The Eyeball Eater


- Piano Steps - Mark Russell (show intro)


- Endless Summer - Barrie Gledden, Kes Loy, Richard Kimmings [Audio Network] (Oxford Junction, Iowa)

- ? (Melanie Smith is in nursing school, and is following in her mother, Rhonda's, footsteps)

- New Dawn - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (one day during her first week at college, Melanie wakes up feeling like there's something in her eye)

- ? (Melanie looks in the mirror and notices the white of her eye is starting to turn red)

- Fright Night - Tom Habes [APM Music] (Melanie heads to class)

- ? (Melanie feels light sensttivity upon stepping outside)

- A Waiting Game 4 - Jody Jenkins [Audio Network] (Melanie calls her mother)

- ? (a few days later, Rhonda takes Melanie to the family's optometrist, who gives Melanie eyedrops)

- ? (a few days later, Melanie tries out for the Varsity softball team)

- Brain Damage (a) - Art Lewy [West One Music] (Melanie misses a fly ball)

- Imminent Persecution (c) - Guillermo Cillero, Jorge Cillerio [APM Music] (sting that plays after the previous track)

- Uneasy - Philip Guyler [Audio Network] (Melanine feels humiliated and embarassed, and returns to her dorm)

- Scary Moments (a) - John Epping, Jeff Newmann [APM Music] (the next morning, Melanie wakes up to her eye feeling more swollen)

- Stream of Solace (a) - William Westwood, Ross Lovegrove [APM Music] (Melanie looks in the mirror and sees her eyelid is drooping down her face)

- ? (Melanie's eye starts to water during class)

- Calm Tension - Didier Rachou [KPM Music] (Melanie calls her mother, and they agree to get a second opinion)

- New Journey - Nick Bardoni, Stephen Warr [KPM Music] (a few days later, Melanie and Rhonda see ophthalmologist Dr. John Sutphin)

- ? (Dr. Sutphin immediately realizes what the problem is)

- Slashing Fields - Fernando Navarro [SOURCE NOT KNOWN] (acanthamoeba keratitis)

- ? ("My first thought was "It couldn't be happening to Melanie.")

- Teeth Grind - Max Concors [APM Music] ("What makes the acanthamoeba parasites so dangerous is their ability to burrow deep into the tissue of the eyeball.")

- ? (Dr. Sutphin tells Melanie she will need to use eyedrops similar to cleaners used in commercial pools)

- Prepare to Attack (a) - Tony Clarke [KPM Music] (the eyedrops will be extremely painful and have to be administered every hour around the clock for four days in a row)

- Red Hot End - Didier Rachou [KPM Music] (back at the dorm, Melanie begins the painful treatment)

- ?; Chess (a) - Laurent Dury [APM Music] (four days later however, the regimen has failed to work)

- ? ("Acanthamoeba parasites are eating Melanie Smith's right eye.")

- Brainstorm - Guillaume Martel [APM Music] (Melanie returns to Dr. Sutphin)

- ? (Melanie and her mother cry)

- Gathering Data - Luke Richards [Audio Network] (Melanie will need a corneal transplant to save her eye)

- Race to Perdition - Tyler Bates [APM Music]; Infection Quickly Spreads - David Vanacore, Joseph Greenier [KPM Music] (Melanie and Rhonda prepare for the former's corneal transplant)

- ? (Melanie wheeled into the O.R. for her corneal transplant)

- Good Hope [#15] - Frederic Sans [APM Music] (the day after her surgery, doctors unwrap Melanie's bandages to see if the procedure worked -- and it did)

- Face Your Fear - Dave Hewson [KPM Music] (acanthamoeba parasites are found in bodies of water all over the world)

- ? (Melanie recalls falling asleep in her contacts one night after studying late)

- The Right Path - John Nooney, David Vanacore [KPM Music] (today, Melanie is a cardiac registered nurse, and has had no lasting effects from her infection)

- ? (Melanie credits her mother for being there for her)

- Foot Chase - Gerritt Wunder [Audio Network] (how to avoid contracting acanthamoeba keratitis)


- ? (case intro)

- Natural Light - Frederic Sans [APM Music] (Topeka, Kansas/Jason and Alisha Gisi have two children, 4-year-old Madison, and 6-month-old Elijah)

- Colours of Summer (a) - Alexander Gray, Robert White [West One Music] (Jason works the night shift at a local manufacturing plant, while Alisha stays at home caring for their kids)

- ? (one weekday afternoon in spring, Jason notices Elijah's face is numb while heading out for work)

- Winding Breeze - James Dorman (later the day, Alisha takes Elijah to his breast-feeding session, where the nurses notice Elijah is acting lethargic)

- World Order - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (Alisha decides to take Elijah to the hospital, and alerts Jason)

- Stand Firm - Chris Egan, Sonia Slany, Paul Clarvis [Audio Network] (Alisha and Elijah arrive at the hospital, where the doctor determines he's dehydrated)

- Pulse of Fear (Groove Only) - David Vanacore, Joseph Greenier [KPM Music] (Alisha notices Elijah isn't reacting to an I.V. being inserted in him)

- Net Spider No Perc* - David Vanacore, Joseph Greenier [KPM Music] (doctors take numerous blood and tissue samples, but the initial results are inconclusive)

- ? (the next morning, the doctors notice that Elijah has no reaction or eye movement, and is completely limp)

- Avoiding Environmental Danger - David Vanacore, Mikolai Stroinski [KPM Music] ("6-month-old Elijah Gisi is in the hospital."/Alisha calls Jason)

- Harp Palpitations - David Tobin, Jeff Meegan, Malcolm Edmonstone [Audio Network] (Jason arrives at the hospital)

- The Search 4 - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (in the I.C.U., Jason and Alisha watch over their motionless son)

- ? (suddenly, alarms go off, and Elijah struggles to breathe)

- Men and Monsters - Nick Bardoni, Stephen Warr [KPM Music] (Jason and Alisha rush to get help, and doctors run in/Elijah placed on a ventilator)

- Surgery (b) - Anselm Kreuzer, Michi Koerner [APM Music] (Alisha sings to Elijah)

- No More Negotiating 3 - Alex Kovacs [Audio Network] (Elijah remains in the hospital another night)

- ? (the next morning, doctors identify the cause of Elijah's condition)

- Rural Prison* - Doug Bossi, Doug Beiden [KPM Music] ("I really had not heard of infant botulism.")

- Nasty Little Creature - Christoph Ebenthal [APM Music] (infant botulism)

- Uncertain Answers - Drew Lerdal, Brian Reidinger, Darren Drew [KPM Music] ("I was terrified to find out that monster is living inside my son.")

- Off the Grid 2 - Luke Richards [Audio Network] ("The neurotoxin released by clostridium botulinum is among the most potent toxins in nature.")

- The Enquiry - Bob Bradley, Michael Bradley [Audio Network] ("Even if he were to live, they were telling me Elijah may have motor-skill issues...possibly the rest of his life.")

- Prescience (a) - Michael Price, Laurence Greed [KPM Music] ("6-month-old Elijah Gisi has been diagnosed with infant botulism...which is causing his nervous system to shut down."/Elijah placed on a specialized antitoxin)

- Diagnostic (a) - Michael Price, Nicholas Hill [KPM Music] (for 24 hours, Jason and Alisha stay by Elijah's side)

- Hand on Heart 3 - David Kelly [Audio Network] (the following morning, Jason and Alisha look for any signs of progress, and give Elijah his favorite stuffed monkey)

- Hand on Heart - David Kelly [Audio Network] (Elijah grasps the monkey, showing he's improving)

- Intentional Concealment - David Vanacore, Joseph Greenier [KPM Music] (clostridium botulinum spores are found in soil and freshwater, but in cases of infant botulism, it's particularly associated with honey)

- Time is Ticking (a) - Nick Harvey [West One Music] (but the family doesn't have any honey, and they believe it could have possibly been from dirt at the park)

- Living the Dream 5 - Terry Devine-King, Adam Drake [Audio Network] (a month later, Jason and Alisha take Elijah home from the hospital/today, two years later, Elijah has made a complete recovery and is developing normally, and is now a big brother to Jason and Alisha's third child)

- Documentary Underscore [#3] - Frederic Sans [APM Music] (how to prevent infant botulism from occuring)


- Prepare to Attack (a) - Tony Clarke [KPM Music] (case intro)

- A Chance for Thanks - Will Musser [KPM Music] (Nashville, Tennessee/Erica Parks works in the military as an air force officer, and is married to Marvyn Morano)

- This is My Life - Luke Richards [Audio Network] (while in the military, Erica decided she wants to become a mom)

- Magical Mystery Box - Bruno Alexiu [Cezame Music Agency] (in March, Erica gives birth to a baby girl by C-section that she names Shannon)

- ? (Erica starts to feel a pain in her lower left side)

- Arctic Ice Melt (a) - Mark Nolan, David Redwitz [APM Music] (the next day, Erica notices the left side of her stomach is slightly larger than the right side)

- Haunted House - Paul Mottram [Audio Network] (a nurse checks Erica, and determines her skin is stretched out because her baby was sitting on one side of her stomach during her last few weeks of pregnancy)

- Desert Snipe* - David Vanacore, Joseph Greenier [KPM Music] (the next day, Erica's torso is still painfully swollen)

- Subsurface Current - Christophe Zurfluh [Cezame Music Agency] (Erica gets up to walk)

- Deliverance - Bill Bruford [Audio Network] (Erica feels a tugging sensation)

- Haunted House - Paul Mottram [Audio Network] (Erica believes her pain is from her stitches)

- Betrayed - Igor Dvorkin, Ellie Kidd [Audio Network] (the nurse brings Erica's baby in)

- Tense Strings Rise - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (Eric almost drops her baby as she's trying to grab her)

- ? ("After recently giving birth, Erica Parks is experiencing shooting pains in her abdomen.")

- The Search Continues 4 - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (Erica is shocked she almost dropped her baby)

- Expiring (c) - Gregor Narholz [APM Music] (doctors increase the dosage of Erica's painkillers, and discharge her the next day)

- Divine Halo - Philip Sheppard, Evelyn Glennie [KPM Music] (at home, Erica tries to lift her baby out of her crib to give her a diaper change)

- Descent into Madness - David Vanacore, Brandon Thompson [KPM Music] (Erica feels a stabbing pain in her abdomen)

- Snake Pass (Desert Theme Part 5) - Laurent Caillon, Teddy Lasry [Cezame Music Agency] (Eric calls her doctor, who changes out her pain medication)

- Subterfuge - Robert Foster, Richard Wells [West One Music] (but Erica's abdominal pain persists, and as the days go by, she also notices she's unable to have a bowel movement)

- Uneasy - Philip Guyler [Audio Network] (Erica's doctor prescribes her laxatives, but they too have no effect/the next day, Erica calls her doctor again/doctor asks if Erica is thinking of harming herself and her baby, greatly upsetting Erica)

- Look for Target - Julien Baril [APM Music] (that night, Erica wakes up drenched in sweat, then 20 minutes later she feels like she's freezing)

- ? (Erica goes back to the hospital)

- Compound Singularity (Main) - Edward Eliot, Yuichiro Oku [APM Music] (doctor checks Erica's vitals, and requests a vaginal ultrasound)

- Dealing Gold - Eric Daniel [Cezame Music Agency] (doctors put the ultrasound wand up Erica's vagina, but something is blocking the wand from moving further)

- Dark Secret - Henri Poch [APM Music] (doctors perform a full-body scan on Erica)

- ? (X-ray technician looks at the scans)

- Asphyxia 3 - Denis Levaillant [Cezame Music Agency] (two nurses and the emergency room doctor are shocked at the results)

- ? ("A few weeks after giving birth, Erica Parks is in the E.R. with crippling abdominal pains.")

- Homicide Victim (b) - Valeriy Antonyuk [APM Music] (Erica's O.B. doctor comes in and tells her something was left behind in her after her C-section)

- ? (a surgical sponge was left inside Erica's intestines)

- Terror Zone 2 - Evelyn Glennie, Barrie Gledden, Chris Bussey [Audio Network] ("I was shocked...I couldn't believe it.")

- Prepare to Attack (a) - Tony Clarke [KPM Music] ("In the U.S., an estimated 4,000 medical instruments are left inside patients every year.")

- Scary Threat (a) - Mac Prindy, Alan Fillip [APM Music] ("My life was on the line, it was very, very serious.")

- Documentary Underscore - Frederic Sans [APM Music] (Erica alerts Marvyn, and he rushes to the hospital)

- Uneasy - Philip Guyler [Audio Network] (doctors wheel Erica into surgery to extract the sponge)

- Majestic Dreams (c) - Aaron Wheeler, Benjamin Wheeler, Emily Taylor [KPM Music] (surgery was successful)

- A Chance for Thanks - Will Musser [KPM Music] (five years later, Erica is leading a normal life, and has a growing family)

- Give 'Em Hell (b) - Alexander Pfeffer [APM Music] ("Hospitals in the U.S. employ a range of strategies to prevent surgical teams from leaving medical objects behind in a patient's body.")

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