I Smell Like Death


- Piano Steps - Mark Russell (show intro)


- Big Wide World 2 - Luke Richards [Audio Network] (Salem, Oregon/29-year-old Peter Haggerty works at a paint store, and enjoys the great outdoors of the Pacific Northwest)

- Breath of Light - Philip Guyler [Audio Network] (Peter is the youngest of four children, and remains close to his parents, Peggy and David)

- Bad News - Alex Kovacs [Audio Network] (Peggy and David's oldest son, Matt, passed away the previous summer)

- Enduring - Olivier Renoir (briefly heard before the next track)

- Disquiet - Debbie Wiseman [Audio Network] (one cold night in January, Peter feels a pain in his tooth while eating dinner)

- Light in the Attic - Scott Marcussen (Peter tries to manage his pain)

- Avoiding Environmental Danger - David Vanacore, Mikolai Stroinski [KPM Music] (Peter goes to see his dentist)

- Subsonix - Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (X-rays reveal Peter has a tooth abscess)

- The Big Decision - Daniel Pemberton (doctor decides to perform a root canal in a couple weeks, while Peter takes pain relievers in the meanwhile)

- I Remember - Christopher Franke (two days later, Peter gets ready for work)

- Viral Evolution - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik [Cezame Music Agency] (Peter notices his face is swollen)

- ? (Peter's mother, Peggy, suggests he go back to the dentist)

- Viral Evolution - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik [Cezame Music Agency] (Peter carries on with his routine)

- Abstract Fear - Bastide Donny, Bastien Roques (Peter notices his throat is closed up)

- Hour of Need - Anthony Phillips (on Monday, Peter heads back to the dentist, where he is given a prescription for an antibiotic)

- ? (a few days later, Peter notices a small cut right behind his tooth)

- Orion - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (Peter also notices the wound secreting fluid, but goes to work regardless)

- Unsavory Character - Matthew St Laurent (Peter carries a jar to spit in while working)

- Cardiac Arrest - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (three days later, something jolts Peter from his sleep)

- Electronic Warfare* - David Vanacore, Brandon Thompson [KPM Music] (Peter's throat closes up, and he gasps for air)

- Immediate Deployment* - David Vanacore, Joseph Greenier [KPM Music] (Peter goes to the bathroom, where he struggles to breathe)

- Seedlings - Doug Bossi, Evan Wise [KPM Music] (Peter calls his parents, but when they arrive, they notice he smells horrible)

- Fragile Situation - Igor Dvorkin, Ellie Kidd [Audio Network] (they rush to the hospital)

- Tension in Tarzana - Daniel Heath, Joey Peters (doctors determine Peter has a swelling due to an infection, which is closing up his windpipe/doctors place a breathing tube into Peter's lungs)

- Cardiac Arrest - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] ("Peggy and David Haggerty's son, Peter, is in the ICU and suffering from a mysterious infection that has caused his throat to close up.")

- Choose - David Edwards (doctors medevac Peter to a specialist hospital 50 miles away, where Dr. Ritter Sansoni takes on his case)

- Mind Game - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik (Peter taken into surgery)

- Minesweeping - Jean Yves Rigo (Peter diagnosed with necrotizing fasciitis, caused by streptococcus and peptostreptococcus)

- District 10 - David Edwards (doctors inform Peter's family of the news)

- Pulstar - Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] ("What makes the streptococcus bacteria so dangerous is that they a kind of cloaking device."/40% of all cases of necrotizing fasciitis are fatal)

- The Enquiry - Bob Bradley, Michael Bradley [Audio Network] (doctors remove a significant amount of dead tissue from Peter's throat)

- Crime Scene - Anthony Phillips (Peggy and David see a giant hole cut out of Peter's neck)

- Endless Corridor - Laurent Levesque (doctors perform two more surgeries, but manage to cut out all the infected tissue)

- A New Leaf - Michael Levine (Peter manages to survive)

- Mysterious World - David Kelly [Audio Network] (humans often carry the streptococcus and peptostreptococcus bacteria in their mouths)

- Birds Arrive - Bryce Jacobs [Audio Network] (today, Peter has returned to a normal life)

- Break In at Headquarters - Gerrit Wunder [Audio Network] (how to reduce the chances of contracting necrotizing fasciitis)


- Blood Thirsty - Frederick Kron, Joanna Balloonknot (case intro)

- Organic Matter - Selma Mutal [Cezame Music Agency] (Waterford, Wisconsin/Yvonne and Brain Lauer run a business together as financial advisors, but also love to travel)

- Minor Threat (a) - Baxter Poe, Stan Hope (one day in early Spring, Brian notices Yvonne falling asleep at her desk)

- Plot Theory - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik [Cezame Music Agency] (Yvonne's fatigue lingers for a few months, and then she develops joint pain)

- Under the Influence - David Vanacore, Matt Koskenmaki [KPM Music] (Yvonne visits a specialist)

- Mind Game - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik (specialist believes Yvonne has lupus)

- Tracking Fraud - Anthony Phillips (specialist puts Yvonne on a regimen of steroids and hypothyroid medications/Yvonne seems to improve, and she and Brian plan a big getaway trip to Yellowstone in a few months' time)

- Take the Target Out - Luke Richards [Audio Network] (but one day, while in a meeting with a client, Yvonne starts to develop brain fog)

- Anxious - Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] ("For over a year, Yvonne Lauer has been suffering from fatigue, joint pain, and mental confusion.")

- Abandonment - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (Yvonne and Brian decide to cancel their trip to Yellowstone)

- ? (a few months later, Brian notices Yvonne's work is slipping)

- ? (Brian has a discussion with Yvonne that night about her work performance)

- Forensics - Bob Bradley, Michael Bradley [Audio Network] (the couple go to a new doctor for a second opinion)

- Concrete and Chalk - Jeffrey Cardoni (doctor believes Yvonne doesn't have lupus)

- Clock Stab - Martin Lawrence ("I felt like, after all I had been through, I was now back at square one.")

- Storm Evolution - Paul Mottram [Audio Network] (Yvonne staggers through her mysterious illness for several more months)

- Verdict - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik [Cezame Music Agency] (one day, Yvonne discovers her hair is falling out in bunches)

- Underworld Drum - Anthony Phillips (several months later, Yvonne wakes up to extreme pain in her shoulders and hips)

- Gathering Data - Luke Richards [Audio Network] (Yvonne turns to yet another specialist, Dr. Gregory Brown/blood results finally reveal the culprit)

- District 10 - David Edwards ("I was speechless...I was shocked.")

- Electronic Warfare* - David Vanacore, Brandon Thompson [KPM Music] (Lyme disease)

- Fallen Heart - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock, Ellie Kidd [Audio Network] ("I just collapsed in tears.")

- Cybertex 4 - James Brett [Audio Network] (the borrelia burgdorferi bacteria move through the body in a corkscrew fashion to avoid the immune system)

- Ominous Clouds - Jonas Baker ("This could be a potentially lethal infection.")

- Vertigo - Jacques Cassard ("For over three years, Lyme disease has ravaged Yvonne Lauer's body.")

- Ominous Clouds - Jonas Baker (Yvonne is concerned if her condition can be treated)

- Life or Death - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (Dr. Brown puts Yvonne on a rigorous regimen of multiple antibiotics and antimicrobials)

- Thoughts - David Michael, Lee Pomeroy [Audio Network] (a few months later, Yvonne finally starts to improve)

- Ominous Clouds - Jonas Baker (borrelia burgdorferi is found in blackleg and deer ticks/Yvonne believes she picked up a tick while spending time in the woods)

- Revolving Circles - Andrew Britton, David Goldsmith (today, Yvonne is back at work, and doing her best to lead a normal life, but the bacterial infection remains inside her)

- Delicate Beauty - Michael Jones, Thomas Chase ("She fought her way through this stuff with barely a complaint.")

- Time Critical - Takeshi Furukawa (how to avoid contracting Lyme disease)


- Blood Thirsty - Frederick Kron, Joanna Balloonknot (case intro)

- Sun Flower - Terry Devine-King, Adam Drake [Audio Network] (Parma, Ohio/Pamela Crouse is married and has four children, Stephanie, Kelton, Sawyer, and Caden)

- Bright Young Thing - Adam Drake [Audio Network] ("Caden is a presence.")

- Shaft of Light - David Kelly [Audio Network] (Caden is close with his grandfather, Joe Dagata)

- Back Again - Christopher Franke (one weekend in August, Joe and his wife host Caden at their lakeside cottage to foster his love for swimming)

- A Presence Around - Guy Skornik, Elisabeth Skornik (Joe notices Caden looking pale and not wanting to eat anything)

- ? ("The boy doesn't eat for the rest of the day.")

- Orion - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (that evening, Caden complains of a pain in his stomach)

- Pulse of Fear (Groove Only) - David Vanacore, Joseph Greenier [KPM Music] (Caden develops a fever and diarrhea, and Joe believes it could be a ruptured appendix)

- Ghostly Child - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (Joe decides to take Caden to the hospital, and calls Pamela)

- No Threat Too Big (Synths Only) - David Vanacore, Brandon Thompson [KPM Music] (at the hospital, doctors believe it's just a viral infection, and put in an I.V. to give him fluids)

- Between the Lines - Michael Levine (in spite of his doubts, Joe takes Caden back to the lakeside cottege/the next morning, Caden appears to feel better, and Joe drives him back home to his mother)

- Waiting Game - Helen Jane Long [Audio Network] (but back at home, Caden starts to feel unwell again)

- ? (for the next four days, Pamela tries to keep Caden well-rested and hydrated, but it doesn't help)

- Hypnosis - Helen Jane Long [Audio Network] ("7-year-old Caden Crouse has been suffering from a painful affliction that's kept him utterly bedridden."/Pamela takes Caden to the pediatrician, who thinks Caden just has a stomach virus)

- ? (late one night, Caden begins to vomit)

- Spirited Away - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (for the next few days, Caden's condition prevents him from eating any food at all)

- Screaming Whispers - Steve Rucker, Thomas Chase (Joe visits his ailing grandson, and notices Caden has lost a considerable amount of weight)

- New Horizons - Paul Mottram [Audio Network] (Caden has lost 14 pounds)

- Forest Raider - Anthony Phillips (Pamela and Joe become concerned)

- Dark Threat - Bastide Donny, Bastien Roques (the next day, the family takes Caden to a different pediatrician, Dr. Joann Brewer)

- ? (Dr. Brewer takes blood work and stool cultures from Caden, and discovers the culprit)

- Rising Mercury 2 - Nick Ingman, Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (cryptosporidium)

- Kept in Suspense - Baxter Poe, Josh Mobley, Stan Hope ("I was extremely worried.")

- Hidden Truth - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] ("Inside a human host, the cryptosporidium parasites can produce millions of spores called oocysts, that are then passed into the environment through the host's feces.")

- Strange Happening - Anthony Phillips ("At a younger age, there is more risk of dehydration and malnutrition.")

- Immediate Deployment* - David Vanacore, Joseph Greenier [KPM Music] ("Doctors have just diagnosed 7-year-old Caden Crouse with the deadly parasite, cryptosporidium."/Dr. Brewer places Caden on a rigorous course of antibiotics, and transfers him to home care/that evening, there is no sign of improvement)

- A New Leaf - Michael Levine (but the very next day, Caden starts to improve, and finally wants to eat)

- The Quiet Road U/S - David Das (a few weeks later, Caden makes a full recovery)

- Dirty Planet - Bob Bradley, Paul Mottram [Audio Network] (cryptosporidium can infect humans when contaminated water or soil is ingested)

- Sixth Sense - Orlando Jopling [Audio Network] (Pamela recalls Caden choking on swimming pool water at her relatives' house)

- ? (seven years later, Caden is happy and healthy)

- Hidden Truth - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] (how to reduce the chances of contracting the cryptosporidium parasite)

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