

- Sticky End (Underscore) - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik ("A vicious creature is on the rampage.")

- Mutiny Rise - Frederick Kron, Joanna Balloonknot (episode intro)

- Piano Steps - Mark Russell (show intro)

- Matador Enters (b) - Steven Bagley ("Nature is a war zone, and parasites are the enemy.")


- Unanswered Truth - Robert Bennett (September 1998, Massachusetts)

- Damp Alley - Baxter Poe, Stan Hope, Thomas Hirschmann (Christopher taken in for his first eye exam)

- Mystery of the Deep - Sébastien Roux [Cezame Music Agency] (enter Dr. Milliken)

- Dark 5 - Bernhard Hering, Martin Wester, Matthias Kruger (Christopher doesn't want to cover his right eye)

- Psycho Killer - Bernard Grimaldi, Vincent Chaintrier (Christopher's strange behavior continues)

- Born Underground - Ronni Shaw ("At first, Dr. Milliken is not overly concerned."/amblyopia)

- Razor Blade Terror - Alex Kharlamov ("But after taking a closer look, Dr. Milliken realizes the situation is worse than he thought.")

- Danger Awaits (b) - Dom Difilippo, Travis Tee (lesion in Christopher's eye)

- Woven Web - Anthony Phillips (Christopher's retina has been injured)

- Grave Danger - Takeshi Furukawa ("Dr. Milliken doesn't know what caused Christopher's eye damage.")

- Identikit - Jean-François Morin, Nicolas Mizrachi [Cezame Music Agency] (Christopher and his mother walk into the specialist's office)

- Why We Fight - Bruno Alexiu [Cezame Music Agency] (specialist looks into Christopher's eyes)

- Fade to Black - Daniel Backes, Peter Moslener [UBM Music] (Christopher diagnosed with toxocariasis)

- Giving You the Creeps - Daniel Backes, Peter Moslener (what the toxocara parasite does)

- Broken Theory - Sébastien Roux [Cezame Music Agency] (damage done by the parasite is irreversible)

- Terminate - Anthony Phillips ("But he might not be the only one in his family to be affected.")

- Fade to Black - Daniel Backes, Peter Moslener [UBM Music] (parasites hijack the family pet)

- Living Dead - Bill Brown (Durants' black lab could be infected)

- Reality Investigation - Ronni Shaw ("Four-year-old Christopher Durant has been attacked by the sight-stealing parasite, toxocara.")

- The 8th Deadly Sin [Prolog] - Ralv Gielen ("Toxocara is adapted to live inside the digestive system of a puppy.")

- Theories - Steve Everitt (life cycle of the toxocara parasite)

- Under Pressure - Jean-François Morin, Nicolas Mizrachi [Cezame Music Agency] (toxocara doesn't do quite as well in other organisms)

- Iceland - Peter Osterberg [Cezame Music Agency] ("In Chris' case, the parasite made it to his left eye, damaging it beyond repair.")

- Murder Trail - Christopher La Pinta ("But was the Durants' black lab to blame?")

- Damp Alley - Baxter Poe, Stan Hope, Thomas Hirschmann (Jennifer looks through her dog's veterinary records)

- Evil Intent - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik [Cezame Music Agency] (enter Dr. Kevin Kazacos)

- Ballistics Analysis - Scott Marcussen (Dr. Kazacos lets two unwormed puppies defecate in a defined area)

- Army on the Move - Jean Yves Rigo ("Using the data from the experiment, Dr. Kazacos comes to some shocking conclusions.")

- Life Strings - Bernard Grimaldi, Vincent Chaintrier (Chris likely got the parasite from eating contaminated dirt)

- Distant Harp - Daniel Backes, Peter Moslener [UBM Music] (Durants may never know how the parasite infected Christopher)

- The Calling - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik [Cezame Music Agency] (Chris has his blood analyzed/toxocara parasite is dead)

- Cityscape Dreams - Malcolm Kirby Jr (Chris is now 11)

- Identikit - Jean-François Morin, Nicolas Mizrachi [Cezame Music Agency] (Chris and Jennifer now spread the word of importance of of worming pet dogs/how to avoid toxocara)

- Disturbed - Jonathan Jowett, Nigel Mullaney ("For toxocara, finding the right host is the key factor in whether the parasite will thrive."/other parasites aren't so nice)


- Smiling Monster - Guy Skornik [Cezame Music Agency] (Florida, July 2007)

- Dark Web - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik [Cezame Music Agency] ("Steve Sellars is worried about his 11-year-old son, Will.")

- The Rat - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik [Cezame Music Agency] (Will's mom, Peggy, arrives at the hospital)

- Smoke & Mirrors - Steve Martin (Inside the Monster)

- Absolve - Wally Gagel, Xandy Barry ("In Orlando, Florida, 11-year-old Will Sellars is in the hospital fighting for his life.")

- Dead End - Bernard Parmegiani [Cezame Music Agency] ("For Will's parents, the nightmare began one week earlier.")

- Tracking Fraud - Anthony Phillips (Will develops a headache, followed by other symptoms)

- Danger Awaits (b) - Dom Difilippo, Travis Tee (Steve rushes Will to the ER)

- Evil Intent - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik [Cezame Music Agency] ("Dr. Tilleli is the emergency doctor on call.")

- Guesswork - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik (CT scan shows Will's brain is extremely swollen)

- Victims Memory - Lois Blanca [Cezame Music Agency] (doctors perform a spinal tap)

- Music Box - Anthony Phillips ("There is something alive in Will's spinal fluid.")

- Secret Robes - Matthew Corbett, Michael Wilkie (brain-eating amoeba)

- Murder Trail - Christopher La Pinta ("At Virginia Commonwealth University, Dr. Francine Cabral is studying how the amoeba feeds.")

- Joker - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik (amoeba feeding in action/amoeba can protect itself from the immune system)

- Ice Planet - Lee Groves, Peter Marett ("In Orlando, Will Sellars is in mortal danger.")

- From the Shadows - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik [Cezame Music Agency] (Will's immune system works overtime to combat the amoeba)

- Fade to Black - Daniel Backes, Peter Moslener [UBM Music] (Will given antibiotics and steroids)

- The 8th Deadly Sin [Prolog] - Ralv Gielen ("Though Will's parents are praying for the best, the severity of the situation begins to dawn on them.")

- Mind Game - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik ("11-year-old Will Sellars from Orlando, Florida lies in a coma.")

- In Jeopardy - Pete Calandra, Scott Schreer (amoeba is free-living)

- Grim Time Keeping - Baxter Poe, Josh Mobley, Stan Hope (amoeba lives in warm freshwater)

- Under Surveillance - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik [Cezame Music Agency] (Dr. Cabral and her colleagues test the lake near Will's home, Lake Jessamine)

- Horrid House - Christopher Franke (test is positive)

- Bad News Day - Jean-François Morin, Nicolas Mizrachi [Cezame Music Agency] (Will's mother recalls how he got infected)

- Life Strings - Bernard Grimaldi, Vincent Chaintrier (Will passes away)

- Darkness in the Alley - Scott Marcussen ("Most amoebae don't hurt people at all, and in fact the brain-eating amoeba usually doesn't infect people.")

- Police Tape - Christophe La Pinta ("11-year-old Will Sellars only had to go to a lake behind his house to come in contact with a brain-eating amoeba."/70% of America's lakes may harbor the parasite)

- Fade to Black - Daniel Backes, Peter Moslener [UBM Music] (how to avoid the amoeba)

- The Informer - Anthony Phillips ("For the amoeba, being in the right place at the right time is all it needs to find its way into a new host."/some hijackers don't wait around)


- Scary Nuptules - Baxter Poe, Josh Mobley, Stan Hope ("At Michigan State University Medical Center, Dwight Scott is about to undergo an urgent procedure to analyze his spinal fluid.")

- Under Surveillance - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik [Cezame Music Agency] (Dwight has a deadly parasite, one so rare he's the only case in the United States)

- A Case of Confusion - Christophe La Pinta (Dwight's nightmare began almost four months ago)

- Jungle Natives - Baxter Poe, Stan Hope (Dwight goes on a safari in Tanzania)

- Secret Experience - Arnaud Rozenblat, Daniel Finot [Cezame Music Agency] (Dwight starts to feel unwell)

- Murder Trail - Christopher La Pinta (Dwight stops his anti-malarial medication)

- Damp Alley - Baxter Poe, Stan Hope, Thomas Hirschmann (Dwight rushed to a hospital in Nairobi, Kenya)

- Evil Intent - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik [Cezame Music Agency] (Dwight begins to hallucinate)

- Viral Evolution - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik [Cezame Music Agency] (Kenyan doctors recognize Dwight's symptoms)

- Gods of Njajin (b) - Boris Nonte (tsetse fly/trypanosoma)

- Darkness in the Alley - Scott Marcussen ("The trypanosome needs to get to its next victim, and what better way to do that than to hitch a ride inside the body of a fly that feeds on blood.")

- Shapes of Evil - Boris Nonte (Dwight's immune system is helpless to stop the parasite)

- Microcosm - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik [Cezame Music Agency] (Dwight given suramin)

- Grave Danger - Takeshi Furukawa (Dwight flies back to Michigan)

- Dark 5 - Bernhard Hering, Martin Wester, Matthias Kruger (Dwight's symptoms persist)

- Tension Break - Baxter Poe, Josh Mobley, Stan Hope (Dwight's symptoms are a warning system that the parasite is still lurking inside him)

- Identity Theft - Takeshi Furukawa ("A deadly parasite has hijacked a tsetse fly, and infected Dwight Scott with african sleeping sickness.")

- Mystery of the Deep - Sébastien Roux [Cezame Music Agency] (enter Dr. Apoorv Kalra)

- Viral Evolution - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik [Cezame Music Agency] (parasite can cross into the brain)

- Mystery of the Deep - Sébastien Roux [Cezame Music Agency] (it's possible the suramin was administered too late)

- Glitch Glimmer - Baxter Poe, Josh Mobley, Stan Hope (doctors perform a spinal tap on Dwight)

- Darkness in the Alley - Scott Marcussen (results come back the next morning)

- Grisly Scene - Scott Marcussen (test has come back negative)

- The Old Growth Forrest - Chris Lang, Chris Neeser, Eric Cunningham (Dwight is mostly back to normal)

- Grisly Scene - Scott Marcussen: Watch Your Step - Christopher Franke ("Parasites live in every country, in every climate, in every corner of the world.")

- Definitely Bad - Christopher Franke (parasites will be here long after we're gone)

- Smoke & Mirrors - Steve Martin (ending screen)

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Homegrown Enemies (UK)

- The Stabbing - Scott Marcussen (episode intro) - Piano Steps - Mark Russell (show intro) - Cyber Psycho - Steve Everitt ("Parasites a...