd Williams have two children, 9-year-old Micah, and 7-year-old Asher)

- Questions and Answers Bass Perc - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Miles Hankins [Ah2 Music] (Caroline is a photographer, and Todd is a general contractor)

- ? ("But something is about to bring them to a grinding halt.")

- Laying in Wait - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (one day in April, Caroline is on a photo shoot of a beautiful home)

- Life or Death - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (Caroline develops bad back pain)

- ? (explanation of cervical spinal stenosis)

- ? (Caroline's back pain forces her to leave the shoot, and for the next days, she experiences sudden bouts of pain)

- ? (Todd believes Caroline's symptoms are due to stress)

- ? (Caroline takes pain relievers for several months, buy they have little effect)

- Indecision No Pno Mba - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] ("For the past several months, Caroline Williams has been plagued with excruciating back pain."/Caroline notices a rash in between her fingers)

- ? (over the next few weeks, the rash starts to spread)

- ? (the rash eventually becomes so severe, Caroline decides to see a doctor, who diagnoses her with dermatitis)

- ? (Caroline uses steroid cream for several weeks, but it fails to work)

- ? (after several months, Caroline notices the rash has even spread to her head, and scratching it results in tiny debris coming out)

- ? (Todd can't understand how his wife is having so many odd symptoms)

- ? (over the next three years, Caroline sees countless specialists, who all give her a variety of undefinitive diagnoses)

- The Creation - Pierre Bernard [Cezame Music Agency]; Bottom Dweller - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams [Ah2 Music] (the bumps on Caroline's scalp eventually develop into lesions)

- Alchemist Pulse - Max Concors [APM Music] (Caroline notices the lesions have spread to her back, and shows Todd)

- Crime Zone - Barrie Gledden, Chris Bussey, Evelyn Glennie, Steve Dymond [Audio Network] ("I didn't know what was going on.")

- ? (by now, Caroline has been suffering from steadily worsening symptoms for six years/through a friend, Caroline learns about and sees infectious disease specialist Dr. Neelam Uppal)

- ? ("For six years, Caroline Williams has been suffering from joint pain, rashes on her hands, and weeping lesions on her back and scalp.")

- ? (Caroline diagnosed with filariasis)

- ? ("Dr. Uppel believes that microscopic worms are triggering Caroline's joint pain and skin lesions.")

- Following a Lead - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] ("One of the scary things about filarial worms is that they can infect several parts of the body.")

- ? (explanation of elephantiasis)

- ? ("The filarial worm can survive in the human body for 5 to 7 years.")

- Investigation - Bruno Pilloix, Lionel Wendling [APM Music] (filarial worms are spread by mosquitoes)

- Clinging On - Christopher Ashmore, Benjamin Marks [Audio Network] (Caroline discovers her dog that they had gotten from Argentina had symptoms of filariasis, and it's likely a mosquito bit the dog and transferred the parasite to Caroline)

- Daybreak Decampment - Will Musser [KPM Music] (the dog was subsequently treated, and no other members of the family have shown any symptoms/one year later, treatment for Caroline is ongoing)

- ? (ultimately, despite it being traumatic, the experience has brought Caroline and Todd closer together)

- ? (how to avoid contracting filariasis)

- Creepy Feeling Str - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Jonathon Beers [Ah2 Music] ("Some monsters hitch a ride via the bite of a mosquito...while others use an even more ingenious trick.")


- ? (case intro)

- Eyebright - Terry Devine-King, Adam Drake [Audio Network] (Tweed, Ontario, Canada)

- New Dawn - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (Josh King and Danielle Chevrier are the proud parents of their 14-month-old son, Daniel, and Danielle is pregnant with the couple's second child)

- Blood Work - Andrew Skeet, Luke Gordon (one morning, while Josh is at work, Danielle notices Daniel isn't his usual happy self, which Danielle assumes is the result of teething)

- Cyber Intelligence - Nick Bardoni, Stephen Warr [APM Music] (the next day, Danielle notices Daniel spitting out the drink from his bottle on his chest)

- Listed Seveso - Jean-Philippe Dutheil [Cezame Music Agency] (Danielle cleans up Daniel)

- ? (Daniel has a 101 fever)

- ? (the next day, Danielle takes Daniel to a local pediatrician)

- ? (the next morning, however, Danielle notices Daniel not sitting up in his crib)

- ? ("I was confused."/neither Danielle or Josh can get a response from Daniel)

- ? (Josh and Danielle also notice Josh is incredibly shaky)

- Intentional Concealment - David Vanacore, Joseph Greenier [KPM Music] ("After battling a fever for the past few days, 14-month-old Daniel Chevrier has suddenly become unresponsive."/pediatric neurologist Dr. David Callen takes on Daniel's case, and believes something is wrong with Daniel's brain)

- Hostile Rants - David Vanacore, Joseph Greenier [KPM Music] (infections of the brain can lead to permanent damage)

- Desert Snipe* - David Vanacore, Joseph Greenier [KPM Music] (spinal tap reveals Daniel has evidence of encephalitis)

- ? (explanation of encephalitis)

- For Whom the Bell Tolls - Oliver Ledbury [Audio Network] (the trigger for Daniel's encephalitis is a mystery)

- ? (Daniel moved to the isolation unit)

- Lost - Laurent Sauvagnac, Stephane Zidi [APM Music] (for three days, Danielle visits her son whenever allowed/Danielle notices Daniel is now unable to see)

- ? (MRI reveals swelling in the parts of Daniel's brain controlling vision)

- Death Star - Nick Ingman, Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (after 48 hours of searching, Dr. Callen comes across a lead to what may be causing Daniel's condition)

- ? ("14-month-old Daniel Chevrier is battling a mysterious infection in his brain."/the cause is Daniel's encephalitis is discovered)

- ? (raccoon roundworm)

- Blood Curdle - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams, Kenneth Eberhard [Ah2 Music] ("They tell us it was a parasite, that had traveled through his body, and was eating his brain.")

- ? (Dr. Callen tells Josh and Danielle that their son's chances of survival are just 50%)

- Abstract Horizon - Paul Bouchara, Emmanuel Binet [APM Music] ("What makes the raccoon roundworm so frightening is its devastating effects.")

- ? (Daniel placed on antiparasitic medication and steroids to reduce the swelling in his brain)

- ? (while praying for Daniel to recover, Danielle is pulled away to give birth to their second child, Genevieve)

- Surveillance - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock, Ellie Kidd [Audio Network] (life cycle of the raccoon roundworm)

- ? (Dr. Callen believes Daniel ate some contaminated dirt while playing outside)

- ? (finally, three weeks after beginning the treatment, Daniel starts to improve)

- Lost Soul - Jeffrey Lippencott, Mark Williams [Ah2 Music] (today, 9 years later, Daniel is still unable to walk and has problems with his vision and speech, but is improving everyday)

- Dust Off and Go - Will Musser [KPM Music] (Daniel is now also the big brother of two sisters, 8-year-old Genevieve, and 2-year-old Ariel)

- ? (how to avoid the raccoon roundworm)

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