My Daughter Is Losing Her Mind


- Piano Steps - Mark Russell (show intro)


- Country Folk - Richard Beddow (Springfield, Ohio)

- Agent in Charge - Scott Marcussen (Kiera's husband Mike called to boot camp)

- Strange Meeting - Murray Munro (Kiera develops a very throbbing headache while working/medication fails to help/Kiera's mom takes her to the E.R.)

- A Presence Around - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik (doctors prescribe an over-the-counter flu medication/Kiera stays at her parents' house)

- Build to Bang - Steve Everitt; There Is No Escape - Scott Glasgow (Kiera's temperature is 104)

- Cumulus Morpheus - Michel Roche (Kiera has a seizure/Kiera tells her mother she sees "people in the corner.")

- The Unexplained - Frederick Kron, Joanna Balloonknot (Chellie rushes Kiera to the E.R./spinal tap results reveal meningitis)

- Screaming Whispers - Steve Rucker, Thomas Chase (explanation of meningitis)

- ? (doctors admit Kiera and place her on antibiotics)

- Cymbol - Mark Hawkins (Kiera hallucinates a picture of her husband as a demon)

- Toxic Element - Arnaud Rozenblat, Daniel Finot [Cezame Music Agency] (doctor believes Kiera is under stress from her husband being away/Kiera discharged)

- Left Abandoned - Christian Telford, David Edwards (that night, a new symptom appears)

- Dark Threat - Bastide Donny, Bastien Roques (Kiera begins screaming/Kiera believes she's having a baby)

- Mind Game - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik (Chellie takes Kiera back to the E.R.)

- The 8th Deadly Sin [Prolog] - Ralv Gielen (doctor believes it's schizophrenia)

- Tracking Fraud - Anthony Phillips (diagnosis doesn't sit well with Chellie)

- Mind Movies - Daniel Backes, Peter Moslener (Chellie takes Kiera to a different hospital in Cincinnati)

- Forensics - Anthony Phillips (enter Dr. Chris Kobet)

- Mind Movies - Daniel Backes, Peter Moslener (spinal tap results must be sent to special laboratory)

- Floating Above - Michael Levine (Kiera continues to go through fits and rages)

- Dark Tides - Anthony Phillips ("For weeks, Chellie watches on in horror as her daughter Kiera suffers inexplicable fits of delusion in the ICU.")

- Drone Awakening - Baxter Poe, Stan Hope, Thomas Hirschmann (three weeks later, the results come back/Dr. Kobet finds the source of Kiera's behavior)

- Frightening Visions - Laurent Levesque (teratoma growing on Kiera's ovaries)

- Vortex Empire - Boris Nonte, Gregg Lehrman (Kiera's teratoma consists of brain cells/this caused her white blood cells to attack her brain as well)

- Between the Lines - Michael Lavine (removing the teratoma might jeopardize Kiera's chances of becoming a mom)

- Haunted - Rebecca Wiser (enter Dr. Edward Richards)

- Drone the Beginning - Baxter Poe, Stan Hope, Thomas Hirschmann (Dr. Richards performs the surgery)

- Hidden Investigation (Alternate Version) - Vasco Hexel (Kiera's family waits anxiously)

- Giving You the Creeps - Daniel Backes, Peter Moslener (Dr. Richards gets the teratoma)

- Gone Numb - Wally Gagel, Xandy Barry (20% of Kiera's ovaries have been saved)

- In Harmony - Michael Levine (Kiera returns home)


- Swat - Steve Everitt (case intro)

- Clarity - Ariel Blumenthal (Englewood, Ohio)

- Ritual - Chris Lang, Eric Cunningham (the Conleys come home from a basketball game)

- Sinister Angel - Christopher Ashmore, Benjamin Marks [Audio Network] (Ethan begins to vomit)

- Strange Happening - Anthony Phillips (Ethan eventually stops vomiting)

- Too Tense - Christopher Franke (Ethan continues to vomit over the weekend/Rebecca keeps Ethan home from school on Monday)

- Lighthouse Drone - Anthony Phillips (Rebecca has Ethan try to walk)

- Runaway - Steve Rucker, Thomas Chase (Ethan develops a severe pain in his legs)

- A Presence Around - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik (every little movement and touch puts Ethan in severe pain)

- Dynasty Madness - Boris Nonte, Ronni Shaw (Javan rushes Ethan to the E.R.)

- Wired Up - Christopher Franke (doctors believe it's dehydration)

- Scary Throb - Anthony Phillips (I.V. fluids have no effect)

- Dark City - Steve Rucker, Thomas Chase (medical team takes blood samples/Ethan put on morphine)

- Dark 1 - Bernhard Hering, Martin Wester, Matthias Kruger; Blank Space - Alexandre Bazin [Cezame Music Agency] (Javan looks on helpessly for the rest of the night)

- Barcelona Nights - Mike Garson (Rebecca arrives at the hospital the next morning)

- Cat Creeper - Christopher Franke (Ethan's legs continue to swell)

- Fearful - Matthew Harris (doctors start to get worried too)

- Dynasty Madness - Boris Nonte, Ronni Shaw ("Javan and Rebecca Conley are sitting by the bedside of their sick son Ethan.")

- Find Him - Takeshi Furukawa (enter Dr. Vipul Patel)

- Drone the Beginning - Baxter Poe, Stan Hope, Thomas Hirschmann (Ethan has very high CPK levels/explanation of CPK)

- Find Him - Takeshi Furukawa ("High CPK levels often mean that the body's muscle tissue is breaking down rapidly.")

- Exercise Caution - Jeffrey Cardoni (Ethan diagnosed with viral myositis with rhabdomyolysis)

- Something Near - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik (proteins released from damaged muscle tissue can shut down the kidneys)

- Head Rush - Neil Pollard, William Kingswood ("If it was a kidney transplant, if it was losing his legs, we would get through that.")

- Drone from Beneath - Baxter Poe, Josh Mobley, Stan Hope (there's no treatment for the disease)

- One Down - Scott Marcussen (Ethan shows no improvement/Ethan's kidneys completely shut down)

- In Pursuit - Steve Rucker, Thomas Chase (Ethan placed on life support)

- Bummer - Christopher Franke (blood tests reveal Ethan is losing the fight/Ethan's CPK levels were the highest recorded in the U.S. at that time)

- Cumulus Morpheus - Michel Roche ("That was without a doubt, the scariest moment of my life.")

- Doom Alert - Laurent Levesque ("Ethan Conley is in the ICU battling a rare and incurable condition -- viral myositis with rhabdomyolysis.")

- Ace Investigator - Ronni Shaw (virus behind the condition is the same virus that causes the flu)

- CSI - Anthony Phillips (Ethan could have gotten the virus from a number of sources)

- Malady - Kurt Oldman (Ethan lies unconscious in the ICU)

- Drone Haunting - Baxter Poe, Stan Hope, Thomas Hirschmann (Ethan's CPK levels drop dramatically, indicating improvement)

- Relaxed - Jonathan Jowett, Nigel Mullaney (Ethan wakes up)

- Clarity - Ariel Blumenthal (Ethan's kidneys kick back into gear, and he finally goes home)


- Swat - Steve Everitt (case intro)

- Confident - Garron Chang (Palmdale, California)

- Highways and Helicopters - Jeffrey Cardoni (Bill takes a plumbing contract working the night shift)

- Darkness of the Moon - Mark Hawkins (Bill becomes nauseous while on the job)

- No Way Back - Michael Levine (Bill goes into the bathroom and throws up)

- ? (Bill finishes his shift and heads home)

- Something Near - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik (Bill doesn't take any medication)

- In the Mind's Eye - Donn Wilkerson (Bill continues to work)

- Dead of Night - Michael Levine ("A week later, Michele picks up on something odd.")

- Build to Bang - Steve Everitt (Michele hears Bill vomiting)

- Disturbing Bleeps - Xavier Jamaux (Michele and Bill hardly see each other for the rest of the week/that weekend, they prepare for their grocery shopping/Michele notices Bill misspelled certain words)

- Coming Up - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik (Michele takes Bill to the hospital the next morning)

- Crime Without Passion - Steve Everitt (Bill discovers he's lost a considerable amount of weight)

- Ballistics Analysis - Scott Marcussen (doctors discover that the lymph nodes on the left side of Bill's stomach are enlarged)

- Dark Passion - Michael Levine (two days later, the doctors believe Bill has stomach cancer)

- Blood Thirsty - Frederick Kron, Joanna Balloonknot ("In California, doctors have told Bill Wilson that he may have stomach cancer.")

- Iceland - Peter Osterberg [Cezame Music Agency] (Bill tearfully phones his wife about the diagnosis)

- DNA Sample - Scott Marcussen (Bill gradually becomes weaker/Michele forced to be absent from her job to take Bill to his appointments)

- Hours Alone - Christian Krebs (Michele let go from her job)

- Inner Sanctum - Michael Levine (without jobs, the couple must dip into their savings for the treatment/Bill's illness continues to eat away at him)

- Epic Challenge - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik (Bill and Michele see Dr. Hovsep Mahdessian)

- Lighthouse Drone - Anthony Phillips ("At that point, Bill had given up.")

- Guesswork - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik ("In Palmdale, California, plumber Bill Wilson is suffering from a debilitating stomach condition.")

- In Pursuit - Steve Rucker, Thomas Chase (blastocystis hominis)

- Dulcimer Rolls - Anthony Phillips ("Bill's prognosis is dire.")

- Monster Drone; Lighthouse Drone - Anthony Phillips (Bill placed on metronidazole)

- Doing the Deal - Mark Sayer-Wade (life cycle of the blastocystis hominis parasite/"In Bill's work as a plumber, there are many ways for the blasto parasite to infect a new host.")

- Lighthouse Drone - Anthony Phillips (20 years ago, Bill had his spleen removed)

- Troubled - Ian Clarke, Simon Painter (body is more prone to infections without the spleen/Bill takes the medication)

- Tender - Mark Cook (Bill slowly gets his health back/Bill leaves the plumbing industry)

- Sunny Ride - Christopher Franke (Bill has found a new job in building management)

- Sun Rising - Andrew Britton, David Goldsmith (how to avoid the blastocystis parasite)

- Smoke & Mirrors - Steve Martin (ending screen)

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