Choosing Between Life and Limb (UK)


- Piano Steps - Mark Russell (show intro)


- Raise Your Game - Barrie Gledden, Richard Kimmings [Audio Network] (Oak Lawn, Illinois)

- Counting Down - Michael Levine, Scott Roewe (Kent Carson is a bank manager dating Cheryl Johnstone)

- Circle of Ghosts - Chris Norton, Frank Mizen [Audio Network] (Kent and Cheryl go out on a date)

- Disturbing Veil - Anthony Phillips (Kent starts to feel cold)

- Underworld Drum - Anthony Phillips (at home, Kent alternates between feeling hot and feeling cold)

- Hostile Place - Anthony Phillips (the next morning, Kent wakes up coughing)

- Cracking the Surface - Scott Marcussen (Kent's temperature is 102.5)

- Lethal Run - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (Cheryl urges Kent to see a doctor, but Kent wants to go to work)

- Dark Visions - Boris Nonte, Ronni Shaw (Kent heads to work but doesn't feel better)

- Chased By Evil - Robert Bennett (Kent falls down in the parking lot)

- Why We Fight - Bruno Alexiu [Cezame Music Agency] (Kent attempts to pick himself up, but falls again)

- Chased By Evil - Robert Bennett (Kent's co-worker rushes him to the E.R.)

- Life or Death - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (later that afternoon, Cheryl sits by her phone at home waiting for a response from Kent, and at 4:00 PM gets a call from Kent that he's in the hospital being admitted)

- Nevada Snakebite - Dan Skinner, Adam Skinner [Audio Network] (Cheryl rushes to the hospital/Kent's temperature is now 105)

- Joker - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik (Cheryl becomes scared)

- Blood Thirsty - Frederick Kron, Joanna Balloonknot (Kent's blood and urine tests come back)

- Envy 7 - Dan Skinner, Adam Skinner, Simon Skinner [Audio Network] (Kent diagnosed with legionnaires disease)

- Urban Ambush (a) - Baxter Poe, Matt Novack, Stan Hope (the legionella bacteria has invaded Kent's lungs and bloodstream)

- Unknown Future - Anthony Phillips, Chris White (doctors give Kent only a 10% chance of survival/Kent placed on multiple drugs)

- Chased By Evil - Robert Bennett (blood contamination results in Kent going into multi-organ failure/doctors give Kent vasopressors)

- Dark Void - David Edwards (Kent's limbs start to rot)

- Claustrophobia - Chris Egan, Trystan Francis [Audio Network] (explanation of gangrene)

- Desolate - David O'Brien [Audio Network]; Scary Orchestra Rise - Baxter Poe, Stan Hope (Kent forced to choose between life and limb)

- Blood Thirsty - Frederick Kron, Joanna Balloonknot ("Kent Carson is in the ICU suffering from an extreme case of legionnaires disease.")

- Desolate - David O'Brien [Audio Network] (Kent taken into surgery to amputate his feet and hand)

- Puzzled - Bob Bradley [Audio Network] (Kent sees his amputated limbs)

- New Horizons - Paul Mottram [Audio Network] (after eight months of physical therapy with prosthetics, Kent finally makes a stand for himself)

- Threat Level - Matt Hill [Audio Network] (legionella bacteria is found in water sources/where Kent got the bacteria is still unknown)

- Delicate Beauty - Michael Jones, Thomas Chase (Kent and Cheryl are now engaged)

- Question Everything - Baxter Poe, Stan Hope (how to keep the legionella bacteria at bay)


- Dynasty Madness - Boris Nonte, Ronni Shaw (case intro)

- Breton Lament 2 - Christian Marsac [Audio Network] (Willow Creek, California/Willie Reynolds has four kids)

- Clearer - Thornton Jenkins (the kids' grandparents, Shirlee and Jack, look after them when Willie is away as a tree logger)

- Light in the Attic - Scott Marcussen ("One Friday afternoon in April, Shirlee is at work."/Jack calls Shirlee and tells her he's taken Precious to the doctor)

- Surveillance - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock, Ellie Kidd [Audio Network] (explanation of appendicitis)

- Vampire Playground - Barrie Gledden, Chris Bussey [Audio Network] (Jack tells Shirlee he has to take Precious to the hospital)

- Tension Factor - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (Shirlee rushes to meet Jack and Precious at the hospital)

- Critical Tension - Philip Guyler [Audio Network] (surgeon determines it's not appendicitis)

- Anxious - Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (surgeon thinks it's just the flu, and sends Precious home)

- Dark Pulse 10 - Bernhard Hering, Martin Wester, Matthias Kruger (that night, Precious complains of back and neck pains to Shirlee)

- Cocoon - Evelyn Glennie [Audio Network] (the next day, Shirlee makes the kids soup/Precious gets up to go to the bathroom)

- Chased By Evil - Robert Bennett (Precious falls over)

- Investigations Have Started - Daniel Backes, Peter Moslener (that night, Shirlee prepares to take Precious up to bed)

- Wiretap - Murray Munro (Precious says she's unable to move)

- Evil State - Anthony Phillips (Precious is completely paralyzed)

- Stalked and Hunted - Jeffrey Cardoni ("In Willow Creek, California, Shirlee and Jack Roby discover that their granddaughter, Precious, is unable to move.")

- Build to Bang - Steve Everitt ("I said "I'm taking her to the hospital."")

- Ferro Ignique 2 - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock, Ellie Kidd [Audio Network] (Shirlee rushes Precious to the emergency room)

- Stalked and Hunted - Jeffrey Cardoni (doctors put Precious on a breathing tube)

- Killers Breath - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik [Cezame Music Agency] (Precious medevaced to U.C. Davis Children's Hospital in Sacramento)

- Heart of Darkness - David O'Brien [Audio Network] (Shirlee calls Precious' father, Willie)

- Waiting Game - Helen Jane Long [Audio Network] ("It was hard to see my daughter like that.")

- In the Deep End - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (Dr. Jean Wiedeman takes on Precious' case)

- Core of Corruption - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (explanation of neurologic disease)

- Threat Level - Matt Hill [Audio Network] (Dr. Wiedeman orders an MRI of Precious' brain/Dr. Wiedeman asks Shirley a series of questions, considering polio and West Nile virus)

- The Informer - Anthony Phillips (explanation of the West Nile virus (recycled from There's a Worm in My Eye))

- Threat Level - Matt Hill [Audio Network] (Dr. Wiedeman orders a spinal tap and blood work)

- Paranormalyzer - Jonas Baker (two days later, a doctor from the California Department of Health calls with the results)

- Wind Shift - Kurt Oldman (rabies)

- Time Passes - Barrie Gledden, Steve Dymond, Jason Pedder [Audio Network] ("Personally, for me, it was a tough discussion to have with the family, because we knew that this disease was...almost 100% lethal.")

- The Search Begins - Luke Richards [Audio Network] ("When she said that, my mouth dropped to the table, blew me away.")

- Blockbuster - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] ("Each year, more than 55,000 people die worldwide from rabies infection, and nearly half are under the age of 15.")

- Wind Shift - Kurt Oldman (Dr. Wiedeman decides to put Precious in a coma)

- Stalked and Hunted - Jeffrey Cardoni (Precious also put on antiviral medication)

- Drone the Beginning - Baxter Poe, Stan Hope, Thomas Hirschmann (doctors tell the family to enjoy the time they have Precious they have left)

- The Return of Evil - Scott Glasgow ("But after three days, the outlook still seems bleak.")

- ? (Precious starts to decline)

- Endless Highway - Anthony Phillips, Samuel Bohn (Precious' grandmother Shirlee gives her words of encouragement)

- Joker - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik (test results reveal Precious actually fighting the disease)

- Dead Air - Scott Marcussen (doctors spot Precious moving her toes)

- Silent Heart - Anthony Phillips, Samuel Bohn (Precious, in spite of the overwhelming odds, defeats the rabies virus)

- Reality Investigation - Ronni Shaw (Precious is only the third unvaccinated person in U.S. medical history to survive symptomatic rabies)

- Ace Investigator - Ronni Shaw (how the rabies virus is spread to humans)

- Menace - Debbie Wiseman [Audio Network] (Precious recalls being scratched by a stray cat at school)

- Coming into Focus - Rik Carter (after two months of physical therapy, Precious makes a near-full recovery)

- Clearer - Thornton Jenkins (Precious even enters a rodeo two weeks after leaving the hospital)

- Sinister Angel - Christopher Ashmore, Benjamin Marks [Audio Network] (how to reduce the spread of rabies)


- Piano Steps - Mark Russell (case intro)

- Country Folk - Richard Beddow (Longmont, Colorado)

- Delicate Beauty - Michael Jones, Thomas Chase (Andrew Dauer, despite starting his first week of college, remains close with his mother, Karen)

- Counting Down - Michael Levine, Scott Roewe (Andrew also likes to play soccer)

- Thoughts - David Michael, Lee Pomeroy [Audio Network] ("But three weeks into his freshman year, his hopes for the future get a reality check.")

- Troubled - Ian Clarke, Simon Painter (Andrew finds something in his left eye on his way home from ice skating)

- Scary Orchestra Rise - Baxter Poe, Stan Hope (Andrew heads straight to the bathroom upon returning to his dorm)

- Question Everything - Baxter Poe, Stan Hope (the next morning, the problem is still there)

- Time Torture - Anthony Phillips (Andrew runs his eyes under water)

- Cracking the Surface - Scott Marcussen (a week later, Andrew's eye gets worse)

- Desolate - David O'Brien [Audio Network] (Andrew goes to the Student Health Center/explanation of pink eye)

- Robotic Bugs - Kurt Oldman (eye drops don't do anything to improve Andrew's eye/Andrew becomes photosensitive while playing soccer)

- Quiet Storm - Helen Jane Long [Audio Network] (Andrew phones his mother later that night that he can't play soccer anymore)

- Brought to Life - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (the next day, Andrew prepares to go visit a local optometrist, but needs to have a friend blindfold and guide him to protect his eyes from the sun)

- The Unexplained - Frederick Kron, Joanna Balloonknot ("College freshman Andrew Dauer has spent a month battling a severe pain that has spread to both his eyes.")

- Dark Void - David Edwards (optometrist gives Andrew stronger antibiotics and steroid drops)

- Wanderlust - Simon Lambros [Audio Network] (a week later, the medication has failed to work)

- Claustrophobia - Chris Egan, Trystan Francis [Audio Network] (the next day, the optometrist finds scarring in Andrew's eye)

- Spooks in the Wheel - Anthony Phillips (three days later, Andrew returns to the optometrist)

- Hard Smash Rise (a) - Baxter Poe, Stan Hope, Thomas Hirschmann (scars have expanded)

- Exercise Caution - Jeffrey Cardoni ("College student Andrew Dauer has just been told by his optometrist that he has severe scars on both of his eyeballs.")

- Build to Bang - Steve Everitt (acanthamoeba keratitis)

- Reflex - Bob Bradley, Matt Sanchez [Audio Network] (acanthmoeba parasite is devouring Andrew's eyeballs)

- Between the Lines - Michael Levine (losing his vision would stop Andrew from pursuing his dream to be an engineer)

- Chased By Evil - Robert Bennett ("And I was freaking out.")

- Final Farewell - Marti Amado (Andrew prays for his condition to improve)

- Cold Blooded Killer - Scott Marcussen (optometrist refers Andrew to another eye specialist/his mother Karen joins him for the appointment)

- Illusions 1 - Paul Osborne (Andrew prescribed a painful drug called chlorhexidine)

- Patiently - Paul Mottram [Audio Network] (after four months of the drug, Andrew's eyes finally improve)

- Time & Motion 2 - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (life cycle of the acanthamoeba parasite)

- Out of the Darkness 12 - Paul Mottram [Audio Network] (Andrew's mother assumes he got the parasite from not taking proper care of his contacts)

- Introspective - Terry Devine-King, Tom Peters, Gavin Harrison [Audio Network] (Andrew now wears glasses/Andrew has resumed his engineering studies)

- Strange - Steve Everitt (how to avoid contracting acanthamoeba keratitis)

- Smoke & Mirrors - Steve Martin (ending screen)

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Homegrown Enemies (UK)

- The Stabbing - Scott Marcussen (episode intro) - Piano Steps - Mark Russell (show intro) - Cyber Psycho - Steve Everitt ("Parasites a...