The Backyard Killer


- Piano Steps - Mark Russell (show intro)


- Quiet and Calm (b) - Giovanni Parricelli [APM Music] (Bishop, California)

- Sun Flower - Terry Devine-King, Adam Drake [Audio Network] (Divorcee Katharine Allen has two teenage children, 19-year-old Anna and 15-year-old Jordan)

- New Future Legato [#50] - Yannick Kalfayan [APM Music] (Katharine shares custody of her kids with her ex-husband, David Herbst)

- Sun Breaking Through (a) - Adam Burns, Christopher Salt [KPM Music] (it's the end of the summer, and the kids are with Katharine for the weekend/Jordan sits down to do a skateboard repair project)

- Twisted Mind (b) - Mark Kilian [APM Music] (Jordan complains about not feeling well)

- Deliberation (a) - Lee Groves, Peter Marett [KPM Music] (Jordan complains about feeling achy)

- Dark Moves - Miles Bould [Audio Network] (that night, Jordan struggles to breathe)

- ? (Katharine also notices Jordan's heart beating fast)

- Chronology 3 - Bob Bradley [Audio Network] (the next morning, Katharine prepares to take Jordan to a local health care clinic, but Jordan finds himself too weak to walk to the car by himself)

- Pressure and Time 5 - Igor Dvorkin, Tim Garland [Audio Network] (at the clinic, doctors discover Jordan's oxygen levels are only 86%)

- Prepare to Attack (a) - Tony Clarke [KPM Music] (doctors prepare to send Jordan over for a chest X-ray)

- Calm and Soothing (a) - Gregor Narholz [APM Music] (Katharine alerts David, and he rushes to the clinic)

- Corruption (a) - Anselm Kreuzer [APM Music] (Jordan's X-ray results come back)

- ? (X-ray suggests pneumonia)

- Undercover Unit - Bob Bradley, Thomas Balmforth [APM Music] (doctors place Jordan on oxygen, and run a battery of tests)

- Deep Thought - Erik Lasar [APM Music] (Jordan's breathing difficulties gradually become worse)

- Zero Point - Max Concors [APM Music] (doctors decide to intubate Jordan)

- Bloodwork (a) - Bradley Farmer [APM Music] ("He was scared.")

- Teeth Grind - Max Concors [APM Music] (Jordan medevaced to a specialist hospital 200 miles away, where infectious disease specialist Dr. Dean Blumberg takes on his case)

- Mind Game (a) - Michael Price, Nicholas Hill [KPM Music] (doctors run a specialized blood test on Jordan, which reveals the cause)

- Rural Prison* - Doug Bossi, Doug Beiden [KPM Music] ("It's seared in my's like your emotions can't catch up with it.")

- Life or Death - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (hantavirus pulmonary syndrome)

- Prescience (a) - Michael Price, Laurence Greed [KPM Music] ("Knowing the diagnosis didn't make Jordan's prognosis any better, because hantavirus is a real killer.")

- Trissing - Tomas Miguel [SOURCE NOT KNOWN] ("What makes hantavirus so deadly is the sheer speed at which it multiplies.")

- Sad Feeling - Frederic Sans [APM Music] ("It was horrific, because it's such a fatal disease...that was awful.")

- Needles - Max Concors [APM Music] (there's no treatment for the disease)

- Surgery (b) - Anselm Kreuzer, Michi Koerner [APM Music] (doctors decide to give Jordan newly-oxygenated blood via transfusion)

- Diagnostic (a) - Michael Price, Nicholas Hill [KPM Music] (Katharine and David wait by their son's side)

- ?; Trailerism 2 (60) - Igor Dvorkin, Ellie Kidd [Audio Network] (but despite the doctors' efforts, Jordan only gets worse/Jordan's heart stops beating)

- The Men In Suits - Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock [Audio Network] ("In the I.C.U., teenager Jordan Herbst is barely clinging to life.")

- ? (Jordan's doctors explain they had to shock his heart twice with CPR to get it going again)

- Crisis Society - Julien Baril [APM Music] ("I do remember really clearly, you know, David saying, he said "They're not gonna let him die."")

- Controlled Environment - Brian Reidinger, Daniel Burke, Brian Casey, Darren Drew [KPM Music] (after 4 days on life support, doctors notice signs of Jordan recovering, and decide to take him off the ventilator)

- Flag Waving (a) - Jan Cyrka [KPM Music] (Jordan wakes up)

- ? (hantavirus is carried by rodents, and humans can contract the virus when they come into contact with the infected bodily fluids of a rodent)

- Abducted - Helen Jane Long [Audio Network] (the family believes Jordan contracted hantavirus in their own backyard, from an old piece of mining equipment behind their house)

- Little Lights - Terry Devine-King, Tom Jenkins [Audio Network] (10 days after emerging from his coma, doctors discharge Jordan from the hospital, and today his life is back to normal)

- The Pedal - Adam Drake, Neil Williams [Audio Network] (the experience has taught Katharine and David how important Jordan is to both their lives)

- Undercover Surveillance - Justin Burnett [KPM Music] (how to avoid contracting hantavirus)


- ? (case intro)

- ? (Maui, Hawaii)

- Building Bridges* - Robert Elliott [SOURCE NOT KNOWN] (Suzie Cooney is a personal trainer, and her partner Tommy Callan works in organic farming, and both love to surf)

- Learning More - Didier Rachou [KPM Music] (but although they share their hobbies, their personalities are very different)

- ? (one summer afternoon, Susie finishes paddleboarding with her friends, and returns to her car)

- The Search 4 - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (Suzie notices her lips are swollen)

- ? (Suzie's friends also notice her unusual swelling)

- ? (Suzie also notices her arm is red and hurts)

- Nowhere to Go - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (Suzie stops by her doctor's office, where the doctor gives her an antihistamine)

- ? (at home, Suzie shows Tommy her arm)

- ? (antihistamine fails to work)

- Conundrum 2 - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (a few days later, while she and Tommy are out with friends, Suzie notices her legs becoming irritated)

- ? (Suzie and Tommy decide to leave early)

- ? (back at home, Suzie takes a cold shower, but while taking it feels hot and cold at the same time)

- Combat 2 - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] ("I thought, "How strange is that?"")

- ? ("In Hawaii, Suzie Cooney is suffering from a bizarre rash, and strange sensations of hot and cold on her skin.")

- ? (Suzie asks Tommy to check her out)

- ? (the next morning, while in their home gym, Suzie feels extreme pain on her left arm)

- Firestorm - Luke Richards [Audio Network] (Suzie also notices her right leg appears to be swollen)

- Brain Drain - Bob Bradley [Audio Network]; Lost in the Dark - David O'Brien [Audio Network] (that night, Suzie struggles to relax)

- ? (Tommy returns home and comforts Suzie)

- Sad Reflection - James Dorman (the next day, Tommy takes Suzie to Dr. Frederick Sands)

- ? (Dr. Sands probes Suzie on her unusual symptoms, and comes to a diagnosis)

- ? ("Who heard of ciguatera? I mean, I...didn't even know how to say it.")

- Slashing Fields - Fernando Navarro [SOURCE NOT KNOWN] (ciguatera poisoning)

- ? ("Having something inside a weird thought, to have something that I can't control that is controlling me.")

- ? ("Gambierdiscus toxicus produces one of the most powerful toxins in nature.")

- Eviction Night - Benjamin Beiny [SOURCE NOT KNOWN] ("Toxic powers...debilitating neurological symptoms...I didn't know what to think.")

- Street Pursuit - Luke Richards [Audio Network] ("Maui local Suzie Cooney has just been diagnosed with ciguatera poisoning.")

- Look for Target - Julien Baril [APM Music] (there is no cure for ciguatera poisoning)

- Infection Quickly Spreads* - David Vanacore, Joseph Greenier [KPM Music] (gambierdiscus toxicus lives on marine algae, infects fish when they eat the infected algae, and infect humans when they eat infected fish)

- Southern Lights - Terry Devine-King, Paul Clarvis [Audio Network] (Suzie believes she contracted the disease after eating at a seafood restaurant)

- ? (Dr. Sands gives Suzie painkillers, but they have limited effect)

- The Waking Dawn (Underscore) - Koichi Sanchez-Imahashi, Kenneth Belcher [APM Music] (today, 4 years later, Suzie has learned how to cope with the pain)

- ? (Suzie and Tommy's relationship is stronger than ever)

- Abyssal Grove - Terry Devine-King [Audio Network] (how to avoid the gambierdiscus toxicus toxin)


- ? (case intro)

- ? (Ferndale, Michigan)

- ? (Dan Chicklas works on a cargo ship as the helmsman, and his partner Melissa Duffy works at a health retreat)

- ? (Melissa is a cancer survivor)

- ? (one day in August, Dan returns from a tour at sea to meet up with Melissa at her health retreat in upstate New York/Dan notices Melissa looks somewhat exhausted)

- ? (the next day at the campsite, Dan sees Melissa drenched in sweat)

- Antimatter - Alex Arcoleo [Audio Network] (two days later, the couple returns to Michigan, where the first morning back, Dan notices Melissa not feeling well and takes her temperature)

- Betrayed - Igor Dvorkin, Ellie Kidd [Audio Network] (Dan sees that Melissa's temperature is 103/Dan fears Melissa's cancer may be coming back/Melissa declines to go to the clinic)

- ? (the next morning, Dan checks Melissa's temperature again, and discovers it's now dropped to 94)

- Blind Pursuit - Lorne Balfe [KPM Music] ("Melissa Duffy is suffering from a mysterious ailment that is causing her body to temperature to fluctuate wildly.")

- Foot Chase - Gerritt Wunder [Audio Network] (infectious disease specialist Dr. Matthew Sims takes on Melissa's case)

- ? (explanation of jaundice)

- ? ("It's a pretty significant finding, especially in a relatively young woman.")

- ? (Dan tells Dr. Sims Melissa doesn't have a spleen)

- Feel the Darkness (b) - Adam Saunders, Mark Cousins [APM Music] (explanation of the spleen)

- Cybertex - James Brett [Audio Network] (Dr. Sims runs a battery of tests on Melissa, and places her on broad-spectrum antibiotics)

- Morning of the Attack - Luke Richards [Audio Network] (after a few hours, Melissa appears to stabilize, and Dan goes home while doctors keep Melissa overnight for observation)

- Uneasy - Philip Guyler [Audio Network] (but the next morning, Dan wakes up to see he missed a phone call from the hospital)

- ? (Dan gets up and rushes to the hospital)

- Snake Pass (Desert Theme Part 5) - Laurent Caillon, Teddy Lasry [Cezame Music Agency] (Dan sees Melissa hooked up to life support)

- Numbered Days - Jason Pedder, Ashley Barnes, Douglas Brown [Audio Network] (Melissa is in multi-organ failure)

- ? (later that afternoon, blood cultures reveal the culprit)

- ? ("Babesiosis meant nothing to me, it's just like "Wow, this ain't"")

- Off the Grid 2 - Luke Richards [Audio Network] (babesiosis)

- Pulse of Fear (Groove Only) - David Vanacore, Joseph Greenier [KPM Music] ("What makes the babesia parasite so effective is their ability to avoid the body's defenses by multiplying inside the red blood cells.")

- Stampede (a) - Andrew Kawczynski [KPM Music] (Dr. Sims prepares to give Melissa a blood transfusion)

- Journeying - Simon Lambros [Audio Network] (doctors replace two-thirds of Melissa's blood over the course of three days)

- ? ("In the I.C.U., Melissa Duffy is battling the deadly babesia parasites.")

- Bereft - Paul Mottram [Audio Network] (then, one morning, Dan witnesses something encouraging)

- ? (Melissa wakes up, and a week and a half later, she's allowed to go home)

- ? (the babesia parasite is carried by deer ticks)

- New Horizons - Paul Mottram [Audio Network] (Melissa believes she contracted the infection while working at her health retreat, where she saw a tick/Melissa made a "deal" with the tick, promising not to kill it so long as it didn't go near hear and give her Lyme disease, not realizing ticks can spread other diseases besides Lyme disease)

- Little Lights - Terry Devine-King, Tom Jenkins [Audio Network] (today, a year later, Melissa has made a full recovery from her bout with babesiosis)

- ? (how to avoid contracting babesiosis)

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